My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3339: Trouble is coming

All things?

Gus apparently knew something, and quickly said to Su Jin: "Returning Envoy, the lord of all things, will take people to Beast King Mountain in about half an hour—"

"I like quietness." Su Jin nodded and said, "Meanhuo will tell you what you want."

"There are a few Laoshes in the back mountain, extremely secluded, if you don't dislike the envoy..."


"Hurry up, please enter the mountain!"

Gus got excited, quickly led the way, and went straight to the back mountain!

Gus had already known all the things that happened during this period. The thirty-three days of blood demon building, the undefeated demon dynasty, and the world avoiding demon palace, presumably will also come today. He has received more than a hundred requests from the forces to rush. Come to Beast King Mountain, everyone wants to meet the honorable messenger!

There are a few quaint small buildings on the black back mountain, scattered among a forest. There are not small mountains and lakes in front of this forest. Su Jin feels a little lifeless. I wonder if it’s because I can’t see the sun and the moon here——

"Father." When Mei Huo saw Su Jin stepping into the door, he stopped and said: "The messenger can solve the imprint of the heaven slave, but it needs a leaf from the Yongling Yushu, you see—"

"The Imprint of the Heavenly Slave, as expected, only the Yongling Yushu can unlock it!" Gus said with a sorrowful expression, "The Big Buddha Land is now in a state of ban, even if it is for me, it is difficult for me to take a step further. Wait, I will see if I can I found a Yongling leaf."

"The Thirty-Three Heavenly Blood Demon Tower, the Undefeated Demon Dynasty, and the World-Avoidant Demon Hall, these three forces are now enlisting beautiful women. They will soon come in and offer them to the messenger, father, look..." Mei Huo hesitated.

"Let's find it too!"

Gus sneered: "I'll arrange this. You stay here and you must not leave the messenger for half a step."

"Yes, my father."

Mei Huo felt a little sad. She knew that her father had always focused on males, like her dozens of older brothers, each of whom received resources far beyond her imagination——

Fortunately, Meihuo didn't hate this "Envoy Master", otherwise the arrangement of her father would be enough to make her sad for a while.

After Gus left, he arranged for some nice maids to come.

This small building in front of the mountain forest is indeed quiet, Meihuo served Su Jin well, serving tea and pouring water, and doing everything, but she felt that Su Jin seemed to be worried, but she did not dare to ask.

Su Jin is naturally worried--

How is the battle above the abyss? When will most of the power of the entire God Realm walk down the abyss? Now Su Jin feels that things have changed. These ancient survivors under the abyss are not weak. In addition, they are fighting locally, and the cultivators of God's Domain will probably suffer severely.

"In any case, I have to find a way to walk into the side of the Buddha..." Su Jin thought silently in his heart.

"Brother Messenger, we people in Beast King Mountain are all surprised." Mei Huo smiled and rubbed Su Jin's back and shoulders.

"What's the surprise?"

"I am surprised at the age of the envoy, looking very young--" Mei Huo said with a smile: "Yongling Yushu appeared on the side of the Buddha, and the envoy came down again. I waited for the ancient survivors and felt that this was God’s arrangement. It was God who sent messengers to relieve the suffering of my survivors."

"Without the Yongling Yushu, I can't unlock the imprint of the heaven slave——" Su Jin said indifferently.

"Father said it."

Meihuo said: "When the battle is fierce, the Great Buddha Land will naturally release the ban, and then the Yongling Yushu will be found on it to suppress foreign enemies!"

foreign enemy?

Su Jin suddenly felt that the survivors under the abyss must have regarded the monks on the Continent of the Gods Realm as foreign enemies——

"What else did your father say?" Su Jin asked without a trace.

"It's not much to say, but because of the existence of Brother Messenger, from today onwards, our Beast King Mountain will be very lively. In addition to the thirty-three days of blood demon building, the undefeated demon dynasty, and the world avoidance demon hall, many forces should have also gained it. News..."

Mei Huo turned around from behind Su Jin, picked up the fine wine prepared on the table, stretched out his jade neck, and whispered in his ear like a blue, "Drink tea, it is better to drink, I and these slave girls can Rest..."

Su Jin shook his head and said, "Can your father defeat the Lord of All Things?"

"Difficult." Meihuo's eyes were suspicious, she stood up straight and looked at Su Jin, and asked: "What does the messenger brother mean?"

"Nothing else, do you think Xu Huangli can still live?" Su Jin glanced at her with a calm tone.

Meihuo's delicate body began to tremble, his face changed drastically, and he said in disbelief: "Brother Envoy means... Xu Huang will definitely die?"

"Yes, no one can save him if he is cursed by God." Su Jin said lightly: "If the Sovereign of All Things brings people and wants me to save his son, I can't do it naturally. Then Xu Huang will die on the road. , Counting the hour is almost the same."

There was a flash of fear in Meihuo’s pupils, and she remained silent for a long time before she said with a firm face: “It’s okay! Although my father could not fight the Sect Master of All Things, the news of Lord Envoy at Beast King Mountain will surely lead to many sects. No matter how capable he is, he cannot fight against the entire world under the abyss!"

"You can hand me over--" Su Jin glanced at Meihuo with deep meaning, and then said: "Go, bring this sentence to your father."

Meihuo was deeply troubled, she did not hesitate, turned into a fire-colored rainbow, and left the back mountain directly!

This matter is too important. First of all, Su Jin's remarks just now are very important to Beast King Mountain. At least I can know in advance that Xu Huangli will die, so I should prepare in advance!

Gus is really busy now...

After arranging for the envoy, people were constantly falling outside the gate!

"King Kong Sect, Sect Master Lu Sheng, led a group of three hundred and twenty-eight people, please see your envoy!"

"Big Tortoiseshell Gate, please see your envoy!"

"Tian Gu Demon Land, Princess Furong, please see your envoy!"


Gus greeted wave after wave of big people, and was very busy, but when Meihuo transmitted the sound to him, he was still suddenly shocked——

Xu Huang will die halfway!

With the disposition of the Sovereign of All Things, it is absolutely impossible to suffer from this dumb loss, and it is impossible to return to the sect halfway!

"Father, what should I do?" Meihuo fell beside Gus, looking anxious.

"It's a bit troublesome, but if his All Things Sect is in peacetime, I might still be jealous. As for now...heh----" Gus's eyes were filled with madness, he keenly smelled an opportunity, and Beast King Mountain jumped into the abyss world. The opportunity of the first echelon!


The overwhelming fierce prestige was directly overwhelmed. The Thousand Things Sect, the time expected by Gus, was a lot earlier!

A cry of incomparable sadness came from a distance: "My lord messenger! My son is desperate, and my life is halfway. Please my envoy to use the mysterious method to save him!"

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