My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3368: Tian Jinghai

The changes are unthinkable and caught off guard!

The cry of the young girl seemed to be scared to cry in the ears of several people in the earth!

"What's going on--" Dadi asked blankly.

"The test has already begun. Both of them are standing. I don't know what happened." Xiao Suxian felt very strange.

"Look, there is a Kunpeng phantom flying out of the young girl!" The Heavenly Princess exclaimed!

The soul of Qingguang Kunpeng is so beautiful, the whole body is like cyan and transparent thin ice, as light as a feather, but at this moment, the soul of Kunpeng seems to be under great pressure, and a touch of nine-colored thunder appears in the blue out of thin air. All around the girl!

"Give up, give up—" The young girl shrieked harshly, and brought back the few people watching the battle to reality!

Everyone had doubts on their faces. They didn't fight at all, so why did they give up!

Su Jin seems to have done nothing and won without a fight! But it seems to have done something that scared Qingguang Kunpeng, otherwise how could Qingguang Kunpeng give in on the spot!

"Since you have conceded, I have no other requests, so accompany me through the last ten thousand miles--" Su Jin forced a smile, pretending that I was your senior and said.

Before the green girl agreed, Su Jin turned around and walked to Xiao Suxian's side.

Xiao Suxian couldn't hold back after all, and asked, "What happened just now? Why did she suddenly give in?"

"Because her rank is too low." Su Jin said lightly.

"The Lord is really amazing, and even Qingguang Kunpeng can win without fighting." Dadiman scratched his head and quickly congratulated.

"What's so great about bullying a kid?" Su Jin looked at Da Diman with a strange look.

The earth was quite bitter and knew that in Su Jin's eyes, this Qingguang Kunpeng was a little girl, but he didn't know how many times he was beaten by this little girl!

Su Jin was naturally prepared. Just now, the rhyme of Kunpeng technique appeared, and no one else could see it, but this Qingguang Kunpeng can naturally see it. As a superior, the coercion of the nine-color Kunpeng is too strong, almost to be cut. The soul of Broken Qingguang Kunpeng!

"Count you cruel——" The young girl walked over unhappy, "The Kunpeng clan has no so-called eighteenth generation ancestors. Although you are a superior, you can't bully people like this!"

"Do you count your words?" Su Jin asked.

"Grandma aunt doesn't want to go back--" The young girl was sincerely unwilling, but it seemed that she said it was useless, and she was willing to bet and lose.

"It's okay if you don't go to Tianjinghai, you help me do something." Su Jin's tone suddenly became solemn.

"What's the matter?" The green girl's eyes lit up, "As long as I don't let me face the people of Niluantian, let me do anything!"

"Go to the Palace of Heavenly Kings and destroy the Taoist body of Xiao Shenxiu." Su Jin looked at the young girl with expectant eyes.

Qingguang Kunpeng was stunned directly in the same place, and he hadn't recovered for a long time.

"I choose to go to Tianjinghai with you!" The young girl gritted her teeth.

Too annoying--

Su Jin's words hit the young girl's sore spot!

The earth said angrily: "The Lord does not know that, like the young girl, Xiao Shenxiu used to be under the seat of the holy Guanyin. When Xiao Shenxiu was still practicing Buddha, the young girl just lost half a trick every time... "

Speaking of this, Da Di almost cried, because after a small loss, the aunt's grandmother asked him to practice with him. I don't know how many times she was punched, and she was beaten terribly!

"You can't kill, I'll go with you to face the people of Niluantianyu." The young girl turned her face to it. Anyway, she didn't want to see the guy without the head even if she died--

Su Jin suddenly.

"It's okay, it's not far away. We wait for the great sage of the abyss world to appear, and it's best to involve the Divine Realm Continent." Su Jin thought about it.

"By the way, the Yongling Yushu you were looking for, I really didn't see it before. It seems that people against Chaos Tianyu are also looking for it. If you are really capable, you must not let them hang the Immeasurable God and Buddha with a divine cord. "The young girl said.

"Do you think I have this ability?"

"Aren't you invincible?"

"It's also--" Su Jin had a sneer in his eyes, "You can try Niluantianyu's Jinliang."

