My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3317: Complete recovery!

The endless night, a moon that covers half of the sky, slowly rises——

Haihuang helped Su Jin take the Heavenly Medicine. Although he didn't know his mind, his instinctive reaction made him cry out. That Heavenly Medicine, like an extreme spot of light, burst into his body!

Su Jin seemed to have a dream! He felt as if his body had turned into a heaven and earth, that day the medicine was like an erupting volcano, spreading across the meridians! His meridians, blood like magma, are like 10,000 galloping wild horses in his body, rushing!

The cold moonlight, like fireflies, quickly broke into his world——

If Su Jin is sober, he will definitely see himself like a red, boiled prawn, which is extremely shocking!

"The same road, different people walk, the road is still that road, and people will eventually turn into a cup of loess, which will eventually be forgotten by the world."

"People will grow old, Tao will be old, three thousand roads, I am at the crossing, but there is no way to go—"

Su Jin was in the darkness and chaos, and his mind was full of some weird principles. He was shouting, but he couldn't make a sound at all, and he couldn't even hear his own voice!

"People are like grass and mustards, like dead trees in spring, one year old and one withered, one year old and one year round, and the tree flourishes, always subject to the heavens and the earth, falling leaves, returning to the root. I think the fragrance of the soil is not suitable for me, so I do not fall leaves, I do Eternal life is not the Lord! Three thousand avenues, how true is it!"

"The world is ignorant, and the way to success is nothing more than two words, fear! These four words are destined to be fate, but they are just an excuse that the world is afraid of the thief, God!"


Perseverance, madness, and many strong emotions continue to fill Su Jin's mind!

However, it didn’t take long for Su Jin to see the light of a wonderful warmth. His hot blood began to be neutralized and began to cool down significantly. The countless meridians and bones that were forcibly continued began to bloom. The sea of ​​qi has grown and continued to grow!

At that moment, a strange scene appeared in Su Jin's mind——

In the distance of my own sea of ​​qi, there seemed to be a bright moon rising. At the center of that bright moon, there seemed to be a dreamlike woman with her hands intertwined and her fingertips placed on her collarbone. She was so beautiful, with a clear and beautiful fairy face. The temperament is pure like a flawless jade soul.

Su Jin saw his own aura of primordial spirit, and his aura of primordial spirit quickly expanded!

And the Sea Emperor standing in the moon also burst out a strong primordial light!

The two kinds of primordial light quickly touched together——

At that moment! The sea of ​​qi is surging like a supreme wave! There are nine fragmented powers, which breed their own colors, and quickly rise and fall in the sea of ​​air. For a long time, one after another bridges are erected from the sea of ​​air!

There are a total of nine roads and bridges, all with their own colors!


A night of uneven wind and waves will eventually become yesterday.

In the depths of the Sea God Temple, in a very magnificent room, Su Jin's eyelids moved slightly, slowly opening his eyes, adapting to the not-so-strong light——

The fresh fragrance of the house made Sukinton feel unreal. He woke up from a large bed, wearing a classical white nightgown, and when he looked at his hands, he gently shook his palms!


Su Jin was ecstatic in his heart. He just grabbed it, and there seemed to be countless reincarnations in his body that began to resonate, and his power was more free to use than before!

The Nine Ways are continued! And the level, as if it was far from the level before the injury, Su Jin was confused this night, as if he had fallen into a severe fever and was in a coma!

But Su Jin knew that Haihuang had paid a great price, far more than imagined!

Open the door, there is a maid of fish tribe outside the door, holding clothes in her hand, and every piece of clothes in the tray is precious and extraordinary——

"The servants change clothes for the son."

"These clothes were all ordered by His Royal Highness Haihuang himself, and they were made overnight, and the materials were all made of the best'cloud silk'... the son... the son?" A maid looked at Su Jin still in a daze, and finally couldn't help reminding. He said.

Su Jin shook his head, "I will change the clothes myself."

Immediately, Su Jin took a set and quickly returned to the house to put it on.

When I came out again, all the maids outside were still there—

"Where is your Sea King?" Su Jin asked.

"His Royal Highness Haihuang ordered that if the son wakes up, he can go to Lao Zhuzhai to find her..."

"Where is Old Zhuzhai?"

"From this road, go all the way to the north. If you see a stone arch bridge, just go straight and turn right."


Su Jinqing retired the maid, and then looked at her own clothes. There was a golden auspicious cloud in it, which looked quite magnificent, and it was really as comfortable as the maid said when she was wearing it!

After a quarter of an hour, Su Jin found his way to the past——

After passing by a scenic pavilion, Su Jin saw the stone arch bridge. The water was gurgling under the bridge. There were a few vermilion cranes on the bridge. There were trees like weeping willows on both sides of the river.

Su Jin turned right. On the way, he has been feeling the situation in his body. Healing is naturally healed, but it seems that his understanding and use of power seem to be more transparent. I don’t know if it is related to the dream in the night or that day. The effect of medicine.

The thick and majestic jade stone pillar gradually greeted Su Jin's eyes. This stone pillar seemed to be made of three-color stone mountains, and there would be a little secret glow in the sun.

Of course, Su Jin didn't pay much attention to these buildings, he only had a scene that he couldn't bear to disturb!

It was a pavilion surrounded by four waters, as if in a small lake, and around this small lake, there were green and yellow bamboo forests——

At the pavilion, a white-clothed person sitting on the side of the water, gently raised his bare hand, and threw half of the fish food down.

"Is it enough?" Haihuang's voice was colder than usual.

"I can't see enough of this." Su Jin stepped into the pavilion and looked around at random. Among the stone pillars of the stone mountain to the north, there is a building with the words'Old Bamboo House' written on it.

Haihuang got up, but just glanced at Su Jin's face, and immediately faced the west, saying: "The old dragon king is already waiting at the teleportation formation. Several ancient formations on the side of the Buddha have been repaired. You can go. ——"

"In fact, there is no need to rush, and we can go together." Su Jin said.

"I once said that unless I am involved in the survival of the Sea Clan, I will never set foot on the continent of God's Domain."

Su Jin considered for a while, breathing the scent from the wind, and slowly said: "Thank you, thanks to you last night——"

"Helping you is also helping me Sea Clan, no thanks."

"I meant to say, what happened to the pajamas I wore last night..." Su Jin asked, staring at the beautiful back.

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