My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3234: Choose! !

Tianma City.

Su Jin fell outside the city, looking at the three characters "Sky Demon City" on the tower, and then watching the crowds around him, he felt that something big had happened——

"I heard that the major devil lands, the three caves, including the five houses and eighteen devil buildings, have all come to the sky devil city." A young man in white clothes with long horns on his head slowly patted the white feather fan and said to his companion.

"The magic world cave sky, the mirror moon cave sky, the blue cloud cave sky, these three cave sky also came? Could it be because of the tomb of all beings in the gods?"

"I don't know, three demon adults were sent to it. It seems that one of them is very close to Xian. This time the incident is definitely not trivial, maybe it is related to the Demon God Era."


The places with the most people flow are naturally the easiest to receive messages. Su Jin looked at the young man and felt that the other party had a bit of identity. The family had the least territory in the border and wasteland!

"My friend, when is the devil city so lively?" Su Jin pretended to be suspicious, approached the team of three, and asked with a smile.

The white-clothed young man immediately became vigilant and looked at Su Jin several times. He found that this man had a prosperous magical way, and his whole body was quite extraordinary. He didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly whispered: "Brother Dao doesn't know, something has happened in the Heavenly Magic City these few days. Now we want to open up the Demon God Era and expand the territory of the eternal world, but in the past few days, the above was furious, as if to punish a family—"

Punish a family?

Su Jin was shocked in his heart, but on the surface he looked calm, and then said: "Not long ago, I had a conversation with the stranger in Jingyue Dongtian, and just heard that Dao brother said that Jingyue Dongtian also came, I thought What happened..."

"You, do you know Girl Mo from Jingyue Dongtian? That Girl Mo... Could it be... Could it be..." The white-clothed youth was short of breath and his eyes widened.

"Lord of Cave Sky." Su Jin nodded.

"Brother Dao, my little brother, Lianyun City, Young City Master, my name is Zhuang Yunxian." The white-clothed youth bowed his hands in salute, "These two are the descendants of Tianmen Palace and Blood Nightmare Palace."

"My name is Ye." Su Jin looked at the other two and said.

"Qin Wulang, Heliansun."

After briefly introducing himself, Su Jin entered the city with the three of them. He remembered Mo Hongyu's previous performance. At that time, Mo Hongyu gave up to rescue himself and came to the Devil City, but never left.

Su Jin has no intention of admiring the buildings in the city. He feels that the people in the desolate and devil land have a poor aesthetic view, and there is a dark taste everywhere, such as this street. The red stone in the street is like blood. Use this stone to pave the road and people will be treated. If you don’t grow up mad, you are also mad--

"I just heard from Brother Zhuang that a tribe above was punished by God, what is the origin of this tribe?" Su Jin asked calmly.

"That clan, inherited from the ancients, is said to have won the devil's trust." Zhuang Yunxian said: "This is not a secret. It is said that this clan made great contributions to our devil's promotion. Suddenly, he was punished. It should be offended. Virtuous."

The more Su Jin listened, the worse it became--

At that time, Su Jin had seen Mo Hongyu’s lantern and felt that there was a virtuous aura in it. Originally, this was nothing. He also recruited the evil-hearted Phoenix, and his status didn’t matter, but he felt more and more that Mo Hongyu followed That family is related.

"God's punishment is God's punishment. Now it is important to open up the Demon God Era. This city will come to three demon adults, it should be for the war in a few days." Su Jin smiled.

"In a few days, I will do my best to conquer the gods, but these three demon adults did not come because of the Demon God Era. I heard... because of a girl." Zhuang Yunxian said: "The three devil adults, brought that The corpse of the whole family of witches, a secret inherited from the ancients, will also be revealed in the world because of the blood of this last witch."

"Yes, Brother Ye and Brother Zhuang don't know. I have received news that the witch has been captured and will marry Yan Yuntian, the young master of this city. The body of this witch's family has been laid out as a skeleton by the Eighteen Demon Tower. altar."

Qin Wulang smiled triumphantly, "The three devil adults, bring the sage figure, as long as Yan Yuntian and the witch have a good relationship forever, successfully enters the bridal chamber and the sage figure is contaminated with the witch’s blood, the secrets of this clan will be devil The sage master knows that by then, it will not be said that it is a god, even if it is the heavens, the master of the devil can get involved!"

Su Jin was slightly startled--

Is the taste so heavy?

Su Jin felt a little heavy in his heart. He turned his mind and immediately said, "Three Dao brothers, I still have something to do. See you again when I defeat God in a few days!"

"Okay!" Zhuang Yunxian immediately put his hand over, "When the time comes, please also ask Brother Ye to say something for us in front of the Lord of Cave Sky, so that we don't let us get in the head!"

"No problem." Su Jin laughed, patted Zhuang Yunxian on the shoulder, and disappeared beside the three of them in one step.

After Su Jin left, Zhuang Yunxian's face became deserted.

"Brother Zhuang is a bit reckless, this person may not know the master of Jingyue Cave Sky." Qin Wulang said.

"It's really a bit reckless." Heliansun also said.

"Haha, just take a Dao Fate." Zhuang Yunxian glanced at the two of them, "I'm sure, he definitely knows the Lord of Jingyue Cave Heaven."

"Why can you see it?" Qin Wulang asked in surprise.

"This person has the strength comparable to that of the Great Evil God. Actually, I have doubts about this person, but he just patted me on the shoulder and made me feel fear——" Zhuang Yun sighed: "My Great Demon God is almost going Consummation, Shentian outside can be regarded as a master, comparable to God's Consummation, but he gave me the feeling that he can kill me instantly. It is not surprising that such a person knows the Lord of the Great Cave."


Su Jin feels that he is very calm now, and this calmness often feeds him back to crisis!

The corpse of the Mo Hongyu clan was brought to this "Devil City" by three demon adults. It should be forcing her to appear, but this woman does not seem to know the weight or the real purpose of the above——

Su Jin thought about it.

Now, what should I do? Su Jin appeared on a mountain peak. There were several halls on the mountain peak in which demons were enshrined. He had almost figured out the situation.

First, Yan Yuntian, the young master of Tianma City, wants to marry Mo Hongyu today. It is here in the morning!

Second, there are many masters here, and there are many superpowers coming, the three big caves, the eighteen magic towers and other forces. Among these forces, there are strong ones that he attaches great importance to——

Thirdly, Su Jin felt that the three demon adults were the most important thing, and felt more powerful than the Mo girl in the mirror moon cave sky, that is, more power than the great evil god!

Su Jin's face was solemn.

Su Jin now has a few options. The first is to venture out to find the Mohongyu girl in Jingyue Cave Sky. This woman has now been ruled out of Mo Hongyu, and the Lord of Cave Sky has a vaguely affection for him.

Or go directly to the City Lord's Mansion! This is the most undesirable, probably three demon adults live in it.

Finally, it was to go to the corpse of the Mo Hongyu clan! Eighteen Demon Tower, the whole body of her clan was placed as a bone altar——

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