My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3251: The moon goes to sea

Broken, broken--

The eyes of the Lord of Demon Blood were cruel. His "Thousands of Gods and Demons" contained invincible and indestructible forbidden, but it was swept by Su Jin and was broken into scum!

Obviously, this is the real body of Yedi!

"True body! Kill!" The Holy Demon Hall Master thought the same as the other two people, as long as Ye Di was beheaded, this "Wu Shi Zhong" would become a masterless thing and be taken away by them!

"Great momentum, I sacrifice the Canghai!" The palace lord of the terrain is surrounded by the magic scripture, his own magic path is turbulent, and the lake under his feet, the void of the sky, seems to be able to be called by him at will, evolving a blood color that can cover the sky. Chaohai, to bury the night emperor in it——

"Point Demon Platform! Fifty-three Gods and Demon, now!" The Holy Demon Hall Master slapped his palm, and a square blood crystal "Point Demon Platform" floated on his palm.

These fifty-three gods and demons, as big as bean grains, were rising rapidly in the face of the **** wave when they manifested!

There is a drumming demon, the sound of the magic drum is in your ears, and the loud noise shakes the sky!

There is a nine-armed demon, which is dripping with flesh and blood. When swinging, the demon is mighty, but it is a big murderer!

There are heavenly demons, stepping on nineteen ladders, spreading evil curses, and traversing the space of grievances and scriptures, which have the ability to affect the enemy's mind!

There is a demon with a severed head, with a belly button as an eye, four arms without feet, holding four big fierce demon soldiers, capable of invincible——

Both Mo Hongyu and the Lord of Jingyue looked dumbfounded. Although the hall master of the Holy Demon is the weakest of the three great demons, he only talks about his strength. This piece of "Point Demon Platform" is in the endless wilderness. It is also a famous and most fierce divine treasure! Far from being the "Thousands of Gods and Demons" by the Demon Blood Lord just now, it can be compared--

This ‘dot magic table’ is too strong!

"Unstoppable..." The Lord of Jingyue couldn't bear to look at Su Jin who was surrounded by it. She knew that Su Jin could not resist this blow.

"How to stop this! There is this divine treasure, even if it is the alien demon, they are probably not the opponent of the hall master of the holy demon, these three people have been prepared." Mo Hongyu bit his lip silently , His face was pale.

"What if, isn't this Yedi's true body?" Hope arose in the Lord of Jingyue.

"If you can use Zhetian Mi, there are no fakes."

"Not necessarily." The Lord of Jingyue felt that they couldn't see through Su Jin more and more. The reason they were able to distinguish Su Jin's incarnation was actually because Su Jin's first incarnation was broken, so they came to the conclusion. , But whether Su Jin really played in the battle, from the surface, where can I tell?

The scene of the evil demons in the sky once seemed to return to the vicissitudes of time when they first wanted to open up the era of the demon gods. Coupled with these evil scenes, people feel sad and terrified!

Saint Demon Hall Master, Terrain Palace Master, and Demon Blood Lord, all smiled sullenly!

"Even if you have tens of thousands of lives, you can kill them all under my magic table! What are you fighting with me?" Holy Demon Hall Master laughed loudly.

"Why did the dot magic platform appear in your holy magic hall——" The Demon Blood Lord said in a dark smile.

"Walking on the edge of the wilderness, there must always be something next to you. There is something more precious than mine in the Demon Blood Cross." The Holy Demon Hall Master was very proud.


Fifty-three fierce demons that emerged, sucked out all the power in the magic platform. These fierce demons were so powerful that they cut the enemy into thousands of brilliance in a blink of an eye!


The smile on the face of the Saint Demon Hall Master froze, and the scene was silent for a while...

"Why! Why is it still an incarnation!" The Holy Demon Hall Master said completely mad.

"I said, you three are really rich, this king is staying in the desert, just waiting for the arrival of stupid people like you--" Su Jin turned into a magic rainbow and stopped in the void again.

"Dead!" Holy Demon Hall Master's body burst into full light, and instantly appeared beside'Su Jin', stunned severely with one hand, and completely shook him into a little brilliance.

"Anxious? Don't worry, where is this still?" Another avatar of Su Jin appeared on the other side.

Kill kill kill!

Saint Demon Hall keeps chasing and killing, but every time it kills, it will find that it is an incarnation. Now even if it is him, he is a little overwhelmed, panting and roaring in the void! He is very annoyed!

"Your speed needs to be mentioned--" Su Jin interlaced his arms in front of him, "It took so long to behead this king's thirteen incarnations, and this king is not afraid to tell you that I have three thousand shadow incarnations. , Keep going~~~"

Three thousand shadow avatars!

Holy Demon Hall Master, Terrain Palace Master and Demon Blood Lord, now I really want to swear!

They found that the time spent trying to kill Su Jin was all in vain! In vain!

"You must find his true body!" The Demon Blood Lord said with a solemn expression.

"He has been playing around with us for so long, he must be found! Then he will be crushed to death, and he will be unloaded!" The Palace Master said angrily.

"Look for his true body! Lord Lord, look for it—" Saint Demon Hall Master said.

The key is how to find it?

He knew that Su Jin was nearby, but he couldn't even feel the slightest breath!

The Demon Blood Lord hesitated slightly, and said with cold eyes: "I will try."

When the words fell, the Lord of Demon Blood turned his hand and took out a black compass. This compass was like a stone. Once it appeared, strands of charm turned into **** handwriting, floating above the compass.

After working hard for a while, the sweat of the Demon Blood Lord was rushed out, and he could only give up and announced that the search had failed!

Su Jin yawned. He didn't yawn. Even if these three big demons have divine pupils, they may not be able to find where he really is. Is ‘the wordless secret of heaven’ a false name?

"Can't it?" The Saint Demon Hall Master had a black face, he felt that Su Jin was really difficult to deal with——

Three thousand avatars, if you want to cut them down like this, you have to cut them to the year of the monkey?

Just when the three great demons were hesitant, the light appeared!

Of course, this is not the dawn of the Demon Blood Lords——

In the dim northern void, there were bursts of rumbling noises, and from a distance, a snow-white wave appeared. The northern void was evolving, like a sea!

There is a magnificent huge boat, riding the wind and waves, rolling in!

The Lord of the Demon Blood, the Lord of the Terrain Palace, and the Lord of the Holy Demon all changed their faces! Under this circumstance, they can't get out and leave at all, after all, their tripartite forces also have to face it!

"Alien Demon Lord, Moon Sea!" The Holy Demon Hall Master was very unwilling.

"It is rumored that the two demon veterans rushed to the moon sea, wanting to invite the woman who can eclipse the heavens, the earth and the stars. That is the brightest little moon in the moon sea, with a flourishing face." This dynasty is unfavorable for being a teacher, only to blame that Yedi is extremely cunning!

"The jewel of the moon sea, the little moon's radiance overwhelms the star and the moon, but the two demon lords on this trip must exchange the little moon for the two drops of devil blood. If the transaction fails, we still have Chance!" The Demon Blood Lord clenched his fist and said.

Is it coming?

The master of Mo Hongyu and Jingyue, with complex faces, that little moon came out to sea after all!

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