My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3347: Bless!

Beast King Mountain, people panic--

The messenger of God suddenly became angry and threatened to bring an immortal disaster to the "Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom" and the "Shen Wu Kingdom"! This caused a layer of haze that was difficult to fade in the sky above the lively Beast King Mountain.

"What happened on earth? Don't Shenwu Kingdom and Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom want to let the messenger lift the mark of the world's heaven slaves?" In the Beast King Mountain, there were constant noises.

"I don't know, these two kingdoms of the gods can be ranked first in the entire abyss world, and they have always been fighting, how come they have become the targets of revenge from the angels of God?"

"Master Gus can't deal with this situation. For a case and a country, it is naturally extremely small—"

"Star Giant, Sky Arm! This person is not the messenger of God, who can be? It's just your Majesty the Martial Emperor, from where did he offend the messenger."


No one can guess why.

Su Jin did not take away Meihuo when he left, and Gu Si also found this daughter who knew the truth immediately!

"Father, something has happened." Before Mei Huo waited for Gu Si to ask, she said nothing.

"Of course something big happened. How did the Empress and Heavenly Kingdom offend the messenger of God?" Gus trembled angrily, and quickly asked.

Meihuo said all the causes and consequences quickly. In Gu Si's gloomy expression, he continued: "Xiao Suxian took him to the side of the Buddha."

Gus took a deep breath and shook his head: "No, there are extremely powerful great sages around the side of the Buddha. Even the messenger of God cannot pass, and you think the messenger swallowed this breath. ?"

"Father said--" Meihuo covered her small mouth in fright, her eyes full of incredible.

"The messenger is not stupid. This direction is indeed like the direction to the Great Buddha Land. This is enough to confuse people for a while. If Xiao Suxian tells the location of the Shenwu Kingdom and the Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom, these two kingdoms will be destroyed!" Gu Si transmitted a message to Meihuo, "This matter is a guess for the father, you can't tell outsiders!"

Meihuo nodded, "Father, Meihuo knows how serious it is—"

No one knows, Meihuo's heart now seems to be overwhelmed!

Whether the envoy went to the side-lying Buddha, or really, just as his father said, went to the border of the two countries, all of which will be further verified!

In the distance, the huge figure of the star giant has gradually diminished. It has taken seven steps and is already in the land of seventy thousand miles. The forces of Beast King Mountain are no longer visible.

Xiao Suxian is still in shock.

The appearance of the star giant made Xiao Suxian unexpected, she now believes in her heart that Su Jin is the messenger sent by God!

"After I took the Yongling Yushu, I will go to the two countries of Heng and Shenwu! As the daughter of the ancient fairy kingdom, you should know the location of these two gods?" Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief. , He had used the words of blocking the ancestors and necromancers to work, otherwise he would never escape the siege of the two!

"Shenwu Kingdom and Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom are both in the center of the abyss world, Shenwu Kingdom has more territory--" Xiao Suxian nodded and said without doubt.

"Where is our current position in the abyss?"

"Naturally it's a bit northeast—"

"Good!" Su Jin's eyes flashed coldly.

Xiao Suxian heard something wrong, " lie to me?"

Su Jin shook his head, "Looking back, neither the Great Master Tongshen nor the Necromancer came after him. Obviously these two great sages did not want to be used by others. Now everyone knows that we went to the side lying Buddha. opportunity."

"But you still lied to me." Xiao Suxian was very angry, but when she saw Su Jin's cold eyes looking at her, she silently lowered her head.

"Tell me, you are looking for my purpose." Su Jin asked back.

"Naturally, I want to get closer to the messenger, when Yongling Yushu is born, so that I can lift the slave mark of God for my ancient immortal country." Xiao Suxian said without thinking.

"If I tell you now, I don't need the Eternal Spirit Yushu to remove your seal of anger?" Su Jin threw out a heavy news that was extremely dumb for Xiao Suxian.

"It turns out... So you helped Yuan Zhenzhen remove the seal of the heaven slave--" Xiao Suxian took a breath and exclaimed.

Xiao Suxian understands everything. Yuan Zhen really wants to be the emperor of the abyss. He wants to be the only martial emperor who is not a slave. He must be able to overpower the other gods and protect his throne forever. This is killing intent. The origin of.

"She paid a great price." Su Jin looked at the veil on Xiao Suxian's face.

Xiao Suxian recalled the sound she heard outside the small building in Houshan. At that time Yuan Zhenzhen's voice seemed to be extremely ‘intimacy’. Now when she heard Su Jin’s words, she took a step back in shock.

"My ancient fairy country is very small and its national strength is declining, why should I tell me this——" Xiao Suxian asked.

"Now that I am leaving with you, what do you think Yuan Zhenzhen and the Princess of Heaven would say about me? The forces of the world will almost always gather at Beast King Mountain, and they will definitely spare no effort. They say that after seeing me, they believe that I am not the messenger of God."

"This—" Xiao Suxian felt that Su Jin's words might come true.

"So, I let you make a choice." Su Jin said lightly: "Your Ancient Immortal Congress and the abyss world are enemies of the world. This is a price, and I will lift the Heavenly Slave mark for you, including your existence in the entire kingdom. "

"You have a lie, I don't believe you." Xiao Suxian felt a little adventurous, and also felt Su Jin's madness.

Su Jin held Xiao Suxian's shoulders and said, "I will help you remove the imprint of the heavenly slaves now, and you will naturally believe in me! You will follow me in the future, and the ancient immortal kingdom will be blessed by me for eternity and become a transcendent existence in the abyss world! It’s from the Shenwu Nation and the like, and there is no supreme existence to provoke!"

Really understand?

Xiao Suxian still has some doubts. Only Su Jin’s words were just mentioned, but of course, if it can be relieved, she will naturally believe——

Su Jin raised his left hand and pressed it on Xiao Suxian's right shoulder. A gleam of crystal red light flowed into the center of Xiao Suxian's eyebrows like fluttering flocks. Her slave mark quivered slightly, and he was easily caught by him. Suck it out.


Su Jin snapped his fingers, and the bright red Heaven Slave symbol turned into a bit of brilliance and dissipated directly into the void!

Xiao Suxian seemed to be suffocated, and the great road inside her body seemed to open up suddenly. She couldn't notice any feeling of being restricted by the mark of the slave, which also meant that she was no longer a slave!

Gulu, Su Jin swallowed, his hands seemed to be uncontrollable, twisting a corner of Xiao Suxian's veil——

"No." Xiao Suxian's voice was trembling, but his voice was so faint that he couldn't hear it unless he listened carefully.

The ancient fairy country girl, only the Taoist couple can take off the veil, which also means that the face is only for the husband and the husband, and it is a rule passed down from generation to generation! And swear to death, always only follow your husband!

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