My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3331: Huilongdian

Patriarch, why hit me!

Ye Longhai was crying crazily in his heart, this slap in the face made him incomprehensible!

"Are you wrong?" Xuanhuang looked at Ye Longhai with murderous eyes.

"Long Hai was wrong, but Long Hai was dull, I don't know where it was wrong--" Ye Longhai knelt in front of the Emperor Xuan in fear.

"Xianpin just got this slap in the face. Later, come to the secret room to look for me." Xuanhuang is naturally too hard to say too much because there are Nine Heavens Sword Girls. Xuantian Divine Gate, confess your mistake to the Lord Ye Di!

"Old Xuan, ask things clearly, I don't want to stay here too long." Su Jin said indifferently, "I don't want to care about your housework."

"Yes--" Xuanhuang arched his hands at Su Jin, bowed his head and said: "I will arrange for the young master to enter the'Return to Dragon Palace'."

Su Jin didn't want to see Old Xuan instructing his family, so he yawned and stood up and said, "Call someone to lead the way."

"I will take you there." Ye Qingyun said quickly.

Hua Jieyu and Xiao Bing'er also followed silently.

I have to say that the scenery of this temporary residence of the Xuantian Gate is really good. You can see the gloomy broken mountain range in the distance, and there are several mysterious Buddha shadows standing in the dark. Although the huge stone Buddhas are broken, the Buddha charm disappears , But vaguely looking at the majesty on his face, there is a particularly special experience.

Back to the Dragon Hall, behind the Xuandian!

Xiao Binger felt very curious. She had never been so curious about a man before—

Just now, the great sage master Xuanhuang seemed to be respectful to Su Jin, which is very unusual! No matter how weak the Emperor Xuan is, he is still a great sage! Even facing the existence of the same level, it is impossible to have such a big contrast feeling!

"I have never helped others to continue the kendo. This is quite difficult, you have to be prepared." Su Jin said lightly.

Continue to Kendo!

Ye Qingyun was secretly speechless, what kind of existence he dared to have such a tone! Moreover, who is this young man from the ancestor, the ancestor’s behavior just now was very strange—

"I vaguely guessed who you are, although, I know you might kill me by saying this." Xiao Bing'er stared at Su Jin's back and saw him step into the'Return to Dragon Palace'.

"Oh? I don't think you are that smart. Can you guess who I am?" Su Jin laughed.

"An existence beyond my reach." Xiao Binger stepped across the threshold of the Dragon Palace.

"Can you guess, can your Sword Ancestor do the same?" Su Jin asked calmly, sighing in his heart, it was still too risky as expected——

Ye Qingyun knew the danger of hearing these words, and left with a wry smile, she didn't dare to listen anymore!

Xiao Bing'er shook his head, "Sword Ancestor has vast magical powers, I can't figure it out—"

"There is not much time, come to the room with me." Su Jin said lightly.

Xiao Bing'er was struggling inwardly, still a very complicated kind of——

All signs indicate that Su Jin is like that person!

First of all, Xiao Bing'er witnessed the transformation of the former second uncle with his own eyes. Tianzhu was a top secret sword tomb, but because of Su Jin's help, Tianzhu did not come down, which can explain the problem.

Secondly, the second uncle Xiao Yin's Heavenly Slave Rune disappeared...

Although the symbolic mark representing Tianzhu can be hidden, almost everyone at that time saw Tianzhu open. Xiao Yin's eyebrows were already wounded. It was caused by the slave mark that day. That was what happened when Tianzhu was turned on. !

However, the second uncle Xiao Yin, after Su Jin's help, his eyebrows were healed, which means that the Tiannu seal has been removed! Combining Tianzhu, the imprint of the heavenly slave, and the attitude of the great sage master Xuanhuang, how could Xiao Bing'er not have such a guess!

The door of the room, after Xiao Binger came in, was directly closed by her——

Hua Jieyu and the others did not come in.

The atmosphere in the room is very strange.

There was no trace of emotion on Xiao Binger’s frosty face. She walked up to Su Jin, and just about to kneel down, but was caught by someone with eye problems, and she directly covered her waist with her palms, supporting her——

"You...are you not the world-honored person?" Xiao Binger knew that when she really asked this sentence, she might be killed directly, but her personality dictated that she still had to ask.

"You are scared, and your body is shaking. But I'm curious, why do you think so?" Su Jin was unexpectedly lifeless. He knew that this identity would still be known to the world after all, only for the length of time.

Xiao Binger felt that Su Jin's hand on her waist was very powerful, and when his face flushed, he was a little at a loss.

In Jianfen’s rules, no one is allowed to touch the sword girl——

And among the gang of swordsmen, there are strict requirements, not to be within three feet of the sword girl.

"My second uncle’s attitude has changed. He is not even afraid of Jian Ancestor, but after you rescued him, the change was tremendous. Moreover, Tianzhu was triggered by the mark of Tianzhu, Tianzhu disappeared, and Taoism healed instantly. This can only represent The imprint of Tiannu was removed." Xiao Binger said.

"Then Elder Xuan gave up his seat?" Su Jin looked at Xiao Binger and said.

"Yes, it is naturally terrifying to let the Great Sage Lord give up his seat." Xiao Bing'er did not dare to look at Su Jin's eyes, "Moreover, as the Great Sage Lord, he bowed his head to you..."

Su Jin felt helpless in his heart.

He lifted the trembling Xiao Binger onto the stool in front of the round table and said, "These are just your guesses, and I won't admit it anyway. After all, how honest I am."


Xiao Binger did not dare to refute. Not long ago, I reversed black and white, and lied in a series of lies, almost slandering her sword girl as a pretender, boasting that she was honest...

"I'm a little puzzled. You can obviously let my second uncle fall. Why do you want to save him?" Xiao Binger asked.

"He is the person who has the most chance to become a true sword god. Such a genius, it is a pity that he died, and there is another reason, that is, I haven't seen such a powerful sword master in a long time."

Su Jin heaved a sigh of relief and continued: "Come on, I'll find a way to help you continue the kendo——"

Xiao Bing'er shook his head, "I have a mission, and it is important to continue the sword, but if I can't complete the mission, I would rather not learn the Nine Heavens Sword Music."


Su Jin touched his forehead, "I won't go to the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb with you. I can't stay in the Realm of Moments for long."

"Forget it then." Xiao Binger stubbornly shook his head.

"Your second uncle, the elders, confess that you will let me go to the sword grave, and then lift the imprint of the heaven slaves for your sword grave people." Su Jin squinted and laughed.

"No, I just simply want to thank you--" Xiao Binger said.

"Haha." Su Jin shook his head and said, "The cost of removing the imprint of Tiannu is very high. The price of the old man Xuan is becoming a slave. How is this different from Tiannu?"

"I can give everything, including becoming a slave. I won't ask you to remove my slave mark, but I only ask, for one person in the sword grave—" Xiao Binger said with a pale face: "I know that my request is excessive. It's ridiculous."

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