My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3370: appear!

The big Buddha lying on his side, how could he move——

Qingguang Kunpeng, Dadiman, and Xiaosu Fairy all shook their heads. Could it be that Yedi had a hallucination? Just like Qingguang Kunpeng, a sacred beast-level existence that had been enlightened by gods and Buddhas, did not notice any abnormal appearance.

Su Jin's heart jumped, could it be Mo Hongyu?

No, absolutely not.

When they descended into the'Quiet God Realm', Mo Hongyu was still dying. If it weren't for the eternal spirit jade tree, I am afraid that the jade would have disappeared long ago, and the red figure in the abyss world is very likely to fail Not her--

The doubt on Su Jin's face became more and more intense, could it be an illusion.

On the Tianjing Coast not far away, Feng Lie raised his hands back, and two long knives with lettering slowly unsheathed from behind his shoulders. The two long knives about one inch wide were wrapped around the blue-violet lightning lightning. Once they were unsheathed, they were powerful. It was overwhelmingly overwhelmed.

"You can be regarded as an opponent, but to me, it is just good." Yun Haofeng stared at Master Feng Lie and shook his head.

Feng Lie's murderous intent was revealed, and anyone who dared to say this sentence in front of him hadn't appeared in many years, but he wouldn't care about it. Yun Haofeng was not simple.

In the Yun Shenzong, apart from the other six great sages, the other disciples in the sect all looked like a good show.

"The one called Star Operator just now? Has been stepped into the soil, and now there is a Tian Slave who does not have long eyes coming to die. It is really fearless to anyone who doesn't know--" Someone in the Cloud God Sect laughed.

"What a master, we sages are not far behind him. They are still being restricted by the imprint of the heaven slaves. This person really thinks he is a great sage."

"Maybe I have been a slave for a long time, I haven't seen the world at all, I have a little strength and I think that anyone can defeat..."

"There are more than twenty great sages, we can clean up with the seven great sages of God Yunzong, not to mention there are people above us."

"The great abilities in the Jinwu stars are all blessing the gods. They have to move the side reclining Buddha body of Jinghai on this day. There is no time to take care of them."


Feng Lie's face is getting more and more ugly--

Yun Haofeng squeezed his hands, his fist was immediately wrapped with a layer of secret light, it was a pair of gorgeous gloves!

At this time, Yuan Zhenzhen became more and more anxious, she felt a little bad, Feng Lie might not be Yun Haofeng's opponent.

Whether right or wrong, Feng Lie is a member of her Shenwu Kingdom after all, even if there is a break, she hopes that something will happen to the other party.

"Brother Shenxiu, our previous agreement has been successfully reached, how about making another deal now?" Su Jin said to Jingping.

"What deal." Xiao Shenxiu's voice was in the net bottle.

"Destroy all the people of God Cloud Sect." Su Jin said astonishingly, and even Qingguang Kunpeng was taken aback.

"First sink me, I will not only help you destroy the Divine Cloud Sect, but even Niluantianyu will also help you destroy--" Xiao Shenxiu said.

"That won't work. Let's take a step back." Su Jin said in a serious tone: "You kill these people, first show your sincerity."

"How about you?" Xiao Shenxiu asked.

"I will swear that I will sink you into the pure sea when things happen. After you get the chance, you can complete the promise to defeat the chaos, how about?" Su Jin smiled.

Silence, silence for a long time.

Su Jin still didn't wait for Xiaoshenxiu's response, this was a silent rejection——

"The price is too high." The young girl shook her head and said, "He won't promise you. In short, he won't believe you anymore."

"I am an honest and honest person. It is difficult to find the second one under the world. Not cooperating with me is his loss." Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said: "It will be lively in a while, wait for all the power of God's Domain to arrive. , We take advantage of the chaos to cross the sea."

"Crossing the sea under the eyes of the monk Niluantian?" The young girl asked in surprise.

"Of course—" Su Jin nodded heavily.

At this moment, only Yuan Zhenzhen did not listen to the conversations of a few people attentively, she was staring at Master Feng Lie and Yun Haofeng!

Feng Lie's Thunder Knife traverses the abyss world, with few enemies! But at this moment, this tentative blow was easily blocked by Yun Haofeng's two-handed gloves!

"It's really not an opponent." Yuan Zhen was really disappointed, Feng Lie was stunned tens of meters away, but Yun Haofeng's figure didn't move!

Feng Lie's eyes revealed a strong unbelief, his figure moved, and all around the battlefield seemed to be his figure!


Millions of thunder and lightning, centered on Feng Lie, descended directly from nine days! Panic thunder and lightning, as if making Tianjinghai even more mysterious and unpredictable!

