My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3377: Guilty

Step by step, no one can stop it, and it can't be stopped.

In the eyes of Fairy Xiaosu, Yedi had created too many miracles. The lotus was born every step and the posture of holding hands was unparalleled in the temperament!

When Qingguang Kunpeng was stunned, watching Su Jin's back when he was on the nine days, a picture appeared in his mind inexplicably——

I don't know if it is a forgotten memory, a playful female voice clearly appeared in her mind: "Do you not teach the scriptures?"

That year, that month, and that golden and glorious Buddha land, there was a Kunpeng sacred beast, and he carried one person to the brother's little **** show, and saw a golden avenue leading to Gu Xian.

The golden light is gorgeous, the Buddha's light is all over the sky!

Buddha lotus is like a staircase, extremely dazzling! At this time, no matter in any corner of the Buddha's land, any monk saw that figure, and even the Hua Jieyu and other women outside the Buddha's land also saw the familiar back figure!

"Ye, Ye Di... do you want to fight one domain alone?" The cultivator of God's Domain said with a trembling voice.

Slaves, especially Tian Slaves, seem to be the stigma imprinted by God on them. From the monks of God's Domain to the great sages to the ignorant children, low self-esteem is born!

The sense of gap between being born slaves makes them feel ashamed!

"The emperor of the night is really crazy. Don't provoke this battle of the gods! We are heaven slaves, they are the highest monks, and we will incur revenge on the other side!"

"Ye Di, what qualifications do you have to challenge Niluan Tianyu?" Another God's Domain cultivator said like this.

"He is an envoy from the heavens, and he is not afraid of all gods! Even if they are one of the highest gods!" the monk in the abyss world shouted out.

"What? Yedi is the messenger of God rumored in the abyss world?" The news spread quickly as if it had grown wings.

The monks of God's Domain are shocked!

Angel of God? Can Ye Di help people get in touch with the imprint of Tiannu? !

In the Buddha Land, Nalanmo Xue carried a green jade piano on her back, and also received this unacceptable news for her! She was pale now, thinking of what Su Jin had said to her before, when she knelt down and begged him!


Why is this happening!

Of course, Su Jin did not know what was happening.

"You are against the chaotic universe, greedy for the bones that I have, and shamelessly say that it is your thing from the chaos universe." Su Jinmofa flew slightly in the breeze, he continued to take a step, and said indifferently: "I don't know you. Is the celestial monument that produced the celestial bone lost also?"

While speaking, Su Jin waved his hand in front of him——

"Or, you lost the bones, and disappeared together with the monument of life." Su Jin's voice was extremely clear in the ears of the world. His voice was unhappy, but the questioning words were quite sharp, and he said: "Then, on the monument of life There is also a tree of enlightenment, and the tree of enlightenment was also lost by you against the chaotic universe..."

Enlightenment tree!

Enlightenment tree!

One tree came out, the world was shocked!

Everyone knows that the Yongling Yushu is precious, but the gap between the Yongling Yushu and the Taoist Tree is as big as a heaven! This tree is now taking root on that monument of life!

Lord Yun Shen, Hong Tian, ​​Hai Chen! Even all the forces on the Jinwu Stars, all their eyes were red. This face was lost by God Yunzong. Although it was connected to the entire Gods Realm of Inverse Chaos, this tree of enlightenment, even if the domain owner is here, I am afraid that it will be unable to hold back and force it. Take a shot!

"Don't covet this sacred tree, it has merged with the origin of my immortal way, and when I die, it will wither as well--" Su Jin gave a message that made the world desperate!

"You really dare to come!" Yun Shen's Sect Master Yun Chuan, with a cruel twist on his mouth, looked at Su Jin who appeared in the distance.

"I said, one person picks your entire domain, and wants to verify what you are in the Nichatian Domain." Su Jin said indifferently.

"So courageous!" Yunchuan almost applauded Su Jin.

"So now are you ready to die?" The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised slightly and asked.


The Yun Shenzong, even the forces on the heights of the deep sky, and the Jinwu stars all felt Su Jin's arrogance!

