My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3375: Daxian is brave!

There was silence.

The three Yun Shenzong sages who have just come down seem to have never been here before. They were wiped out of thin air and completely wiped out of the world. Only the Buddha lotus in the pure sea of ​​heaven seems to be fresh in the memory— —

"What is his method..." The Princess of Heaven murmured in her silly stay.

"I don't know." After Xiao Suxian finished speaking, he was silent for a while, and then said: "Do you remember the time when the little **** showed up as a demon before and all the stone statues of the Buddha land looked at him?"

"Remember." Yuan Zhenzhen took a deep breath to relieve the shock at this time.

"The land of the Great Buddha on the side is a special fierce land for us, but for the emperor, it may help him to contend with the treasure of Daxian! Buddhism here will resonate with his Buddhism!" Xiao Suxian Say.

Buddhism and Taoism resonance——

Only in this way can we explain clearly what has just happened.

Otherwise, the three fairy Xiaosu would absolutely not believe that the three sages who did not believe that the inverse chaos universe would be erased without resistance!

Su Jin’s face has always been calm. On his indifferent and stern face, there is always an endless mystery. After just easily slicing off the three sages of the God of Cloud, a blank Buddha scroll appeared in his hand. , This Buddha scroll comes from the'Sutra Box'!


Su Jin lightly pointed, and this Buddha scroll radiated golden light directly and went straight to the sky! Dive into the depths of the nebula vortex!

On the Jinwu Stars, dozens of powers, including the Yun Shenzong, Taichu Xuanmen, Wendingzong, and Wuji Daomen, gathered. At this moment, because of the ‘wangpin Tiangu’, these forces are all closely watching Su Jin’s every move!

At this time, a Buddha scroll seemed to turn into a golden spot, directly appearing in everyone's vision!

Boom, a scripture actually emits visible power fluctuations, this scripture opens automatically, and a phantom night emperor figure faintly condenses on it.

"Today, I, Ye Di, will pick you all the monks in Niluantian Territory!"

"Today, I am the night emperor alone, fighting against the chaotic universe!"

"Today, I am the Ye Emperor alone, the gods block and kill the gods, and I am are not brave enough!"

Daxian is brave!

The monks of the Yunshen Sect, including the Yunshen Sect Master, all had their faces stern, and the emperor of the night was so arrogant, he even challenged the entire Nichaosian realm!

"Is there anyone in charge! If this person doesn't kill, the law of heaven cannot be tolerated!" Someone in Xuanmen was unhappy at the beginning.

"The matter was caused by your God Yunzong. Your God Yunzong didn't end up with this person, and the domain master asked the crime, and you couldn't afford it!"

"This person is extremely arrogant and provokes the power of the Supreme God's Domain. I can't afford to lose that face in Niluantianyu! Sect Master Yunchuan, if you can't hold this person under God's Cloud Sect, don't blame me asking Dingzong to turn his face!"

"It's just a Buddhist cultivator, relying on the mystery of the Dharma, Sect Master Yunchuan, it's time for you to make a move--" Wu Ji Dao Sect also said a great sage.

Yunchuan, the sect master of God Yunzong, is gritting his teeth now! He could see that the reason why Ye Di was so arrogant was naturally not related to the Buddha Land.

"Father! I'll take his life!" Yun Haofeng said quickly.

"No." Yunchuan's old face was sullen, "You can't bear the repression of immeasurable gods and Buddhas, but I have a treasure, I can come and go freely, but I can't let you go on adventure."

"Wang Pin Tiangu just restrained my Tiangu, but couldn't restrain my great sage, I can beat him!" Yun Haofeng was anxious, "Father, please trust me again!"

"Elder Haichen, Elder Hongtian, you two will be with me--" Sect Master Yun Shen waved directly and called the two great sages in the clan.

"Yes." Hong Tian and Hai Chen responded directly.

Yunchuan raised his hand, and a golden light the size of a pinpoint quickly diffused. In the blink of an eye, a flawless "king Kong platform" appeared in everyone's eyes!

Yun Shen's Sect Master, Yun Chuan, will take the two elders in the clan to step on the King Kong Terrace and kill Ye Di!

Before the anxious Yun Haofeng could speak, King Kongtai accepted the two great sages and walked directly across the void, and landed aggressively not far from Su Jin!


Dadiman's face suddenly changed--

This Vajra Tower was actually a treasure lost from the Buddha's land during the ancient gods' war. I never thought it was flowed to the Niluantian Realm and fell into the hands of the Yunshen Sect Master!

