My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3249: Advise you to be kind


Where is the helping hand!

Mo Hongyu and the Lord of Jingyue, after four hours of rest at this moment, they are already okay. When the three forces came, they both woke up in the tent at the same time——

"You drove into the Desolate Devil City by my side alone, who will support you!" The Palace Master obviously didn't believe it, and asked coldly.

"Friend Di Shi and Demon Venerable Demon, I said you better not annoy them--" Su Jin said strangely.

The Lord of Demon Blood, the Lord of the Terrain Palace, and the Lord of the Holy Demon were all big heads. They had never considered this. They thought that the Ye Emperor was arrogant, so he fought fiercely when he came up, who knew he had a bad mind!

Now many Bianhuang Moxiu all know Su Jin's deeds!

Fight strong with the weak, retreat the three major demons, and save the beauty by heroes! More importantly, he still holds the lives of two demon adults. Now if the three forces here rush to kill Su Jin, if he kills the emperor Mozun Shi and the alien demon before they fall, this pot will be big. !

The strongest person present, the Lord of Demon Blood, although his strength is better than that of Emperor Demon, but the "Devil Blood Cross" does not have much communication with that sage, but Emperor Demon is a big red man!

Therefore, in terms of status, the Demon Blood Lord is far less than Emperor Shi Mozun——

"You can invite meritorious services to you, and are you afraid of offending them?" The Palace Master Yin asked with a smile.

"It seems that this battle is unavoidable, you can take it--" Su Jin motioned.

"Don't bully you! I alone will be enough to destroy you!" The Holy Demon Hall Master stepped directly on the lake, "This Hall Master wants to see and see, are you as godly as it is spread outside!"

A trace of blood-red demon's divine power engulfed the Holy Demon Hall Master. He held a scepter, similar to human bone, but it seemed to be different. There were many secret pattern totems engraved on that scepter.

"When you bow to me, I hope you can still have such a backbone." Su Jin said lightly.

Bow down and proclaim himself?


The Holy Demon Hall Master slowly waved the scepter in his hand, a trace of demon power, like embers of flame, condensed a magic array in all directions!

"Roar roar—"

A total of three hundred double-headed demon dogs jumped out of the magic array!

Su Jin watched calmly and spoke to the two females: "You stay away."

After all, Su Jin strode onto the lake! A **** divine power filled the lake, and his figure seemed to disappear in the blood!

Mo Hongyu and the Lord of Jingyue withdrew directly from the battlefield! Appeared on the top of a mountain thousands of miles away!

"These three forces are notoriously cold-blooded! The fact that the leader of the Demon Blood Cross has not come is already the best news. Ye Di used a different way and Di Shi Demon Venerable to scare them, which obviously did not work!" A bit heavy.

"Leaving from the Sky Demon City during the day, it's so good to return to God directly--" Mo Hongyu was extremely anxious and couldn't guess Su Jin's thoughts. Now she only knew that the matter was serious and the trouble was big!

"How Ye Di is the opponent of these three forces, if he is in the gods, with the help of other mighty powers, maybe he can still fight." The Lord of Mirror Moon shook his head, feeling that Su Jin was very stubborn and would not listen to persuasion.

"what should I do now……"

"Drag, Ye Di doesn't know if it can be dragged to the alien demon lord and the others, the most anxious now should be the alien demon. As long as Ye Di falls here, his life will not be saved."


The kit appeared in Mo Hongyu's hand, feeling that this was a move taken by Su Jin. The Demon Venerable of the Different Way should know what happened here, after all, there is the power of this person's soul on the'Yongling Yushu'!

On the lake--

The Holy Demon Hall Master sneered three times, "I really don't know how those three adults lost to you, you are very weak, weak and vulnerable."

As the master of the Holy Magic Hall, his instincts have always been very accurate, and he felt that Su Jin's strength would not be worthy of lifting shoes for him!

"The reason why I stayed in the desert is precisely because you big demons are very rich. Now this king advises you to leave all the precious things behind, and then leave with your tail." Su Jin walked out of the blood.

"Go to die!" How could the Holy Demon Hall Master stand being yelled at by a weak person, and continued to yell: "Vicious dog from purgatory, tear him alive!"

Three hundred demon two-headed dogs, all roaring, swarming across the void, fiercely—

Su Jin raised his finger and gently stroked the void!

Time and Space Kendo!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

A ray of sword light swept across, and the demon two-headed dog was cut into two pieces!

"What's the situation? How can this realm and strength smash through the methods of the Saint Demon Hall Master?" The Terra Palace Master was taken aback.

"You are in the realm of the great demon anyway, haven't you seen it yet?" The Demon Blood Lord glanced coldly at the Palace Master, "It seems that your Palace has fallen, not without reason."

"Lord Lord is less sarcasm——" The Palace Master was ridiculed, naturally feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, and said quietly.

"Ye Diqiang is strong in comprehension. He has extremely high attainments in comprehending divine art. If you look down on him, I'm afraid you will explain it here today." The Demon Blood Lord said.

The topography palace master wanted to refute, after all, no matter how strong the perception is, there is a fart. The real strong are all pursuing the ultimate in power!

The Holy Demon Hall Master was taken aback for a moment. Even though he was cautious, he had the blessing of the magic circle and summoned the double-headed vicious dog in purgatory. He did not expect that this blow would be easily broken by Su Jin——

"Advise you to be kind, and mix with a group of dogs all day long, where can you go so good?" Su Jin said with a smile.


Although Mo Hongyu and the Lord of Jingyue are thousands of miles away, the condensed scene can still see the battle!

What Su Jin said to the two women was really poisonous to the extreme. He borrowed a group of vicious dogs summoned by the Holy Demon Hall Master just now to laugh at each other. The key is to point fingers at him!

Sure enough, the Holy Demon Hall Master's face was blue, and his whole person jumped up, his body gushing out with vigorous blood-colored demon power, and behind his thin body, a pair of black scaly wings was displayed impressively——

"I don't know if I will pick your head in my hand later, if you can still curse it!" The Holy Demon Hall Master flapped the black scaly wings and felt the power around him frantically rushing into the wings before he continued to roar. : "This technique... is called Holy Demon Slash!"

"Can't take it hard!" The Lord of Jingyue was thousands of miles away, nervous enough to lose his voice.

Holy Demon Slash, can transform infinite slashes, people will not die, this technique will not disappear, but it is the strongest blow of the Holy Demon Hall Master, and the Master of Mirror Moon and Mo Hongyu did not expect the Holy Demon Hall Master to use it so quickly. .

"Leave his head." The Demon Blood Lord said indifferently.

"Boy, it's time for you to stare at--" The Saint Demon Hall Master became excited.

At this moment, the surrounding void seemed to have countless black wing knives, and the appearance of those wing knives seemed to scar the void in an instant, and it was mottled!

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