"I have never seen such an arrogant person--" The monks of the major forces on Jinwu Star, most of them couldn't help but yelled.

"It's crazy, why is he?"

"I think I have some strength, and I don't even understand what the Supreme God's Domain is, and want to challenge us against the chaotic sky alone?"

"Shen Yunzong is really shameless, but if you can kill him here, take his'king of the heavenly bone', and take the tree of enlightenment on his life monument, then the **** Yunzong will make the first contribution, and this trip will go against chaotic heaven. , It's a worthwhile trip—"


The faces of Sect Master Yunshen, Hong Tian, ​​and Hai Chen are inevitably a little more proud. It's not like being on the sea of ​​Tianjing. Even if the emperor of the night has power against the sky, he definitely cannot stop them!

"There is no Tian Jinghai, no Buddha land, no Buddhism resonance of immeasurable gods and Buddhas, what are you fighting against us!" Sect Master Yun Shen shouted.

"Don't you see the Buddha statue of the Immeasurable God and Buddha? He opened his eyes soon and has been looking at everyone——" Su Jin was puzzled, "Why? Didn't you see?"

Humming, Humming...

I have to say that Su Jin's words still make people's heart beat faster, but the immeasurable **** and Buddha has already turned into a side-lying big Buddha, lying on its side in the Tianjing Sea, where is the eye open! And only half of it was exposed, and only one eye was opened.

Xiao Suxian had weird eyes, just like the heavenly princess and others, looking at the huge side-lying Buddha, she felt nothing strange at all.

"You think, can you believe what Ye Di said?" The Princess of Heaven asked hesitantly.

"Although he lied to me many times, I think it's credible--" Xiao Suxian said: "Not long ago, he said that the side-lying Buddha moved a bit. It doesn't feel like a lie, but we can't see the Buddha's cultivation. The mystery lies."

"It turns out that this is the reason for Yedi's self-confidence!" The heavenly princess became excited, "If it weren't for this reason, he didn't need to go up to the battle!"

"He is a Buddhist cultivator with the ultimate artistic conception of Samadhi. He may see things that we can't find out." The young girl said uncertainly.

"Where did you put that clean bottle containing the little **** Xiu Yuanshen?" Xiao Suxian asked suddenly.

"Buried in a dirty pit, there was the place where all the holy beasts showed respect back then--" the green girl said blushing.

Xiao Suxian immediately shut up and stopped asking her, this is also utterly insatiable, that little godxiu is a fellow of the young girl——

At this time, Su Jin's movements also attracted everyone's attention instantly!

Su Jin held the life monument in his hand, and then the star giant was condensed out of thin air, and directly received him in his palm!

There is also a ten-star renju that appeared with the huge star giant!


Sect Master Yun Shen, Hong Tian, ​​and Hai Chen were instantly suppressed. With this method, they believed that with the current power of the Ye Emperor, it was completely impossible to display it--

Ten stars in a row, ten stars in a starry sky ancient road, stepped on the first star by the star giant!

No one would have thought that something more terrifying is yet to come!

The entire Buddha land seemed to be frustrated, and it really trembled, and immediately after the Buddha land, a little bit of Buddha's secret light was emitting!

On the earth, many monks were horrified to discover that even the broken Buddha's eyes were overflowing with golden Buddha tears of crystal clear glass, and some Buddha statues on the ground with remnant arms, all resembling golden light bulbs, were emitting a strong Buddha light!

"What happened--" Some monks were suffocating. They only felt that a cloud of Buddha above the sky became thicker. The Buddha light in the entire Buddha land seemed to be floating away, rushing into the deep sky above the Tianjing Sea!

"Emperor Ye is the nine cultivators against the sky. This must be his Buddhism and Buddhism resonating, producing unimaginable ultimate power! This is probably his true strength, one person, contending with a supreme divine realm!"

"It's too strong, too strong, look... the scene reflected in the Buddha's cloud is actually a human-shaped star, and it has to walk the ancient starry road that opened up the world!"

Someone kept trembling, stunned, and roared: "This star giant is blessed by the side-lying Buddha!"

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