My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3336: Dark abyss

The appearance of the sky arm was unexpectedly unexpected——

Just now, Emperor Xuan and Xiao Bing'er were both worried in their hearts, because there was probably an abyss master below the abyss! So it is very possible that Su Jin was caught to pieces before he left, but what is the situation now!

High in the sky, that almost intact red blue sky arm, palm down, Su Jin is in the center of his palm, he is likely to use the panic generated by this arm to prevent the master under the abyss from moving!

Among the hundreds of families in the Scavenging Alliance, I came to this dark void for almost half, and now I see the arm descending from the sky that day, but wherever I look, I have a dull face——

"Who is this young man and why can he lower the sky arm? Is this sky arm a magical technique or a real sky arm!!" The Song Family of the Alliance continued to argue.

"Frightened Tianwei, really panicked Tianwei, this sky arm is naturally true."

"Impossible! How could Heaven Arm be driven by a human race! And don’t forget, we are all Heaven Slaves, not surprisingly, he should also be a person from God’s Domain, and Heaven Slave uses the method of deriving Heaven Arm, which is ridiculous. ——"

"But what is the explanation for that scary Tianwei?"

"Could it be God?"

"Fart God, will God care about my life and death? Anyway, this sky arm is very strange, I always feel something is wrong—"

"This mysterious young man is not from my God's Domain. He is the master of kendo. He has just tried kendo with Xiao Yin, the first person in God's Domain, not long ago!"

"How do you know he is not from God's Domain?"

"He claims to be in the sword pavilion outside the sky, outside the sky, naturally an existence outside the realm of God!"



It was shocking.

Many people still can’t believe that such a mysterious and powerful man has displayed such a terrible arm. Although many people can also drop an arm from the sky, they can’t produce immense power. The difference is naturally. Great, this kind of power suppresses the soul and makes people see like a king. It is very scary.

Up to now, the Emperor Xuan hasn't slowed down yet--

"Three people, the lord..." Xuanhuang looked at the three daughters of Hua Jieyu, with a strange expression on his face, so he asked if he was not sure.

"Elder Xuan is a great sage, don't you see why?" Hua Jieyu looked at Emperor Xuan with some surprise.

"It's sentiment."

The person who answered, unexpectedly, was Ye Qingyun from the Ye family.

Xuanhuangmao suddenly opened up, and suddenly realized that all the secrets of Su Jin, including the identity of the emperor of the night, and the identity of the unworldly sovereign, he knew, but the law of the sky arm was used by him, and it was indeed shocking enough.

"It seems that it is indeed the method of enlightenment." Xuanhuang said with emotion: "Not long ago, the Heavenly Arm that was descended by Wrath Heaven Tribulation was comprehended by the Lord, and then it can condense such a terrible means.

"Wrong." Hua Jieyu shook his head.

"Wrong?" Emperor Xuan was stunned.

Hua Jieyu nodded: "The law of the arms of the sky, he would have long ago—"

Emperor Xuan, Ye Longhai, and Ye Qingyun all took a breath!

Xiao Bing'er lowered her head in silence, and the exchanges between Xuanhuang and others were all in her ears, but she was not without bitterness in her heart. She, the Nine Heavens Sword Girl, the master of the sword grave in the future, has an extraordinary talent. No matter in the sword grave or in this realm of God, no one dares to be disrespectful to her, but it seems... if you compare with Su Jin , Nothing more...

Scavenger League, Tang Family!

Bo Lan was also in this continent. At this moment, looking at Su Jin in the palm of the sky in the sky, she was shocked. She couldn't speak for a long time. She always felt that this person was very familiar. Although that person had changed his appearance now, Eyes can't deceive people, this guy is Yedi——

Of course, at this moment, Su Jin didn't know how much impact he had on others.

In fact, he did not want to use the method of heavenly arms!

If Su Jin didn't use this method and only stepped on the starlight to step down into the abyss, it would be impossible to escape death. He felt that the existence under the abyss was extremely terrifying, terrifying to the level that the Great Sage Lord would fall!

In order to find Yongling Yushu and retrieve Mohongyu, Su Jin can't take that risk, and the Heavenly Arm's law is powerful, so it is naturally guaranteed!

Now, Su Jin looked down at the world with a carefree and unhappy expression, just silently glanced in the direction of Hua Jieyu and Xiao Bing'er, and then, between the rumblings, the entire sky arm descended directly from the abyss——

The abyss filled with the **** glow looks like a thousand miles hanging on the wall, and the mouth of this continuous land abyss seems to make people feel small.

The abyss demons were still crawling along the cliff. Su Jin glanced at it, no fewer than a million! This is just a mouth of the abyss, the abyss hole opened up on the mainland is innumerable!

"Mo Hongyu, I'm here!" Su Jin yelled firmly in his heart.

When Su Jin descended along the sky arm, many abyss demons trembled and hissed, or could not stop, or were suppressed by the terrible heavenly might, and fell deeply——

This small piece of abyss suddenly became chaotic!


The sky arm had just penetrated into the abyss hole, and there was a sound of horror not far below.

Su Jin was condescending and saw that it was a demon with black fleshy wings. This demon had a young face and long blue hair. Apart from fleshy wings and double hooked feet, he was almost indistinguishable from the human race——

"Dead." Su Jin's face was cold, and a finger was directly stretched out from the palm of the sky arm, and it smashed directly on the demon's forehead during the boom, but it was crushed to ashes in a moment!

Countless demons, trembling, naturally saw this scene—

The dark abyss, after the terrifying sky arm descends quickly, no one can stop!

After falling deeply into the dark abyss, Su Jin came to the bottom of the abyss only half a moment later. He was not surprised. Looking at the dark black continent on the reverse side, there was almost no light.

be quiet--

The surroundings were quiet and terrible, Su Jin felt a little weird, after all, the sky arm made such a big movement, there was not even a demon's shadow around.

Is it because the dark abyss is too vast?

Su Jin didn't understand, Dang Even dissipated the sky arm and quietly stepped on the ground...

The ground under his feet was a little slippery. Su Jin opened the eyes of Maha Town, quietly scanned the surroundings, and finally quietly resorted to "No Word Tian Mi" and hid among the nearby rocks——

Sure enough, not long after Su Jin dared to hide, several ‘Beasthead Shenzhou’ rushed over. Unexpectedly, there were people on it!

"What about the people?" The dozens of figures above were a little surprised. The sky arm descended before, which also caused a sensation under the abyss, but hurriedly hurriedly, it was still a step late.

"Master Gus gave the order to die. He must find this person. He shouldn't have gone too far. We still have time..."

"keep the change."

Su Jin suddenly jumped out and said lightly: "You have been surrounded by me..."

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