My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3363: Intellectual enemy!

Several people--

Nalanmoxue's face was startled. On the Ye Emperor's side, there are Yuan Zhenzhen, Heavenly Princess, Xiao Suxian, and Da Di Man. These are five people. Could there be one more person out of thin air?

Is this a joke, or are there other secrets?

The Lord of the God Capital, the Immortal Emperor, and the leader Fan Lao glanced at each other silently, their expressions gradually becoming solemn, if it hadn't been for Su Jin to remind them, it would be really difficult for them to notice--

"That friend, probably won't help you." Leader Fan suddenly said.

"Haha, I have seen the tyrannical aspects of the Scavenging Alliance, but even if it is as strong as your Scavenging Alliance, won’t you join forces with them today?" Su Jin smiled: "My friend, don’t you help me? You can't make it!"

Dadiman's eyes were a little red, he was begging for defeat alone in the lonely Dark Iron City, and it was rare to meet the top masters in this god's domain, naturally gearing his hands and eager to try.

"No matter what, you can't leave today--" the Lord of God Capital said lightly.

"Honorable Lord! Tell them some great truths, these four old barbarians killed them all at once!" Dadi said in a hurry.

"You are not the opponent of these four." Su Jin shook his head.

Da Diman was a little speechless. In terms of a single combat power, he absolutely controlled any one of the opponents, but when these four people joined hands, he did know himself.

"I said, I will kill you personally and give you the last cut--" Nalanmoxue hated it, as if for a while, Su Jin would become her dead soul.

"You're thinking about fart..." Su Jindang turned around and looked at the three girls.

Heavenly princess, Xiao Suxian, Yuan Zhenzhen, nerves tense, when Su Jin's eyes finally rested on Her Majesty the Martial Emperor, he stretched out his hand and said, "Give me your cleansing bottle."

Yuan Zhen really collapsed.

It really is her!

Not long ago, when Xiao Shenxiu said farewell, that one of the three girls would die, and Su Jin's analysis later concluded that the terrible evil spirit was hidden in the Buddhist artifacts of their three women!

Now Su Jin wants her to clean the bottle, and the result is obvious--

Tears couldn't help but flowed down, Yuan Zhen was really compelling, and from the moment he was brought in by Su Jin, he wanted to survive, but he still couldn't escape the end of the fall!

"I will save you--" Su Jin calmly looked at Yuan Zhenzhen, he took the bottle that he had handed over, and exhorted: "You are behind me, no matter what happens, don't leave for half a step."

Although Yuan Zhen really calculated him, no matter what, Su Jin would not abandon her just by relying on the phrase "live through the city" in front of Dark Iron City.

Yuan Zhenzhen didn't cry. She looked at her hand and found a tiny black spot in the palm of her hand. She seemed to be more frightened, as if she was completely dominated by fear.

Su Jin was holding the cleansing bottle in one hand and holding the other hand behind him, and shouted at the four members of the alliance fan: "Come on, who dares to kill me?"

The Jingping bottle shook slightly, and a trace of black air turned the bottle body into black. The people present seemed to receive some Taoist rhymes, and those Taoist rhymes seemed to evolve into voices: "Whoever has the ability to sink me into the Tian Jing sea, I will Who will help—"


Su Jin was dumbfounded.

The Lord of the God Capital, Immortal Emperor and Old Fan all smiled.

"Senior, I am waiting for the great sage of God's Domain, and I will definitely help Senior to complete the trust of Senior!" Fan Lao Shen shouted.

"Yes... Our God Realm great sage is unstoppable. We will soon enter the Tian Jing Sea and walk to the feet of the Great Buddha. We will definitely live up to the expectations of the predecessors!" The Lord of the God Capital also assured.

"Ye Di! I see what else you can do!" Nalan Moxue said proudly.

"Sorry, it seems that I am faster than you--" Su Jin's face was straightened, with a surrendered expression, he gently waved his hand, and the dazzling Buddha light was directly released.

A hundred thousand miles away in the void, three Buddhist temples manifested in the sky!

‘Da Lei Yin Temple’, ‘Daxiong Hall’, and ‘Sumi Bodhi Temple’, the three temples are dazzling to the world, and under the three Buddhas, countless stairs stretch under Su Jin’s feet!

"Hundred thousand miles, you can get there with your finger! Little Shenxiu, if you step on the horse and don't help me kill them, I have a way to deal with you!" Su Jin sneered.

"You... guessed it..." The existence in the black clean bottle was obviously a little surprised.

At this moment, Old Fan, the Lord of the God Capital, the Immortal Emperor, and Nalan Moxue are all dignified. As the great sage, they all need some Buddhist artifacts here to avoid trouble, and they can't cross the void to reach the point of a tens of thousands of miles. The faint world here is extremely weird. Not long ago, they saw a great sage torn alive in the void!

"Senior, he will never be able to do this step. This is just a virtual image evolved from the Buddhist technique, so you shouldn't take it seriously!" Nalanmoxue became anxious.

"You... take that step--" the existence in the net bottle said to Su Jin.

"That won't work, I can only guarantee that I can do it, but if you don't kill these people for me, I won't take you there even if I try my best!" Su Jin shouted.

"Too many four people."

"Then you kill three people."

"too much."

"Cut two of them! This is my bottom line!"

"it is good."

Seeing that Su Jin reached an agreement with the terrifying existence in Jing Ping, Nalan Moxue and the others fell into a dumbfounded state-

Nalan Moxue shook her head hard, "No, senior! He is obviously lying!"

Old Fan, the Immortal Emperor, and the Lord of the God Capital all became vigilant, and like Nalan Moxue, they backed away for a certain distance.

"There is no Buddhist cultivator among you, so you can't take me there..." The existence in the Jing Ping turned into a hoarse voice.

"Be careful!" Old Fan felt that something was wrong, and quickly yelled to remind the other three that he was ready to fight!

"My "Heavenly Vitality Gang", when it was cultivated to Dacheng, I had not yet encountered an opponent. Today I will quietly, what kind of evil spirit you are, so arrogant and arrogant!" The emperor who has never spoken, Raising his hand directly, the whole person was directly surrounded by the waves of the wave-like qi power, when his power spread out, it turned out to be an unimaginable depression!

"The evil spirit is the evil spirit, don't be too polite with him——" The Lord of the God Capital also said.

Old Fan's eyelids are beating frantically now. He always feels something is wrong. Who is the evil spirit in this bottle? Unheard of, what did Ye Di just say that he was called "Little God Show"?

"Haha, when there are two of you left, I will clean up together!" Da Diman was equally proud. Four people joined hands to deal with him. Naturally, he is not an opponent. Two people will be very relaxed!

The emperor's expression suddenly became a little nervous--

The Lord of the God Capital secretly lifted up his strength, feeling a whirlwind on the ground, except for a circle of falling black snow flakes, they did not see anyone appear!

"I--" The Immortal Emperor screamed in horror. His "Heavenly Origin Vitality Gang" was showing waves of patterns. In a blink of an eye, he saw the most incredible scene of his life!

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