My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3384: God show off

"Ye Di, are you okay?" Not only the Heavenly Princess saw the problem.

Su Jin shook his head, "Just meditate for a while. We will use the Buddha lotus to cross the sea. Within an hour, no matter what happens, don't call me."

An hour?

Xiao Suxian watched Su Jinpan sitting down, feeling a little anxious. An hour is not long in normal times, but I am afraid that many of the great sages of the gods will be at sea by then, and there is an unknown ‘different time and space’.

"I can carry you to the Great Buddha Land--" the green girl said.

The young girl is Qingguang Kunpeng. As a sacred beast, she can naturally ignore the suppression here. After all, if she wanted to think about Tianjinghai back then, she needed a sacred beast of their level to carry it, and the speed would be very fast.

"I don't know, he was seriously injured, so he would still have to heal when he climbed the side reclining buddha land, and the side reclining buddha land is now stared at by people from different time and space. If we go up there, they can see the emperor. Fictitiousness will definitely bring disaster." The heavenly princess shook her head.

"In one hour, you can drive the Buddha lotus to reach the vicinity of the Big Buddha--" Xiao Suxian said.

"You floating on this sea always make me feel uneasy." The young girl hesitated. She looked at Su Jin sitting cross-legged, and finally adopted the opinions of others.

"His power--" Yuan Zhenzhen let out a deep sigh, "Even so as to destroy dozens of great sages."

"Most of it is not his power." The young girl shook her head, "Although the means of walking through the ancient starry sky is amazing."

"Do you think that the venerable really used all his strength?" Dadiman said with reluctance.

"Isn't it?" The young girl looked at Dadiman, "By the way, why do you call him Lord."

Da Diman instantly raised his head, "I can't tell anyone without the Lord's permission."

"Stupid, stupid, you tell us that he is now trying his best to heal his injuries without knowing it, and we won't say anything." The young girl didn't have a good air.

"You will know soon--" Da Diman really didn't dare.

Hexi's sea breeze blew gently, and several golden Buddha lotus radiating light of Buddha gradually drifted toward the depths, getting smaller and smaller~~~

For the people of Instant God Realm, the power of the Ye Emperor is not a good thing. Although two quarters of an hour have passed, the terrifying method still echoes in everyone's mind, as if vividly!

Nalan Moxue was very sad, and she was extremely worried!

From a few days ago, Yedi turned out to be in Linji City, and then to the big events in these few days, no matter how he changed his appearance, how to hide himself, now this big event is connected, the other party is actually involved in the whole process. !

Tai Chi on the five-color mountains on the sea scared away ten sages. Swordsmanship ranks first in the Dark Void, provokes the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb, defeats the Evil Sword Xiao Yin, and the opponent is in the abyss world, transformed into a heavenly messenger with a heavenly arm, and can remove the imprint of the heavenly slave!

"It has been confirmed. I learned from a great sage in the abyss that they saw a female cultivator's imprint of the slave and was removed by the emperor——" The real man of the first Jin Daxian of God's Domain'Tianhuan Gate' hurriedly rushed Come.

"Do you remember--" Nalan Moxue hesitated: "Shortly after the Ye Emperor defected to the Sea Clan, the sky arm descended on the deep sea. I am afraid that it was the sky arm that he used."

"As long as Ye Di does not leave the Buddha's land for a moment, even if the Daxian we rushed to shoot together, he will not be his opponent."

"Buddhism in the palm of your hand, exploding the stars, and destroying dozens of great sages, how can we dare to be an enemy of such a person?"

"If we are a little careless, we are in danger of falling at any time here!"


All beings are panicked, feared by the emperor!

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed——

On the several buddha lotus, Su Jin slightly opened his eyes and looked at Yuan Zhenzhen.

Yuan Zhen really looked at the palm of his hand, his face was uncertain.

"Little Godxiu, it's about to be born." Su Jin turned his face to the green girl.

"Impossible." The young girl shook her head and said, "There are two places of repression in the Buddha Land, one is Tianjinghai, and the other is the holy pond. It is the place where the holy beasts have come out for hundreds of millions of years, the most secretive place. He can't come out."

"Are you sure?" Su Jin said with an indifferent expression: "Countless monks have come to the Buddha Land. It is not impossible for someone to pass by the holy pond."

The young girl hesitated: "It seems... uncertain."

Qingguang Kunpeng hadn't thought about whether he would be discovered by other monks just now, but the possibility that Su Jin said was too small, she didn't believe it anyway.

