My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3359: Earth barbarian

When the Buddhist altar, Jingping bottle, and wooden fish light up at the same time, the faces of the three women are obviously disappointed.

"Before, when we were standing on the Golden Avenue of Little Godxiu, why didn't the Buddhist artifacts shine?" Xiao Suxian asked Su Jin, she was very puzzled.

Su Jin smiled and said, "Xiao Shenxiu said when he said goodbye to us. When I see you again, I don't know whether it is an enemy or a friend. Do you think he is still a Buddha?"

Xiao Suxian, Heavenly Princess, and Yuan Zhenzhen all stunned in their hearts. The little **** show was indeed mysterious, but Su Jin’s performance surprised them even more, as if everything was under his control, at least in this big Buddha. , The three women can feel his self-confidence, no one has this trait.

The heavy black snow fell leisurely--

The snow on the ground is not thick, just not the back of the boots.

"Once the Forgotten Disaster Canyon passes, it should be the'Black Iron City'. This city cannot be avoided at all. It won't be long before the great sages of the Abyssal World or the people from God's Domain will gather outside the Black Iron City. "The heavenly princess said.

"What is special about Dark Iron City?" Su Jin asked.

"Ancient Black Iron City, there were savages, good at casting, the Buddha artifacts and big Buddha statues in this pure land all came from the Black Iron City, but after a long time of dust, no one knows whether there are any giants. Xiao Suxian shook his head.

"Then how do you know that Yongling Yushu is in the Great Buddha Land?" Su Jin was a little curious.

"A few days ago, the dusty gods of the abyss world shone brightly, and the heavens and the earth were illuminated. The jade tree glowed with glazed clouds. Almost everyone saw it and fell in the depths of the Great Buddha——" Xiao Su Xian replied.

When Su Jin heard this, he was naturally relieved.

The four began to walk in, and within a short while, they saw pieces of remains.

In the distance, there is an extremely deep black shadow that straddles the sky and the earth. It is the wall of the Dark Iron City. Where Su Jin is located, broken Buddha statues, Buddha arms, and heads can be seen everywhere. To the point where it is difficult to navigate.

"Five friends, please stop--" Above the black tower, there was a sturdy giant, carrying a fishing rod in his brown pocket, and flicking it lightly. A giant fish with fangs, Was pulled over from the canyon in the distance.

"Senior, which eye do you see that we are five of us?" Xiao Suxian looked over immediately.

The Heavenly Princess and Yuan Zhenzhen's expressions changed. They still had some illusions, thinking that Xiao Shenxiu was lying, but judging from the current situation, they were obviously not very optimistic.

"There are no creatures in Dark Iron City, you are—" Su Jin just glanced at Dark Iron City, but he didn't find this person, which is really strange.

"I am the ‘Earth Barbarian Patriarch’, and I am also the Lord of the Dark Iron City. This way is blocked, please leave as soon as possible.” The sturdy giant on the tower lifted the hat and stood up.

Oh, the patriarch of the barbarian was actually a giant eight feet tall! As it got up, its skin showed a copper-like color, and its muscles looked quite explosive.

"This is the messenger from God's Realm sent by God, please make it easy and let me wait for the past--" the heavenly princess said suddenly.

"Where is the angel of God in the world? Don't the angel of heaven have the ability to reach the sky? Why do you come to my Black Iron City and ask me to make way?" The earth looked at Su Jin wildly, with a weird tone.


The heavenly princess and Yuan Zhenzhen all choked.

"I want to cross the city." Su Jin said lightly.

"I haven't awakened for many years. Since you are the messenger of the gods, I will believe you for the time being, old man, but now I can't open my limbs, old man. I want you, the messenger of the gods, to move with me and practice hands!" Dadiman Throw the fishing rod and go straight down the tower!


A piece of black snow was directly swept away, and the solid ground was shaken with fist-like wide cracks!

"Big, Daxian--" Xiao Suxian covered her mouth, feeling a terrible suffocation.

Su Jin's expression also changed slightly.

Although I knew that the other party was a stubborn stubborn dog, I didn't expect it to be a recognized master in the world! Su Jin felt that if he tried his best, he might not be able to beat the opponent.

"Boy! The old barbarian doesn't use weapons, Ren Er waits to break through! If you can pass the city with Er and other abilities, the old barbarian will let you go!" Da Diman shouted loudly.

"You said..." Su Jin smiled softly.

