My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3361: Hopeless!

The one who will kill in God's Domain, Ye Di?

Da Diman's expression changed, and he shouted: "I haven't seen the night emperor you are talking about, but you, why do you want to come to my Black Iron City?"

Outside the city gate, here are a pair of old men with white beard and hair, and a young woman in a thin shirt. This woman has a hairpin in her hair and a green jade piano on her back. She has a delicate face and a kind of person who is not close. The iceberg feels--

"Since Fellow Daoist refuses to hand over this person, there will be a battle." The old man feared that Ye Di would not be seen, and even if he walked into the void, he would have a hard fight with Da Di Shou.

"The Immortal Sect of Ten Thousand Times, Sect Master Nalan Moxue." The female cultivator who took off the green Yuqin also walked into the void and said to Da Diman.

"No matter what sect you are, you can't enter this city—" The earth savagely carried the'cloak warhammer' and slammed it directly at the old man!

The void is like a mirror, hammered into a spider web by the earth barbarian! The fissure place is faintly glowing with fire-colored magma. This combat power makes people sigh!

"I'm withered bones and old ways, I haven't seen you such an arrogant person, the Dark Iron City Lord? The old man beat it today!" A whisk appeared in the old man's hand, and he slammed it hard, and the rhyme was swayed out by him. It was actually wrapped in a'cloak warhammer'!


The Earthman's "cloak warhammer" began to turn red, and the dusty silk melted inch by inch. In an instant, the old bones cried out that it was bad, the war hammer had reached the top of his head!

So fast--

When the dry bones were frightened, Nalan Moxue's ten green onions fingers swept lightly, and the green piano sounds swept over them directly. There was a roar in Da Diman's mind, and the whole person had a short period of stagnation. This was regarded as the solution to the dry bones. The old way!

"Looking for death!" The earth was furious, "Look at the hammer of my chaotic cloak!"

The cloak warhammer was slammed by the earth, and the entire void began to be hammered out of the lava cracks by the hammer shadows. The hammer shadows seemed to be transformed into a hundred, hundreds of thousands of thousands, and the surrounding voids were all that prominent and eye-catching. Shadow of the hammer!

"Puff--" The Old Bone Dao couldn't dodge at all, his whole body was soaring. This is not an ordinary sage, but a great sage, with this to protect the whole body, forever!

But that's the case, the old man withered bone was hit by a hammer, and he spouted a mouthful of old blood from the sky, and was severely hit to the ground, causing a wave of earth!

Now the mantle warhammer of the earth barbarian is as huge as a huge red mountain, and it is daunting!

Nalanmoxue secretly yelled badly, her fingers continued to turn into phantoms, and a touch of agitated piano sound reverberated in all directions, and the whole person seemed to be wrapped in a mysterious mood, those hammering shadows could not hurt her at all—

"It's so noisy!" Like a gorilla, Dadiman has red eyes, and his whole person begins to grow wildly. Finally, his hands finally hold the tall cloak warhammer as tall as a mountain. His hands are densely intertwined on the cloak warhammer!

Su Jin listened to the beautiful sound of the piano and shook his head repeatedly, "I don't know how to appreciate it."

Don't talk about the piano with a reckless guy. The sound of the piano reminds Su Jin of a beloved woman...

Perhaps, once the matter is over, it's time to go back and see the last time-

Even if Nalan Moxue had Daoqin's spiritual mood to protect her body, when she saw the fierce and mighty Dadiman, she still had some speculations in her heart, she was not sure to take this blow!

Withered bones crawled out of the ground, the injury was not light.

When he and Nalan Moxue came, they did not expect this to be the case! This earth is so powerful, even if one person faces two great sages, he can steadily cover one end, it is invincible!

"Can't stop--" Withered Bones yelled hard.

"If you can't stop it, you must stop it." Nalan Moxue knew that there was no way to retreat.

"Retreat! Our God's Domain masters are coming soon, there is no need to take risks!" Withered Bones Old Road felt terrified, and the earth barbaric was powerful, as if it surpassed his cognition. If this fight continues, Nalanmoxue will die!

"Spare this eldest sister for life." Su Jin held the wine cup, and the Princess of Heaven filled it up for him, and took a sip after talking.

Doubts appeared on the face of the earthman, his figure resembling a cloaked warhammer, and he began to return to his original shape--

Nalanmoxue frowned and called...who is the eldest sister called?

Condescendingly, she followed the voice to see the distance, where there were three women faintly, and a figure, although it was vague, she just blurted out according to her previous judgment: "Ye Di!"

