My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3354: Buddhist temple

The old man ferry looked at Su Jin blankly again.

The golden lantern in front of him, as if he heard Su Jin's words, shook up and down.

"What is a relic?" The old man ferrying asked silently.

"Before the predecessors became the ferryman of the Nihe River, they must be a great power at the level of the Buddha King. Who picked your Buddha King relic?" Su Jin tested the reaction of the old man Ferry.

The old man Ferry trembled all over, holding his head with his dry hands, his expression was painful, and he even shouted several times!

Su Jin narrowed his eyes, and when the old man ferry was caught off guard, he raised his hand to firmly hold the golden lantern, directly condensed the golden body, and plunged the Buddha's finger into the golden lantern!

Chi Chi -

A golden relic about the size of a pigeon egg was taken out of the golden lantern by Su Jin with a Buddha's finger, and suddenly shined a brilliant golden light around the Nihe! That golden light makes it hard to look directly at it!

The wisps of black air, like smoke, quickly receded from the Buddha King's relic, and the three girls were now pale. They watched the lantern turn black and turned into a head in a flash, trying to swallow Su Jin’s gold. body!


Su Jin made the "Handprint of the Aquarius Bottle", a golden aquarium with a glorious charm of thousands of Buddhas, and immediately shook the demon head into black smoke.

The process seemed simple, but the three fairy Xiaosu was stunned, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time!

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and pushed the'Buddha King Relic' directly in front of the old man Ferry. Under the extremely pure Buddha light, the old man opened his mouth, let out a ray of black air, and touched the Buddha with his trembling hand. Wang Sheli——

A layer of golden body quickly filled the body of the ferrying old man!

"Old Na, palm the lamp!" The old man Ferry retrieved a small part of his memories, scenes in his mind, even if he seems to be reluctant to remember it now!

"Senior--" Su Jin asked calmly after she faded away from her golden body.

The old man ferrying stared at Su Jin in a daze, and finally got up with difficulty, and bowed to Su Jin with his palms together, "Thank you, Buddha, for his rescue, but Lao Na... Lao Na seems to have lost too much memory..."

"It doesn't matter if the memory is lost, the predecessors look for it slowly..." Su Jin nodded.

"Buddha, do you want to cross the river?" the old man ferrying asked.

Su Jin looked at the three women, "Come on."

Xiao Suxian and the Princess of Heaven looked at each other and stepped on the wooden boat reluctantly, while Yuan Zhenzhen saw the old man ferrying back to his cultivation. He felt that the danger was a lot less dangerous, but he still planned to believe it. Su Jin once.

Yuan Zhen is ashamed to follow. Although she is not afraid of death, at least she is still alive now!

The canoe swayed slowly, and gradually left the river bank——

On the surface of the tumbling mud river hundreds of meters, Su Jin tentatively asked the ferry old man, but he didn't even gain anything.

This small section of the mud river was finally a thrilling ride!

When the heavenly princess, Yuan Zhenzhen, and Xiao Suxian set foot on the ground on the other side, they finally felt at ease.

"Buddha, the future of the Buddha's land will be difficult to exist. We will meet again soon. I hope the Buddha can escape this catastrophe!" The old man Fudu put his hands together and saluted again: "I also want to find some old places. To find some answers from that year—"

After bidding farewell to the Lord Buddha, Su Jin glanced at the three women with weird expressions.

"Can you speak?" Xiao Suxian asked.


"Unexpectedly, you will be good at Buddhism and Taoism, and the cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism seems to be very profound.

"What else to ask?" Su Jin's expression was very solemn, "Ask them all together."

"You just helped that senior find the relic, which is equivalent to saving his life. What if you don't find it? We will definitely die on the mud river by boat." Xiao Suxian said.

Su Jin shook his head, "It's okay if I don't find it, I can also cross the river safely—"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Suxian was taken aback.

"It is obviously intentional to use Buddha relics as the eternal life lamp and put it in such a prominent position." Su Jin was silent for a while and continued: "Help him find the Buddha relics, perhaps the most dangerous thing. Anyway, be careful of this person."

"My Envoy has the cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism, why should we go to find a Buddhist temple? Can't you protect us directly?" asked the Princess of Heaven.

"Isn't it what you said? There is no Buddhist temple, it will cause unknown disasters -" Su Jin looked at the heavenly princess, "And I may not be able to protect you in such a dangerous place. Go to the Buddhist temple first. Then you look for it and see if you can find the body protector."

Fairy Xiaosu thought about it, feeling extremely reasonable, but didn't say anything.

Five hundred miles away-

The four of Su Jin seemed to have been walking for a long time, perhaps one or two hours, or perhaps half of the daylight scene, but fortunately, they had already appeared in front of the Buddhist temple!

The location of this Buddhist temple is between a high mountain and ridge, and the lifeless environment around it makes people feel very uncomfortable. Even a worm call has never been seen in a long time.

"The Palace of Heavenly Kings." Xiao Suxian looked at the plaque on the Buddhist temple, feeling that the temple was not too small, and it was probably a place where incense flourished back then.

The four Su Jin didn't enter the temple rashly, but inspected in front of the hall for a while.

"Can you go in?" Xiao Suxian looked at the Temple of Heavenly Kings well-preserved, thinking that there must be Buddha artifacts. She didn't have Buddha artifacts beside her, and she always felt dangerous.


A slight voice suddenly appeared in the ears of Princess Heaven, Yuan Zhenzhen, and Xiao Suxian.

"Have you heard? It's like sweeping the floor." The Princess of Heaven asked in a trembling voice.

"I didn't hear." Su Jin said immediately after Xiao Suxian and Yuan Zhenzhen stepped forward.

Yuan Zhenzhen and Xiao Suxian glanced at Su Jin weirdly--

The sound of sweeping the floor was not small. The three girls heard it, but this guy said he didn't hear it!

"Don't talk too much, who will open the door?" Su Jin asked the three women.

"I dare not open." Xiao Suxian shook his head.

"I don't dare." The heavenly princess looked at Su Jin with pleading eyes.

"Dont look at me."

Yuan Zhen really looked at Su Jin stubbornly. Since she was taken to the side of the Buddha by Su Jin, she hadn’t expected to go out alive. Now this guy wants her to open the temple door first. It’s absolutely impossible. .

Moreover, the sound of sweeping the floor just heard from the ear made the three of them very jealous. If they blasted the gate of the'Hall of Heavenly Kings' with divine power, who knew what would happen——

With a wry smile on his face, Su Jin walked to the front of the hall alone.

Xiao Suxian, Heavenly Princess, Yuan Zhenzhen all stared closely at Su Jin's movements.


The sound of sweeping the floor seemed to be near, getting closer.

The three women suddenly felt a tingling scalp, and the voice seemed to be not far behind the three women, scared them to look back!

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