"Lord, be careful!" Da Di Man said, feeling extremely heavy.

"I'm here!" The young girl turned into a blue shadow and appeared directly.

Qingguang Kunpeng is a sacred beast, crossing the sea is naturally like walking on the ground, now she sees the great sage of Niluantian slaying, no matter where she is waiting, she rushes directly to help Su Jin——

"Count me!" Dadiman feels that he can perform his strength perfectly. Now the area is filled with golden Buddha lotus. He doesn't worry about falling into the sea when he fights. Even if he throws the scriptures into his mouth, he gets a'cloak warhammer' by him. Swiped out.

Yun Shen's sovereign, Yun Chuan, looked at Qingguang Kunpeng more. In his opinion, this woman is the strongest!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Golden thunder and lightning appeared densely around the King Kong Terrace, but the King Kong Terrace was too profound. Frey did not invade, but protected the Yunchuan trio!

"Xiayu Nuxiu, I don't want to kill you, come with me!" Yunchuan stared at Su Jin, his eyes filled with enthusiasm. The reason for his enthusiasm was naturally that piece of ‘king-grade celestial bone’!

"But I want to kill you all--" Su Jin said lightly.

"You challenged the authority of the Supreme Divine Realm, it is a great sin! I advise you not to make mistakes. If you donate the Wang Pintian bones, you may still have meritorious performance and make up for your merits!"

"Speaking of it, isn't it jealous of the'Wang Pintian Bone'?" Su Jin looked at Yun Chuan, "You have a slave repair on the left and a slave repair on the right, why are you so miserable? If you want the Wang Pintian bone, find it yourself what……"

"You!" Elder Haichen stared, almost not getting angry at Su Jin's words!

Doesn't this mean that they are not as good as slaves?

"What am I? And when did you get sick? My eyes are not working well, right? I, dignified Ye Di, the monk from the outside world, when did you become the heaven slaves you are talking about?" Su Jin questioned.

"Whoever you are, Wang Pintian bone, you don't deserve to have it!" Elder Hong Tian also shouted loudly.

"Is this going to be robbed?" Su Jin sneered.

"What is Mingqiang?" Yun Chuan pretended to be angry and said: "We Niluantianyu once produced a king-grade celestial bone, but it was finally stolen and its whereabouts are unknown. We need to see if your king-grade celestial bone comes from We are against chaos!"

Su Jin was stunned--

Niluan Tianyu is one of the highest gods' realms, and Su Jin thought that there would be fewer shameless people, but in fact he was disappointed.

"Lord! Don't talk nonsense with them, fight whenever you want! Me and the young girl deal with the two, you watch..." The earth yelled coldly, "We are not easy to mess with!"

Yun Chuan and the other two elders glanced at each other and nodded. Although this diamond platform can be worn freely here, they must not leave the scope of the diamond platform, fortunately their magic can still be used.

"This thing is called Zhenwang's Seal, you can pick it up!" Elder Haichen lifted his hand with a jewel-like stamp pad floating in the palm of his palm. He slammed the'Zhenwang's Seal' into the void, and there was a bright glaze directly. Throwing away from the stamp pad.

"Imprint of death? It seems that you are destined to be unfavorable today—" Su Jin smiled and looked at the Yunchuan trio with a cold look.

"Holy Lord! I'm savage, come to break this seal!"

The earth barbarian suddenly began to grow in size. He was originally the king of the earth barbarous giant clan. At this moment, his blood flow surged, shaking the magical technique of the blood in his body!

"The original bloodline magic of the earthman!" The earthman seemed to be based on the heavens and the earth, and directly shouted again uncontrollably: "War roar!"

Dadiman's whole body strength has more than doubled! With the body of a giant, he jumped up in one step, and the ‘cloak warhammer’ he held in his arms burst out with eye-popping light!


The cloak warhammer is like a mountain range, and the surface is turned into a crimson rock flow. This hammer hits the ‘Zhenwang’s Seal’ and the effect is surprisingly good. One hammer smashes the Zhenwang’s Seal into dust!

"You--" Elder Haichen on the Vajra Stage, lost a divine treasure, a little frustrated!

"This person is an ancient survivor, so you shouldn't underestimate it." Yun Chuan solemnly said: "The three of me work together, they can't help us, look for opportunities to capture Ye Di!"

"Dadiman." Su Jin said coldly: "I will give you the blessing of the Blessing Sky Secret and the Fighting Word Secret, which can probably increase your strength by three times. You are sure to break this diamond platform!"

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