My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3309: The living medicine?

Sea Palace.

Above a clearing area of ​​tens of miles, a large tripod carved with mountains and seas was rising and falling slightly. During Su Jin's walk, all the materials had been collected!

Last night, when the Lightning Dragon King was cut off the dragon horn, Su Jin heard it say that a dragon horn is not enough to refine the'Heaven Medicine', obviously this is not the first time the Sea Emperor has refined it.

And the place to choose the medicine refining is in the Sea Palace, if it is not absolutely certain, it will definitely not be refining here, after all, it will provoke the anger of the heavens——

"Big brother." The prince turtle rubbed his wistful eyes, with the exaggerated Buddha beads hanging from his neck, and ran to Su Jin's side.

"Isn't your emperor's first refining?" Su Jin asked tentatively.

"Of course not." Prince Turtle said with a smile: "Sister Emperor has refined it several times, and it can be achieved every time."

"So powerful?" Su Jin was relieved a lot, but his tone was still a little weird.

The prince turtle said: "The natural medicine is not difficult to refine. The grade of the material is already at the extreme. Just adjust the pharmacological conflict to prevent the fryer. This medicine is refined when the crape myrtle is rising, and it can be reconciled at noon until the evening. After a long time of condensing with warm fire, you can become a pill."

It seems that there is no need to worry, Su Jin looked at the personal fish clan beauty holding the tray of medicinal materials in her hand, but did not see the sea emperor appear——


Shanhaiding trembled suddenly, and a white flame began to ignite all around the cauldron body. At this temperature, even the evil-hearted Phoenix looked a bit cold!

"The flame formed by burning the divine will of the sage is really terrifying--" Hua Jieyu nodded.

The snow-white mountain and sea tripod, like jade, began to turn red in white and was burned by the flames of the sage. Then the top cover was lifted by a large, emptiness and soft hand, and plants of wonderful magical medicine were taken into it!

This hand seemed to protrude from the void, but the direction was the Sea God Temple!

Su Jin found a few very familiar things...

That is the bone!

Although the quality has not reached the highest level, it is already very rare. More importantly, the five bones are only used as medicinal materials!

"Isn't Tiangu indestructible?" Su Jin Chuanyin asked Hua Jieyu.

"Who said that?"

"I don't know!" Su Jin shook his head simply.

"Do you have any misunderstandings about the power of the sage?" Hua Jieyu looked at Su Jin weirdly, "Don't say that the sea emperor who is refining the medicine at this time, even me, can easily collapse a celestial bone with sage power Understanding, of course, Banxian can't do this level yet, it will take a hundred years."

Su Jin suddenly.

Evil-hearted Phoenix looked at the unknown strange medicines and fell into the "Shanhaiding", and his heart was extremely shocked——

"Brother, you must have never seen a heavenly medicine. In the evening, the medicine will absorb the will of heaven and give birth to a very precious pill soul. Then it will be a living medicine." Prince Turtle said proudly.

The living medicine!

Su Jin is speechless, and it's been a long time since he came to relax——

Chi Chi Chi.

Only in an instant, a wonderfully mixed medicinal fragrance floated out of the ‘Mountain and Sea Ding’. Those medicinal fragrances seemed to wrap the entire snow-white cauldron like a pattern!

"It turns out that refining medicine is so simple." Su Jin joked.

The prince turtle had a strange face, and waved his hands again and again: "Where is simple, not simple, first of all, these medicinal materials have different medicinal properties, there are warm and strong, each kind of medicinal material contains wonderful power, and the requirements for the tripod are very high, and they are ordinary. The sacred cauldron cannot withstand the fire of the sage."

"The requirements are very high -" Hua Jieyu nodded.

"There is still time, Shanhaiding can withstand the extreme crape myrtle sun fire, at noon, it can't stay here any longer, the heat can't stand it." The Turtle Prince said.

Su Jin watched for a while, and found that his knowledge was great, but as time passed, he wanted to leave. He felt that it would be nice to come back in the evening when the pill was completed, to see how the sea emperor collected the pill.

He gestured a look to the three daughters of Evil Heart Phoenix--

Start withdrawing.

The Lightning Dragon King watched Su Jin taking the three daughters out of the Sea Palace from a distance, but he didn't notice anything. He wanted to remind Su Jin not to go far, but after thinking about it, he still didn't open the mouth.

"Is Sea Emperor the Heavenly Medicine refined for you?" Xiexin Phoenix asked.


"Why did she do this?" Hua Jieyu was also a little puzzled. It was originally very strange. You must know that refining a pill of this grade is an act against the sky and the cost is unimaginable. It may even affect the Sea Emperor. strength!

"Because there are common interests--" Su Jin then briefly explained it, and the three daughters of Hua Jieyu realized that the Sea Emperor didn't want the mainland creatures to unlock the seal of heaven!

"Where are we going now?" Evil Heart Phoenix said.

Su Jin meditated: "The Sea Palace is in a state of moving in the ocean of God's Domain. Let's go to other side halls to see. If we can find the'Side-Lying Buddha Land', we will make plans. It will take a day in vain and I don't know. Is it good or bad."

Yes, what about Dan became? Whether it can be cured or not after taking it, Haihuang can only use this pill at midnight. If he leaves, it will be tomorrow.

"If we really find the'Side-Lying Buddha Land', what will Haihuang do if he asks you to take a pill this time?" Hua Jieyu asked.

Evil-hearted Phoenix looked at Hua Jieyu and turned his face away, and said with a weird smile: "Yes, you can only open your eyes and open your mouth when you live in the deity with the soul body. It has become a problem to obey pill——"

Su Jin glanced at the flushed Hua Jieyu, and said lightly: "She wants to cooperate, so naturally I shouldn't worry about how to take the medicine. I didn't walk close before, there is a place called'Haixindian'. With the universe hidden inside, you can definitely find the side-lying Buddha."

"Look at letting in." Hua Jieyu said.

Soon, Su Jin took the three daughters into the'Haixin Temple', and strangely, the mermaid clan guarding the temple did not stop them!

"Check, it's best to find out the teleportation gate to the'Side Lying Buddha Land'. I feel that since the Sea Emperor knows there, he can find it out here as well." Su Jin gave a command, but saw the three women's faces full of faces. Sluggish, watching him didn't move a step!

"How to check this——" Hua Jieyu asked.

The entire ‘Haixin Temple’ contains more than tens of millions of books and volumes, which are many times larger than that of Nanfeng Academy. If you wait for it, you don’t know what year and month it is.

Su Jin touched his chin, this was really a problem, but if Sea Emperor called the scroll, there must be a way, the entire Sea Heart Hall, a hundred people looked for it together, and couldn't remember where it was.

Just as Su Jin was worried, a sudden loud noise resounded across the sky!

"What's the situation?" Xiexin Phoenix was taken aback.

"Emperor Hai is refining Heavenly Medicine, will Shan Hai it fry the furnace?" Hua Jieyu said solemnly.

You know, the most taboo vocabulary of refining pill! It's the "Fryer"!

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