"That's natural!"

"Indeed, I pretended to be the messenger of God until now, and I didn't expect to be seen by you. Do I want to kill someone?" Su Jin sighed.

No... isn't it?

Xiao Suxian's face was pale--

The heavenly princess and Yuan Zhenzhen were all dumbfounded. Just now they confirmed that they had not misheard, Su Jin took the initiative to admit that they were not God's messengers! !

"Haha, showing off your feet!" The earth was quite proud.

"What to do, he is not the messenger of God." The princess of the heaven struggled in her heart, and transmitted her voice to Xiao Suxian. The three daughters were really incomprehensible, and she didn't know why Su Jin would blew himself up now.

"Whether he admits it or not, as long as he can remove the imprint of the heaven slave, he is the messenger of God." Xiao Suxian fixed his eyes and responded to the heavenly princess and Yuan Zhenzhen.

"I have always doubted him, but you don't believe it--" Yuan Zhen was really desperate.

With such a big identity as the messenger of God, the means it possesses are naturally unimaginable. Isn't it easy to get Yongling Yushu? Why would I be greeted by Beast King Mountain and wait for time to enter this ‘Side-Lying Buddha Land’!

"The people of the world don't believe you." Xiao Suxian looked at Yuan Zhenzhen coldly.

"Only the three of me know about this. Don't let it out." The Heavenly Kingdom Princess looked at Yuan Zhenzhen and said.

Now, the three women who are willing to keep secrets for Su Jin are probably only Xiao Suxian and the Princess of Heaven. Xiao Suxian has chosen to accompany him desperately, but Yuan Zhenzhen may not be willing.

"I know--" Yuan Zhen really turned her head away, she felt that she had lost her throne a bit wrongly, but the matter had passed and it was hard to recover.

Su Jin turned his head and asked: "Are you still going?"

"where to?"

"You can go anywhere, anyway, don't stay here, I admit that I am not the messenger of God, and it will not help to follow me." Su Jin sighed.

"Why do you want to admit it?" the heavenly princess asked.

"I can't help it," Su Jin said quietly.

I really can't hide it--

As long as Su Jin fights and works hard, he will definitely be seen through his identity, so it is better to buy time for the three women.

"Go!" Xiao Suxian suddenly transmitted the voice to the other two women, and walked away. She knew what Su Jin meant. He probably wanted to hold this earth barbarian and let the three of them pass the city first! Because Su Jin said beforehand, there are no creatures in the city!

"Haha, the four of you can go there, the province is here to get in the way, but he wants to stay--" Da Diman slammed his fists together, two huge fist winds, agitated bursts of rumbling sound, fighting spirit high.

The heavenly princess didn't even think about it, she walked directly to Xiao Suxian's side.

"Go!" Xiao Suxian gave Yuan Zhenzhen an urgent voice.

"Live through the city." Yuan Zhenzhen's words surprised Su Jin.

Seeing the three women quickly surpassing the city wall, Su Jin couldn't help but cast a sly arc of smile——

The majestic Nine Divine Clouds began to overlap one circle, and they appeared on Su Jin's body. At the same time, his eyes quickly merged into the crystal red light, and three rings of crystal red light suddenly appeared on the top of his head, heart, and feet. Escape in the darkness.

Regarding the Great Divine Dao, Su Jin did not position it as his tenth Dao. He did not disdain to enter the Three Thousand Dao Dao. This supernatural power has unpredictable merits!


Su Jin's entire body was flooded with violent power, and he floated up from the same place, leaning back slightly!


Su Jin grabbed it with one hand and grabbed it to the "Forgetful Disaster Grand Canyon"!

The entire Forgotten Disaster Grand Canyon, in the eyes of the slightly sluggish Earthman, seemed to be alive, the winding Grand Canyon seemed to be swinging, and at the end of the canyon, a bright dragon head rose high!

Long, raised his head!


The world's black snow melted instantly, a black ice dragon opened its mouth, shaking off thousands of ice ridges, and howling the sky!

The ground was trembling, madly trembling, the flying earth waves seemed to turn into dragon nests, and the earth dragons began to condense! Su Jin's slightly leaning back figure, with his hands open, a strand of crystal red color, as if silently telling a legend!

"I...I admit defeat..." The earth was full of excitement and fluttered directly. This eight-zhang giant prostrated directly on the ground! He knew the true identity of Su Jin!

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