Su Jin's words, in the ears of Xiao Suxian and the others, don't be too scary. What is Niluantianyu? One of the highest gods, compared with the two, even the great sages of the same level are lower in status.

"I'll take you to wait near Tianjinghai. I have holy art, which can completely conceal my breath and hide in the void." The young girl turned her hand, holding a handful of cyan feathers in her hand, "Each of you take one-- "

Su Jin took the cyan Shenyu in his hand, and when he was still looking at it, he only felt that the faint surroundings seemed to have turned into a cyan world. When he and Xiao Suxian looked down, they actually appeared on Qingguang Kunpeng’s back. !

"My bloodline holy light technique can assimilate the void, we only need to hide in one place, no one can find it." The voice of the young girl came out.

"Will there be any problems with the little **** show in the net bottle?" asked the princess of heaven.

"He can't do it--" In the green girl's tone, it was obvious that she was very disappointed with Xiao Shenxiu, a fellow senior.

Ten thousand miles, in the blink of an eye!

The vast sky and clean sea, glowing with a hint of pure blue light, this sea is almost like a piece of blue silk, shimmering again under the reflection of the high-altitude nebula.

High in the sky, thousands of starry caves were opened up, and the golden chain with a thickness of hundreds of feet was continuously rolled down.

How insight has Su Jin been along the way?

But it is such a vast Buddha, but now it is lying in the clear sea, and this Buddha alone occupies a full two-thirds of the area——

Yuan Zhen really can't see the long-term, she only cares about her own life and death!

"Throw me into the sea of ​​Tian Jing, I can spare your life." The Jing bottle shook violently in Yuan Zhenzhen's hands, and Xiao Shenxiu's voice came out.

With a trace of sorrow in Qingguang Kunpeng's delicate eyes, she said, "Brother, do you remember me?"

Xiao Shenxiu was silent for five full breaths-

"I don't know anymore," Xiao Shenxiu replied.

"Normal, because you are no longer the real you..." The young girl said: "The head was cut and turned into a container for the monster to hide. You must not blame the heavens and others, even if it was us back then, we can't help it."

For a long time, the little **** Xiucai asked silently: "For the holy Guanyin... where did you go..."

Qing Guang Kunpeng was a little surprised, "The Tuashi went to Different Time and Space, and no one has seen it before that time."

"Falled--" Xiao Shenxiu's tone in the Jing Ping vaguely carried a certain madness, "Help me! Throw me into the Tian Jing Sea, and I will take you to Different Time and Space!"

"Impossible brother, what you say is useless."

"Why!" Little Shenxiu was puzzled.

"I know all of your plot."

The young girl paused, "The Immeasurable God and Buddha is in Tianjinghai, suppressing the heaven and earth, and now the gods are turbulent, not a good sign—"

"Why don't you believe me!" Little Shenxiu went crazy, "I have to wait for me to resort to methods to kill you one by one, and make you all kneel to me before you can convince me!"

"Hey—" Su Jin snorted, "Brother Shenxiu, have you forgotten what you told us in the Palace of Heavenly Kings? It was you who told us not to believe you, no wonder who?"

"You really surprised me." Xiao Shenxiu condensed a black face pattern on the surface of the clean bottle, and continued to say to Su Jin: "Even, you make me a little bit unable to see through."

"Tianjinghai has been brought to you, you can come from the forbidden place." Su Jin smiled.

"Are you really afraid of me beheading this woman?" Xiao Shenxiu threatened.

Yuan Zhenzhen's heart seemed to turn into a small deer, banging and banging, she didn't want to die, really didn't want to!

Su Jin said indifferently: "Don't challenge my patience. Her life is not worth mentioning to me. It can only be said that you have chosen the wrong person, and you can also try--"

"You are challenging my determination! Don't think I dare!" Xiao Shenxiu yelled at Su Jin in the clean bottle like crazy.

"Okay, you can kill--" Su Jin raised his hand and recruited the "Blood Altar", "Kill her, you can bet on how long you can stand on this altar!"

this is!

Even Qingguang Kunpeng, when Su Jin recruited the **** altar, his face changed directly. It turned out... the **** altar was Su Jin's big killer!

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