My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3313: Horrible guess!

The bright red Tiannu seal, Su Jin has seen on Qi Changle's forehead, the vice-president of Nanfeng Academy, but the slave mark on Xuanhuang's forehead is more transparent and bright.

Su Jin's face was calm and calmly looked at the slave mark.

The surrounding heat wave is receding slightly, the burning sage fire of the "Mountain and Sea Ding" floating in the southern void has been much reduced, Su Jin's heart is settled, it seems that Miss Haihuang is also ready!

If the slave mark cannot be erased, even if the elixir of heaven is abandoned, the Sea Emperor will desperately stop this great sage master Xuanhuang!

The nervousness, as if contagious, is spreading rapidly——

Because of the loss of the Dragon King Orb, the Scarlet Demon Dragon had little combat power, so the Lightning Dragon King sent someone to catch it directly and hurriedly arrived.

In the mind of the Lightning Dragon King, Su Jin naturally could not erase the Xuanhuang slave mark.

If it is to fight for a while, the Lightning Dragon King has already made plans to protect the Ye Emperor first and let the Ye Emperor bless the Heavenly Secrets for it, and then the Sea Emperor will probably not sit and wait for death, even if he abandons the Heavenly Medicine and becomes a severely injured person, it and the sea The emperor can also contend with this great human master!

When the Lightning Dragon King arrived, Su Jin hadn't disappeared yet——

The tense atmosphere all around made even the well-informed Lightning Dragon King couldn’t help raising his heart!

"Are you ready?" Su Jin groaned inwardly, but knew that he could no longer delay it, so he had to ask the Emperor Xuan.

"The old man can do it at any time, and please let the venerable take action--" Xuanhuang has a deep doubt in his heart. He feels something is wrong. First of all, the location chosen by Su Jin, and second, the speed of the'Shanhaiding' refining medicine is almost stagnant. !

Su Jin nodded and slowly raised his palm.

Nowadays, dead horses are treated as living horse doctors. They can do it, but they can’t do it.

The strands of crystal red power, like the erratic Wenluo, began to spread from Su Jin's palm. He condensed a slightly larger handprint, and began to approach the center of Xuanhuang's brow with his fingers!

Doubts appeared on Xuanhuang's face--

Why is there no movement?

Evil-hearted Phoenix, Hua Jieyu, and Yu Ling'er all shook their hearts. If it weren't for the Xuanhuang elders who were too eager to lift the slave mark, I am afraid that people who changed to normal would not believe the Ye Emperor! This flaw is too big, where is the slave mark of God so easy to erase?

The corner of Su Jin's eyes flashed sharply, and suddenly he mobilized all the power of the world-zun's "Great Divine Dao". His condensed crystal red palms were as wonderful as a piece of jade soul!

Crystal red fingers, a little bit between Xuanhuang's eyebrows——

The Emperor Xuan was shocked. He just didn't know if it was his own illusion. He felt the ‘slave’ character on his eyebrows beating!

Do not!

Not an illusion!

It really moved!

The Emperor Xuan was ecstatic in his heart. From the naked eye, there was a trace of crystal red brilliance that could be seen around him, quickly gathered in the'Sea Palace' and gathered in Su Jin's hands!

Slave sign, beating violently! Xuanhuang felt like an ant on a hot pot, almost wanting to flee in all directions! It was too late to say, then soon, the bright red slave character began to float out of Xuanhuang's eyebrows, but this slave character seemed to be torn out——

Su Jin actually broke down inside, what's going on? It seems that he can really help Emperor Xuan to erase this ‘Tian Slave Seal’! Although it was a little harder and harder, but now this slave mark that he pulled out is the best evidence!


This Heaven Slave Seal wanted to escape from Su Jin’s condensed crystal red palm, but then a muffled sound appeared, and the entire Heaven Slave symbol was being gasified into a red mist, even if it dissipated!

Oh my God!

Xuanhuang tears in his eyes!

At that moment, the Emperor Xuan felt that his virtuous power was rolling in his body, like eighteen wild horses, collapsed in the size of his body, the Heavenly Slave Seal could no longer restrain him, and could no longer nail him to a pillar of shame!

"Old slave! See the master!" Without saying a word, Emperor Xuan directly bowed to the ground, pressed his palms on the ground, and bowed his head to Su Jin as a slave!

As everyone knows, Su Jin is still in a daze.

But the power of the Great Divine Dao in the body began to be extremely weak, and the consumption just now was terrifying! But Su Jin changed his mind to think, after all, this is to remove the slave mark for a great sage master, and the cost can be imagined, but I don't know when he can recover!

"Get up!" Su Jin said coldly: "Removing the slave mark for you, the deity spent most of the power. You must not publicize this matter, otherwise you will not be punished!"

"Yes!" The Emperor Xuan was too happy. He was once humiliated by this Heavenly Slave Seal, and even wanted to die for a while! But he is a great sage, no one can help him!

Of course, when Su Jin said this, the Xuanhuang naturally understood that if all the cultivators in the God Realm all knew that he could remove the slave mark, then he would suffer endless disturbances!

Lightning Dragon King:...

The three daughters of Huajieyu:...

Even the Sea Emperor, who had almost stopped refining medicine, fell into an inexplicable silence.

"Yongling Yushu, Ye Emperor——" Sea Emperor muttered to himself deep in the temple: "Yongling Yushu, lead the Ye Emperor to come to the realm of God, and he soon has a great divine way that is not the world's nobleman, could it be... "


The mountain and sea tripod, the masterpiece of sage fire, the aura of the collapsed crape myrtle, was taken from the east, and the surrounding temperature was even worse!

The Lightning Dragon King stared at Su Jin blankly. Under the influence of Shanhaiding at this time, he suddenly woke up, with a touch of fear deep in his eyes.

It has lived for so long, naturally knows some simple truths——

If it's just an inheritance, as an inheritor, how can Ye Di be able to remove the seal of the Great Sage Lord Heaven Slave!

"What's the matter, the Heavenly Slave Seal was actually erased by Ye Di?" Xiexin Phoenix asked Hua Jieyu through voice transmission, his tone not without surprise.

"I don't know. I feel that Ye Di has done a very remarkable thing. This matter is of great importance and must not be disclosed, otherwise the Gods Domain Continent will be in chaos." Hua Jieyu's voice is very obvious. Trembling, said.

"We are watching the Sea Emperor's refining Heavenly Medicine. If my deity can recover tomorrow, I will rush there—" Su Jin glanced at Hua Jieyu and the others, and then asked the Lightning Dragon King to prepare some drinks and began to quietly wait.

Time passed by one minute and one second--

Except for the eruption of Caixia at noon, the Xian Huo has dissipated.

However, there is still a layer of mild flame on the surface of Shanhaiding. It is a kind of purple flame, not from His Royal Highness Haihuang, but from the transformation of Ziwei Shenri.

In the evening, the red sun quietly set in the west, and the red clouds dyed the sky on the sea level, but today's sunset is destined to not be peaceful!

Shan Haiding, trembling constantly, as if there were living creatures colliding! Now the gods are falling west, but there are unusual winds and clouds in the sky, gathering together!

When the tripod is opened, the robbery will come!

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