"Well, the answer is correct." Su Jin responded.

Nalan Moxue was a little surprised. She and the old bones had just seen a fight here, guessing that it was the Ye Emperor here. I thought that the earth was so powerful, and the Ye Emperor should have fallen. I never thought that people were drinking leisurely. , And let Da Diman raise her hand by the way!

What's happening here!

As the lord of the "Black Iron City" of the Buddha Land, Dadiman, why should he listen to the emperor! Nalan Moxue was surprised, she found that this had exceeded her understanding——

"The sound of your piano is good, it made me remember some old memories." Su Jin smiled: "So let you go, otherwise I'm afraid I will take your piano and give it to her..."

"Quickly go!" The old bone said eagerly.

"What did you call me just now?" Nalan Moxue was still gritting her teeth now.

"Big sister, is it possible to call your aunt?" Su Jin asked calmly: "But I am still a little interested in you. Which prescription for your face do you use? The great sage master state can still maintain this What does it look like?"

Nalan Moxue was a little crazy inside, she had never wanted to kill a person like this!

"Ye Di said, spare your life, and still not get out?" Da Diman asked with his'cloak warhammer'.

"You'd better not fall into my hands--" Nalanmoxue burst into tears from the corner of her eyes.

"Similarly, when you chose to be your enemy from God's Domain, you were already hopeless." Su Jin took a drink again and smiled calmly.

Nalan Moxue didn't understand the meaning, and saw that the Old Bone Road ran faster than her, and immediately returned to the outside of the canyon without explaining it!

As a born sage in the Ten Thousand Immortal Sect, she was infused with great sages by the great elders of the Xianzong. She practiced hard for a hundred years and was first promoted to a great sage. For the monks, her age is not very old. This guy actually called her elder sister and aunt, Damn it!

Outside the Forgetful Disaster Grand Canyon——

There is constant power to show up with the disciple Tianjiao!

"Master of Xianzong, what's the situation on the other side?" The Liu Family Patriarch of the Scavenging Alliance asked directly.

"Withered bones, what have you encountered? Why are you injured?"

"The opposite is a city, the Dark Iron City." Nalan Moxue said coldly: "There is a great sage, who should be of the blood of a giant, and wounded the old withered bones."

"Ah? As a great sage, Senior Withered Bones was injured by him?" Patriarch Liu was obviously very surprised.

"Emperor Ye is in that city, sheltered by the great sage who injured the dead bones--" Nalan Moxue now remembered, still trembling with anger, two crystal-like pearl-like eardrops were shaking, she Staring at the opposite Black Iron City, "Which one of you can capture Ye Di, don't kill it yet, give it to me, I will cut him a thousand times!"

Ye Di!

Ye Di is opposite!

Patriarch Liu and all the great abilities were all cheered up, and they were still curious. After all, there was news that the Sea Clan had infiltrated the army of God's Domain. So it seems impossible for Ye Di to fight for the eternal spirit jade tree. Now he never expected it. Go ahead and get to Dark Iron City first!

"Sect Master Nalan, please don't worry, as long as you capture Ye Di, you will get the last cut!"

"What opportunity did Ye Di get? Why is it faster than us? It's faster than those fools in the abyss—"

"That great sage has one enemy and two. It might be tricky for him to protect Yedi, but there are so many of us. As long as we walk out of a few great sages, entangle the giant city lord, and kill that Yedi from time to time!"

"Senior withered bones, don't worry! We will bring the head of the Ye Emperor to you at that time, and we will definitely avenge you this time!"

"Kill Ye Di!"

"Kill Ye Di!"


The trembling shouts gradually converged into a first class. On the side of the Forgotten Disaster Canyon, there were densely packed monks. Killing the emperor and seizing the eternal spirit jade tree seemed to be the two major events of their trip!

Dark Iron City.

Dadiman has merged with Su Jin——

"You have offended many people." Xiao Suxian said with a smile.

"I said, they were not saved." Su Jin's tone was a little helpless.

"Don't give them the Heavenly Slave Mark. They don't know that you can lift the Heavenly Slave Mark?" The Heavenly Princess asked curiously.

"I don't know--" Su Jin said.

The heavenly princess covered her mouth and chuckled, chasing the emperor? This is too ridiculous. At that time, the entire God Realm would have to let Ye Di get rid of the Mark of the Heavenly Slave. She continued:

"I really want to see, they will understand the truth then, I don't know what expressions will appear..."

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