"Good coming!" Yun Haofeng's eyes were full of fierce thunder means, and the sky thunder and purple lightning intertwined all around made him feel a bit numb!

Qiang Qiang——

Feng Lie's speed was extremely fast. When he appeared on Yun Haofeng's side, he swung his backhand and wiped the blade directly to Yun Haofeng's neck!

At lightning speed, the sword man seemed to be one with the world. This was a blow with Feng Lie's full strength. The great sage divine intent that poured into the sword all over his body even changed the appearance of the other six great sages of the Yun Shenzong!


Yun Haofeng didn't even want to hide, Feng Lie only felt that the knife he wiped at Yun Haofeng was repelled by a gentle force in front of Yun Haofeng's neck, and was directly repelled to another path!

"Extreme Sky Bone!" Feng Lie's face changed wildly.

Yun Haofeng has a superb bone!

Feng Lie felt that his guess was correct, otherwise this weird situation would occur without reason——

"Are you top grade bones?" Yuan Zhenzhen sighed lightly after seeing this scene from a distance.

"Yes." Qingguang Kunpeng said: "As Yun Haofeng's identity, I am afraid that there is more than one piece of the best celestial bone on his body. Back then, when God's Domain was still the Supreme God's Domain, in terms of status, there were still anti-turbulent and different time and space. Not enough, but after such a long period of recuperation, they are even more terrifying."

"A piece of top grade bone can surprise you like this?" Su Jin asked in surprise.

"Boss, that's the Sky Bone, one of the best!" Dadi's eyes widened, "Is it possible that you think the best Sky Bone is available everywhere, do you pick it up anywhere?"

"In the entire moment of God's Realm, there are only more than ten pieces of top-grade celestial bones. This is for a huge God's realm." Yuan Zhenzhen looked at Su Jin, really wondering if this guy didn't understand, or if he had really experienced the power of celestial bones.

"Have you seen?" Xiao Suxian also asked Su Jin.

"No, like such a valuable Tiangu, how can I ever see it--" Su Jin's expression was calm.

"I haven't seen the best, I tell you, the monks with the best celestial bones are the most terrifying, just like this, if Yun Haofeng does not have the best celestial bone protection, he will die or be disabled." Xiao Suxian gave Su Jin a white look. , A tone that you didn't know.

Su Jin ignored Xiao Suxian's eyes, could he tell them that there was still a King Grade Sky Bone deep in the sea of ​​Qi? If it were the first time he was practicing, he was full of energy, he might have to fight one, two or three, but now it’s really unnecessary—

"This Yun Haofeng is the body of a great sage, and he has the best celestial bone on his body, and his strength is even higher than that of his opponent." Da Diman said seriously: "His opponent is in trouble."

Sure enough, when Feng Lie was still immersed in the shock that the opponent had the best celestial bone, then Yun Haofeng's fist was like raindrops, blasting towards him!

Those fighters are simply unsolvable!

With the blessing of Yun Haofeng's gloves, every boxing shadow tore through an unknown number of layers of void, even if Feng Lie Ren Knife World is one, it can't resist such a domineering offensive!

Finally, after the tenth breath, Yun Haofeng screamed and raised both fists simultaneously, the whole body was constantly secretive, and he seemed to have turned into a peerless divine fist!


Feng Lie was directly blasted into the sand, and a ring of wind and sand circled the dark hole formed by him, splashing in all directions——

Shenwu Kingdom, the first master, defeated!

Still a fiasco!

The other twenty-odd sages in Abyss World didn’t look good. This Yun Haofeng was simply impeccable, his whole body seemed to be armed to his teeth, even Master Feng Lie was abused by the opponent...

"You're not bad, you can hold on for ten breaths." Yun Haofeng didn't seem to be so happy for a long time, and his tone was surprisingly shocking. Although it made people uncomfortable to hear, he had no way to do it.

"Inverse chaos Tianyu, it is too rampant." The great sages in the abyss world all gritted their teeth, but no one dared to take a step.

"You can also be so rampant, provided that... knock me down." Yun Haofeng's face was a little smug, but his face changed slightly, and he looked in the direction of Su Jin: "Who?"

It was discovered!

Su Jin glanced at Qingguang Kunpeng and thought that this young girl was really unreliable, so it would be better to hide her figure with his "No" word Tian Mi——

"The sputtering power just swept over, so that he noticed where we were hiding..." Qing Guang Kunpeng was a little puzzled, and his tone was naturally embarrassing.

Qingguang Kunpeng's words just fell, and the figures of Su Jin and others all appeared--

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