My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3288: why you

The profound and beautiful starry sky, after Ye Di’s words of seeking for the wise, seemed to become dreamy——

Find the best! is it possible?

Whether it is possible or not, Ye Di, after taking that step, is a legend! Death is also a legend!

"Everything you do has to be exchanged for the price of falling. It's not worth it!" The Holy Fire Lotus Master is full of regrets. She knows that it is difficult to persuade Ye Di to turn back, and reality does not allow Ye Di to turn back. The whole side Huang, who would have expected such a tragic result!


In the dark night, a guillotine dripping with blood, like a ‘Ferris wheel’ in the prosperous paradise, suddenly manifested in this red sky!

Are there any corpses on the guillotine? That was the scene after the Dark Lord was beheaded. At that time, no one except Hua Jieyu knew about this scene, but now in this world, there is something strange floating in the hearts of everyone——

Ghost paradise, guillotine!

Su Jin's gaze retracted from the three and a half-sages, and he began to look straight ahead. On the starry sky road in front of him, the star giant suddenly broke down, and that step was like a step across the sky, across time and space!

"Thank you--" The Lord of the Holy Fire Lotus with long hair fluttered, holding both hands, holding out a Secret Code of Gods and Demons. When the red Secret Code was manifested, a portal was summoned by her. She almost didn't even think about it, so she took a few Female, walked in without looking back!

It's not that the Holy Fire Lotus Lord is unwilling to save those three and a half sages!

But not!

The scene before leaving was too terrifying, except for the Holy Fire Lotus Master, everything seemed to be still! Thousands of things seem to be involuntarily involuntarily, even the far-away Fan Chong and other dozens of extreme demons seem to be inexplicably grasped by this void, struggling in the void, it is difficult to escape!


Su Jin's face was bloodless, he felt the same way when the star giant broke down, and the main divine bones of his entire body were all broken under that huge pressure!

"In this life, it is a great pity that you can't seal the heavens and cut the heavens!"

After Su Jin roared, he still took that step! The star giant roared up to the sky, and finally stepped on the fourth star of Ten Stars! This starry sky road paved by ten stars seemed to burst into glory in the first place!

Countless people have seen a terrifying scene when visible to the naked eye!

The star giant rose again and again! A circular starlight barrier shrouded it, the destructive brilliance, as the space burst, began to sweep across all directions!

Candle Demon Li Zhao, Nine Phase Demon Ancestor, Tongxin Ancient Demon instantly freezes on the spot! Half-sage monster, half-sage strong, directly turned into three strands of black ash in the void!

Half-sage, dead!

One death or three!

The terrible destruction continues to spread--

With the star giant as the center, a shock wave sweeping across all directions turned up one piece of earth after another. From the naked eye, a mountain range connected to a mountain range began to rise. This blow not only destroyed three and a half sages, but also expanded its scope to Unimaginable point!

"Is the paradise of ghosts and gods going to be opened?" Outside the border, more than one demon who went to war thought.

"The Devil God Era has not been successfully opened yet, but Ye Di has stolen his home now! Is it really correct to open the Era this time?"

"Xian, due to the prestige of the **** ancestor Ji that day, he really didn't take action against the Ye Emperor, letting the origin of the ghost king of the Ye Emperor fall in the wilderness! We are in the wilderness, and we are about to enter the eternal night——"

"Emperor Ye destroyed the devil's plan at the cost of one person. Damn it! Even if the Emperor Wu Shi was in the midst of prosperity, he was far from reaching this point. That Tianhe, that piece of Tianshan divine veins will be eternal on my side. Shame scars!"

"The gods, the heavens, and the great powers are all fighting fiercely! With these people on the expedition, it is impossible to open a new era. Let's, what should we do next!"



At the moment, in the Great Moon Imperial City! Tongtian Temple!

The divine light of a column of crystal clear glaze, like a straight line, shot directly into the sky, and the clouds of the entire Great Moon Kingdom seemed to be stirred!

"What's going on!" The horse fleas in the imperial city were in chaos. Why was there such a terrible movement in this Tongtian Hall!

"Now that Emperor Ye is not in Tongtian Hall, it would be easy to explain if he is there, but how did this terrifying energy be emitted?"

