My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3333: Life and death

There was a touch of despair on Xiao Binger's face--

The spider spear that pierced her lute bone seemed to be devouring her vitality. No matter how hard the kendo was in the body, the kendo power seemed to be disintegrating.

What kind of spider spear is this!

Xiao Bing'er could instinctively hold the spider spear that passed by in front of him with his hands, and could not break it with all his might!

"That's the Nine Heaven Sword Girl of Sword Tomb!" Many of the monks who rushed to see the abyss demon crawling out of the abyss, they all hesitated and didn't want to join the battlefield.

"I have seen her! This person is indeed the Nine Heavens Sword Girl, but why can't even an abyss demon be the enemy! What should we do? These bloodthirsty demons will drag people into the abyss, as long as we are injured, we should be better than food-- "

"It's too miserable. Just now, a young emperor from Nanzhou was caught by a colorful spider spewing out a spider web, and he became the prey of the devil and fell into this dark abyss."


Many monks who were far away from the battlefield did not want to join the battle at all. As the sinking was still going on, only a few Abyss Demons were discovered from the beginning, and now there are hundreds of them!


Xiao Bing'er's original "Phoenix Sword", out of its sheath, directly turned into thousands of sword lights, forming a circle of sword wheels!

At the center of the sword wheel, there seems to be a sword lotus, which is blooming quickly!

Bang bang bang bang ——

The spider spear behind Xiao Bing'er was directly cut off, and the red-backed demon spider was directly cut to pieces!

Xiao Bing'er knew that his condition was very bad, but he could barely land and sat down paralyzed.

Xiao Binger didn't even think of the person greeted! It was an existence she said was beyond reach! It is Su Jin! Su Jin raised his arm like a finger, and the sword lotus with the Phoenix Girl's sword blooming fell among hundreds of abyssal demons. It suddenly turned into a ball of extreme light and exploded!

Su Jin took the Phoenix Girl Sword back, and when she shook her figure, he took Xiao Binger to a big Buddha five hundred miles away.

Xiao Binger was put down by Su Jin and placed in front of the huge Buddha——

"Why save me?" Xiao Binger's lips were all glowing with an abnormal color, a little gray.

"Xiao Yin asked you to follow me. If you have an accident by my side, how should outsiders look at me?" Su Jin looked at Xiao Bing'er coldly, "You and I are just new acquaintances, and I may not understand my temper. I don't like it. Disobedient woman—"

Xiao Binger lowered his head and did not refute.

Originally, Xiao Binger knew she was wrong, she shouldn't get out of anger, and she didn't listen to Su Jin's advice.

"I just want to see what the abyss demon looks like." Xiao Bing'er was cold inside. Although the spider spear was cut off from the rear, it was still a very long piece, staying at her lute bone, looking a little awkward.

"There are no fewer than a hundred sages nearby, and even great sage masters exist. They haven't taken any action yet, so you dare to step into the battlefield?" Su Jin held back his anger, stretched out his palm, gently grasped the spider spear, and said lightly. : "It will be a little painful, bear with it -"

Xiao Bing'er just wanted to respond, but he immediately felt what it was like to hurt his soul!

The spider spear was directly pulled out by Su Jin and left aside!

Su Jin's eyes were so terrible, Xiao Bing'er didn't dare to look, but his hand was pressed against her wound, and soon, a warm stream of golden light poured in from the wound——

Xiao Binger's face turned slightly ruddy.

Su Jin is now in a half-squatting state with one leg, face to face with the palm of her hand pressing on her wound. Although the wound is on the pipa bone, the man’s hand seems to have unimaginable warmth, covering it...

"Dark abyss, the devil is rioting..." When Xiao Binger was weak, she reluctantly looked at Su Jin's face and said slowly.

"There is a big guy under the abyss, I will heal you first, and then you should be able to see some sages take action." Su Jin frowned, the injury caused by the spider spear was a little difficult to deal with, and he could hardly heal her with the power of Buddhism. , Can only control the injury.

Soon, Su Jin's face was stern, and he attracted the cruising Phoenix Sword, gently placed the palm of his hand on it, and shook it directly—

A few drops of crystal clear Buddha's blood, every drop fell, and began to change shape in the void, forming a small bean-sized golden lotus.

"This is..." Xiao Binger was a little puzzled.

"Open your mouth and swallow Buddha lotus." Su Jin floated a few golden lotus in front of Xiao Binger's lips.

Xiao Bing'er believed and followed Su Jin's words, but she quickly cleared all her doubts. The injuries inside her body were getting better, and the wounds before and after started to scab after a few breaths!

Even Xiao Binger looked inward slightly, feeling that there were wisps of tender power in her body, and she was quickly regaining her vitality!

The strange atmosphere was beginning to be noticed by Xiao Bing'er. She glanced at Su Jin. She was an arrogant daughter of the sky, and now she started to panic for no reason.

Su Jin stretched out her hand and placed it on her chin. With a lightly pick, she turned her head straight away——

"Xiao Yin confessed to you, nothing more than being with me. If you are not obedient, go back to your sword grave now, otherwise, from now on, I won't care about your life and death." Su Jin stood up, "Besides, what is your life and death to me..."

Xiao Binger lowered her head, "I will follow you until you promise me a visit to Jianfen."

"Thinking too much." Su Jin said lightly: "Can you stand up and walk around now?"

Xiao Bing'er hesitated, shaking his body and began to climb up, but as soon as he stopped, he couldn't hold it after two breaths.

Su Jin took her shoulders and held her slender willow warm waist. Xiao Bing'er wanted to struggle, but in a second, he was calmed by a very special man's breath, and his mind suddenly became confused.

Xiao Binger's face was facing Su Jin's neck, and she could only weakly leaned her head on his shoulder.

"You said you will leave the Instant God Realm soon, where will you go?" Xiao Binger asked faintly, with a hot complexion.

"Tianwai Jiange, where do you think I will go?" Su Jin asked back.

"You are not from the Instant God Realm!" Xiao Binger seemed to have received a heavy news.

But that’s not right. If it’s not the World-Honored One, it should have come from the Realm of Instants God——

"I admit, I'm not from the Instant God Realm, do you think I will take care of your life and death?" Su Jin said lightly: "I came to this realm not long ago, and the Yongling Yushu is my thing, it's just a mistake. ."

Xiao Binger felt more and more incredible, staring at Su Jin's side in a daze, staring for a long time, but it was hard to ask even a word.

Bang bang bang! More than a dozen sages turned into divine rainbows and went directly to the battlefield! In that dark abyss, it seemed as if they were connected together, and the sky-spraying divine glow was shining on the surface of the earth!

Xiao Binger felt a terrifying aura flooding all directions. Fortunately, she was seriously injured, and now she was leaning on Su Jin’s arms without any sense of fear. “The ground is trembling, and there seems to be an eternal demon in the dark abyss who is angry—”

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