My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3315: Wanlongju


In the darkening night, because of the appearance of a pair of ice coffins, thousands of thunderbolts were drawn over the sea palace! The coffin turned into powder in an instant!

Su Jin yelled at him, but his voice was obscured by the roar of endless thunder!

What is Haihuang thinking in his mind?

Hua Jieyu and Xiexin Phoenix’s frightened faces turned pale. They all knew what was hidden in the ice coffin. It was the Yedi Dao body who was seriously injured. So it was not the Yedi’s that they used it to resist the fifth heavenly arm. Life to gamble?

They don't actually know! Su Jin’s worries are happening--

Although Su Jin just resolved the threat of the Emperor Xuan and helped him to remove the Heavenly Slave Seal, this was not what he wanted to see. Since he could help the Emperor Xuan, he would be able to help the monks on the continent of God's Domain! This may make Haihuang change his mind!


The sky arm descending from high above, intertwined with bright lightning light, that is the unpredictable sky arm intertwined with endless lightning!

Su Jin looked at his Dao body, as if being submerged by a lightning thunder pool, he was hit hard, even under the nest, if the body was turned into ashes, his soul body would instantly melt away!

To be killed by her!

Bang! Su Jin burst out with extremely tyrannical crystal red light, this sudden force made the three daughters of Hua Jieyu who were caught off guard, directly forced to retreat ten meters away!

"Great Divine Dao!" Su Jin screamed, and his whole person suddenly turned into a golden holy dragon, directly soaring into the sky amid the deafening thunder!

In addition to the lightning-like light, the sky is now bathed in golden brilliance!

Everyone is looking up!

Seeing Su Jin, who turned into a golden sacred dragon, slowly dissipated directly in the sky, and his real Dao body, as if it were infused with rivers, pulled the golden sacred dragon directly--

Boom boom boom!

The Godless Gods seat and the Hall of Longevity tremble, the Hall of Longevity directly floats from the dragon, and slams into the sky arm intertwined with lightning! And Su Jin Yuan Divine Body suddenly became one with the deity!

Xuanhuang's small watery eyes were looking directly at Su Jin's deity. At this moment, the entire Sea Palace and the surrounding sea area of ​​tens of thousands of miles seemed to be floating with a layer of red mist, crystal red mist!

The crystal red mist suddenly seemed to be surging, illuminating a ray of divine light, directly rushing into Su Jin's deity, but that day, the arm shook away from the longevity hall, but it still caught Su Jin——

"Dare you!!"

Su Jin used the primordial body to forcibly take over the deity's Dao body, and the deity's eyes opened suddenly! Those eyes are very red, like two brilliant gems!

Hua Jieyu only glanced at Su Jin, but there was a kind of fear in his heart, an inexplicable fear!

"Wow, wow--"

That is the voice of Haitao!

The whole sea of ​​thousands of miles began to rush into a big wave! A giant blue dragon roared and arrogantly raised its spectacular dragon head! The eyes of this blue dragon are crystal red!


Sky, sea level!

A ray of purple sun began to rise slowly. Originally, the crape myrtle **** sun had set for more than half an hour, but now it has risen again. The sun on the west has changed its shape slightly, turning into a magnificent purple three-legged golden crow. Jin Wumei's heart is throbbing----


God's Domain Continent, which is 20,000 miles away, has millions of jungles, boundless woods! The awe-inspiring nature of plants and trees gushes out of the jungle, like a storm, gathering madly, and a dragon of life emerges, roaring toward that sky arm!

The earth is shaking--

In the Sea Palace, the Hua Jieyu people all felt their feet tremble! The countless mountain ranges buried under the sea seem to be awakened, and the giant mountain dragons raise their heads from the sea!

"Heaven and earth, too!" Su Jin pointed to the sky!

Donghuang Bell, ring!


The big day golden crow swam out from the surface of the East Emperor Clock, flapping its wings and crying--

"There is a clock, no beginning!"


The second bell rang, and the body of the without beginning bell began to emit strands of mysterious sutras!


The bronze barren bell was also born dazzlingly!

Three divine bells, ring together!

And the innumerable dragons around them began to hover on the three big bells that seemed to be invisible to the dome. This is... Wanlong Gathering! !

Ziwei Golden Crow, Dari Golden Crow, Burning World Golden Crow, each clock, fly around three lifeless treasures!

The magnificent scene, the inexplicable shock of God's Domain, naturally attracted the attention of God's Domain!

Wangbei, Tianbei City——

City repairs, all panic!

"In the depths of the sea, something great has happened! Someone is fighting the sky arm!" The monks in Tianbei City were panicked, all of them pale.

"In the past, we were in the realm of the gods and wanted to fight the sky, but in the end we couldn't make it. We were cast down to the throne of the highest gods. In the depths of the sea, who would dare to be so rebellious and anger the sky!"

"Heaven Arm, there is a record in the Instant God Realm! The Instant God Realm was beaten down to the highest God Realm interval, and the Heaven Arm has come no less than a hundred times. People can carry it!"

"Important news! Just now, the two mountain ranges of Baiwu Mountain and'Cracking Cloud Ridge' turned into a dragon and left! I went to the depths of the sea—"

"Someone in the sea has offended the sky, who dares to be so bold?"

"Could it be that the Sea Emperor had something to do? Except for her as a great sage master, I can't think of anyone who can do this!"

"Wan Longju, can you really carry the anger of the sky..."


At this moment, Su Jin’s deity seemed to be between the palms of the arms and hands that day, and there was endless thunder and lightning all over his body. The "lightning mark" on the center of his eyebrows kept flickering. He wanted to open the eyes of the sorrow, but his deity’s injuries were too serious. Without the support of the Nine Paths, now there is only the'Great Divine Dao', but it only fits with the Primordial Spirit Body, and has not yet been integrated into the Dao of the Deity——

too difficult.

It's really hard!

Xuanhuang, Hua Jieyu and others are all in an incredible state. These ten thousand dragons are entrenched, and their respective dragons are on top of the three monstrous gods. This is probably Su Jin’s last bet. If you can’t bear this A flawless sky arm, Dao body, soul, are destroyed!

"No word secret!"

Su Jin calmed down, his eyes were suddenly filled with gray and blue colors, and immediately he was in a state of vain quality, as if he did not exist in this heaven! Fortunately, he was able to grasp it in a timely manner. That day, the palm of his arm directly grabbed a void!

The Lightning Dragon King, dumbfounded——

When he was in Wuse Mountain, Su Jin said that he would bless the third kind of secret. The Lightning Dragon King thought he was joking, thinking that he just wanted to scare off the ten sages of the alliance, and there was no possibility of the third kind of secret! But now, now this wordless Tian Secret, it seems to hit it in the face invisibly!

The three-day secret really exists in the body of the night emperor!

Su Jin is now very angry, very angry, and the consequences are serious!

"In the eyes of this king, it's a god, you have to kneel! It's heaven, you have to lie on your stomach too!"

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