"Extend your hand--" Su Jin said to Yuan Zhenzhen.

Yuan Zhen was really startled, her eyes dodge a little, and finally, under Su Jin's gaze, she still stretched out her palm reluctantly, and the black willow leaf mark on her palm was swinging.

"This?" The green girl stared wide-eyed and said in a daze: "It's broken."

"Look at the water again--" Su Jin frowned. Although he had predicted that he would not be able to trap Xiao Shenxiu, he did not expect the crisis to come so quickly!

water surface?

Xiao Suxian faced the north, watching the wind and waves calmly, nothing happened.

But the young girl suddenly turned her head and looked at Tianjinghai to the south! A piece of black seems to be polluting this extremely pure sea!

"Senior, senior! You have taken the oath!" Song Yang was grasped by a few black hands with frailty in his throat, and his four juniors were also pale, and in a flash, there was a blood hole between his eyebrows!


The big waves that started without wind have changed the complexion of many people who have Buddhist artifacts crossing the sea!

"The entire Tianjinghai began to turn black! What a monster this is at work!" The cultivator of God's Domain was taken aback, somewhat at a loss.

"There are many big demons in the Buddha Land, who is this!"

"Quick! Get out of here!"

A monk from God's Domain saw black willow branches directly wrapped around their legs. These willow branches couldn't be shaken, let alone cut off, with the magic of the sword!

"Damn it! Is it Ye Di!" Someone still wants to lie on Su Jin's head.

"It will never be the Ye Emperor, the Ye Emperor's profound Buddhism, and such demon powers are definitely not his work! And he is now far in the depths of the Tianjing Sea, there is no reason to suddenly attack us!"

"My, my divine blood is boiling, divine power is evaporating out of thin air, being sucked away by someone!"

"Ye Di... Ye Di save us..." Many Divine Realm cultivators are approaching. They have just seen the invincible supernatural powers of the Night Emperor, and now there are inexplicable demons in the dark, they subconsciously want to seize the life-saving straw of Ye Di! Called for help quickly!

"Ah! It's him! It's him—"


Many people screamed and saw a golden avenue running through the north and south began to condense! This golden avenue stretches directly into the Tianjing Sea, to the south to the'Hall of Heavenly Kings'! !

The splendid Buddha light seems to have removed all imprisonment! That terrible scene was reflected!

The Palace of Heavenly Kings, where the Golden Light Avenue begins, the body of the little **** is standing majesticly on it! At this moment, the world is shaking! Countless Buddha statues all appealed to the Buddha's will, opened the Buddha's eyes, Foley billowed! But when the scriptures as before are taken out, they are no longer the same as before!

Bang bang bang ——

The little godxiu's headless body and the surface of the blood-stained monk robe burst out with a strong black brilliance. His whole body was covered by a long-opening black willow tree, and the Buddhist scriptures that came from thousands of strokes couldn't get close at all! !


Xiao Shenxiu stepped two thousand miles away, this is already his forbidden place!

The chains of Buddhism and Taoism began to condense on Xiao Shenxiu's body!

"I... came out!" The little Shenxiu broke the golden glaze buddha lock in an instant, and the flat headless neck, the golden ‘swastika’ character turned into black even, unable to show the charm of Buddha!

At this moment, I don't know how many people were scared to cry, watching the scene that was happening tremblingly!

At the feet of Xiao Shenxiu, the Golden Avenue began to ignite a big fire. He stepped a long way, and the flames that ignited on the Golden Avenue were black willow flames!

The young girl who was far away in the clean sea, now pale, said with difficulty: "It's my fault, he is about to start revenge..."


Yuan Zhenzhen trembled, but fortunately, she had nothing to do for the time being, otherwise she would hate Qingguang Kunpeng to death!

"You carry us and walk up to the side of the Buddha!" ​​Su Jin made a decisive decision and directly shouted to Qingguang Kunpeng.

"Okay—" The young girl directly displayed the Kunpeng body.

After that, Su Jin and the others looked at Qingguang Kunpeng from afar to the south...

Near the Golden Avenue, wherever there are monks, no monks are spared, and they are covered with black willow leaf patterns, and their power and spirit are all taken away! Every monk who died, his blood boiled dry and fell to the ground like a corpse!

Xiao Shenxiu is on the golden avenue filled with black light, being guarded by a black willow tree, step by step towards Tianjing Sea! He without a leader is already terrifying!

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