"This column of crystal light, flowing with the extremely long-lasting vicissitudes of life, is definitely not owned by my god! Is it possible that a foreign powerhouse has come?"

"Foreign powerhouses don't have such a huge energy! This kind of power has already surpassed the sages. Could it be that there are secrets hidden in the Tongtian Temple!"




Tongtian Hall, Princess Wuyou and others were also panicked, knowing where the problem was!

That ice coffin--

The ice coffin that contains Mo Hongyu's body, that column of crystal light is emitted from this! Even the Ice Profound Palace Master who gave the coffin was directly stunned. The ice coffin she prepared for herself was nothing strange. The crystal light that pierced the sky was definitely not because of the coffin body!

When almost everyone was dumbfounded, the ice light floated up strangely and crashed into a big hole above the Tongtian Hall. This ice coffin was directly to be led by the crystal light and rushed to the sky!

Another place, the borderland!

After Su Jin took that step, his consciousness was almost confused. The scene in his mind, thousands of times, the only thing he could feel was the position of the body's qi sea, which was emitting a hot temperature!


The three ancient bells shrank directly and flew around Su Jin's waist. He was still in the confusion of consciousness. This was also not what he did! What's even more incredible is yet to come!

After the star giant stepped out, his body could no longer be stable. The tree of enlightenment planted on the monument of life was swaying the crown of the tree. The body of the monument shrank quickly and directly penetrated into the eye of the emperor. A piece of glazed light, like a comet, rushed towards the heavens--

"Ye Di!"

Countless people exclaimed, Yedi now knows his life and death, but Dao's body was photographed by an inexplicable force, and directly rushed high into the sky with the ice coffin where the red fish was buried!

At the top of the crystal pillars, there was a woman who was struggling constantly. She was also caught by unshakable power, and the clouds above the Great Moon Kingdom seemed to turn into a crystal-like ethereal color!

The young Huangdi, Dashuai and other strong men all saw a scene that shocked the world!

That crystal cloud, like a mirror, reflected a terrifying place——

In the sky, the reflected scene seems to be a piece of the ultimate god, with the vicissitudes of life lying on the side of the Buddha, there are dilapidated gods faintly connected, and the pre-Era gods, and the broken gods appear!

"Momentary God Realm!" The commander and Emperor Huang screamed in unison, unable to believe what they saw!

Mo Hongyu is buried in the ice coffin, why is there a light to attract! Why can she manifest the scene of God's Realm in an instant! The ‘Queen God’s Realm’ is one of the highest God’s realms!

"I should have noticed long ago--" Bingxuan Palace's master turned pale, and murmured: "Not long ago, I saw Mohongyu in the coffin with a kit on his waist. At that time, the kit was already shimmering. I just treat it as an illusion!"

Although I don't know what is in the kit, Mo Hongyu has been elusive, and it is confirmed that he has passed away, but why does the kit shine! This piece of crystal pillar is definitely related to that tip!

Above the sky, there are many complicated women!

Although this light of enlightenment was emitted from the Supreme God's Domain, she never wanted to leave the borderland! But, she can do nothing--

"It's not dead..." When this woman saw the dead body of Yedi Dao, she was itchy. When she looked at the ice coffin again, there was even a little jealous look in her eyes, Yedi For this girl, I really spared everything.

Evil-hearted Phoenix sees this, her heart is anxious, she soars into the sky, turning into a dazzling black phoenix, beside the half emperor, trying to hold the Yedi Dao body, but she can't pull it back at all, and can't stop all this happening!

Ye Di's Taoist body, as if it possesses a tens of thousands of pounds, is bathed in crystal light, and the evil spirit Phoenix's Taoism is not enough, and it is impossible to see whether the Ye Emperor is alive or dead!

The ice coffin was spinning slightly, and the Evil Heart Phoenix was anxious and screamed several times. She felt that she was also enveloped by a crystal light, and then it was difficult even to struggle!

Is this going to be led to the Realm of Instant God? Evil-hearted Phoenix calmed down, and even thought that this was a means of God to destroy the catastrophe that Ye Emperor Dao had descended on!

Soon, Evil Heart Phoenix was surprised to see a person, a very suspicious existence! And, she has seen it and knew it! !

Evil Heart Phoenix was surprised: "Why are you—"

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