My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3341: Emperor

Su Jin is curious, naturally there is a reason.

All things sect, including Xu Huaiyue, the four great sage master level powerhouses, could not fear everything here, but Su Jin had noticed that when Xu Huaiyue just looked at the golden palace, this all things sect master, whether it is The expression or the look in the eyes make people feel a little awed——

The ‘all things sect’ who can securely occupy the first echelon in the abyss world is afraid, the origin of the opponent is absolutely terrifying!

"Master Gu Si, who is the one who came?" Su Jin looked at Gu Si lightly and asked calmly.

"Huh?" Gus's complexion changed slightly, but when he thought that Su Jin was the Envoy, his anxiety gradually calmed down, and the sound transmission said: "Envoy, the coming person is the first kingdom of God in the abyss world, the kingdom of God. emperor--"

"Do you still have a kingdom in the Abyss World?" Su Jin was surprised.

"Yes! And more than a hundred." Gu Si solemnly said: "The one who just scolded Xu Huaiyue was the first strongman of the Shenwu Kingdom Feng Lie. Emperor Wu is going on tour and he will definitely protect him."

Su Jin suddenly--

When he came before, Xu Huangli, as a direct line of the Ten Thousand Thing Sect, held an important position in commanding the iron-clad beast. It seems that the Thousand Thousand Thing Sect is still under the jurisdiction of the kingdom, and these words of Gu Si also solved Su Jin's doubts.

"Why is Emperor Wu here?" Su Jin said calmly: "What's your name?"

Gus smiled bitterly, repeatedly handed over to Su Jin, really wanted to remind him to keep a small voice, and immediately said: "Shen Wu Guo, the country is established by Wu, the emperor has just been on the throne for less than five years, changed the name of the country to Wu Tai, and the surname of Wu Yuan, the emperor in this temple is the contemporary Emperor Wu, Yuan Zhenzhen."

"Yuan Zhenzhen? Why does it sound like a girl's name—" Su Jinman asked with doubt.

"Yuan Zhen is really the first female martial arts emperor in the history of Shenwu State!" Gu Si felt a big head, and really hoped that Su Jin would not ask any more. This emperor's palace came to Beast King Mountain. He didn't even prepare for it. Did not expect it.

"Since the messenger can't save my son, the old man took Huang Li home and was buried—" Xu Huaiyue was full of miserable and desolate heart. He can't afford to come here, and he can't afford to provoke him!

"No!" Gus said coldly.

Ten Thousand Thing Sect was defeated. Although unwilling, but also helpless, Xu Huaiyue looked at Gu Si with bitter eyes, and the debt of Beast King Mountain, he Thousand Thousand Sect recorded.

Watching Xu Huaiyue take the people of Wanwuzong away, Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the female martial emperor came in time, otherwise there might be serious problems.

With the current power coming from Beast King Mountain, adding one piece can't resist Ten Thousand Things Sect, Gu Si can only hold Xu Huaiyue at best, but who can stop the other three great sages?

"It's okay, don't bother me--" Seeing the people of Wanwuzong disappeared, Su Jin turned around and ordered Gusi, when he returned to the small building in the back mountain.

The entire Beast King Mountain, because of the advent of the female martial emperor of the Shenwu Kingdom, seemed to have become nervous.

Gus was quickly declared outside the imperial palace. After several rounds of inquiries, he finally chose to land the imperial palace on the east side of the Beast King! And that place is also the place closest to the back mountain.

"You know? The people of Shenwu Nation are here--" There are many forces who have just descended on the Beast King Mountain, and people continue to whisper to each other, looking at the golden palace with awe.

"That envoy, really has a way to remove the slave mark?"

"Yes! Now that this matter has spread, the envoy can remove the imprint of the heaven slave, but cannot destroy the imprint of the heaven slave. Only the supreme divine power contained in the eternal spirit jade tree can destroy the imprint."

"The female martial arts emperor Yuan is really the imperial driver. She hasn't been in power for long. If I remember correctly, this is probably the first time out of the Shenwu Kingdom?"

"The descendants of the emperor, the most taboo is the word'slave', and the one who most urgently wants to get rid of the slave mark is naturally the royal family. She came to this Beast King Mountain with excuses."

"What does the Envoy look like?"

"Young, very young!"


As the forces came, Beast King Mountain became more and more lively, but the back mountain was always very quiet, so quiet that Su Jin felt strange.

When Su Jin just came back, Charm Huo had been around until the envoy asked the doubts in his heart: "You said this martial empress has a really good temper, and didn't directly announce me to see her--"

Meihuo didn't dare to speak, and quickly transmitted his voice: "I have something, but I dare not say..."

"Speak." Su Jin said lightly.

"After all, you are an envoy of God, and she is not a long-time leader, even as a female martial emperor, in the entire God's Domain, and even the abyss world, she is also a heaven slave. Where can she declare your truth? Huo Chuanyin was still a little nervous, "Brother Messenger, don't spread this word, otherwise Meihuo's life will not be guaranteed."

"Don't worry, but what you said makes sense..." Su Jin pondered, "You Beast King Mountain, how many forces are coming now?"

"About thirty," Mei Huo replied.

"When will the side-lying Buddha land be able to open the ban?" Su Jin thought about it, but still felt that he couldn't wait. He had to find a way to get in earlier.

"It is the consensus of the entire abyss world to ban the Great Buddha Land. It is extremely dangerous there. Our power is very different from the power in the instant gods. This is waiting for them to defeat." Meihuo said: "Wait for the other party to come down, inside and outside the Great Buddha Land. , Can definitely be wiped out in one fell swoop—"

Su Jin was speechless.

"Brother Messenger, there is a warm pond in that room, and all the clothes are ready, look..." Mei Huo blinked at Su Jin and said.

"Leave it all, I want to be alone." Su Jin thinks about taking a bath, but it's good to take a bath, but when he arrives in this abyssal world, he really can't imagine that he can still get this kind of treatment.

Meihuo rolled his eyes and looked at Su Jin straightly, but sighed in his heart...

Su Jin walked into the Wenchi room. The so-called Wenchi is not a hot spring pool, but a layer of spar that heats up at the bottom of the pool. This room is quite large, and when you open the door, you can see a room of steaming mist——

Before long, Su Jin entered the water. He was shirtless, leaning against the pool, closing his eyes, and carefully starting to sort out his thoughts.

"Charming fire!" Su Jin realized that he had missed a huge question, and shouted: "Go and ask, how long will it take to hit it down?"

no respond!

No response at all!

Su Jin was shocked. He opened the eyes of Maha's prison, but he saw Meihuo, but like the other maids, she seemed to be frozen, motionless outside the door!

Wo... Rub!

"It will take another day to hit it down? Almost—"

The voice of the person who responded seemed to make people bathe in the spring breeze, and the sweetness contained unimaginable prestige, and this voice came from a woman, a woman like a god!

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