My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3388: Take it down!

The entire Void Sky Dragon has a vaguely arc-like crystal red brilliance on the edge, as if the sky is swallowed in, and the dragon head, dragon body, dragon spine, and dragon tail are all visible.

Feng Guyi has never felt such a magical method--

Almost everyone now believes that the reason why Ye Di dared to contend against the "Ni Chao Tian Yu" is because of the blessings of the Buddha, but most people ignore his own cultivation attainments.

Dao Guichen was equally astonished. He couldn't even speak for a while. He couldn't feel what Dao was. It was a Dao like space or starry sky, but it didn't make people feel that Dao Yun existed...

"There is no avenue track--" Dao Guichen said with a dazed expression.

His surprise is normal.

The trajectory of the road is like blowing a balloon. The balloon can be inflated because of the air, and in the eyes of the monks, this is the power of cultivation.

Su Jin's move seemed to appear silently, so fast that it caught people off guard, and none of them could match his method.

Speaking of which, the reactions of Feng Guyi, Jin Jia Zhan Zun, and Dao Guichen still surprised Su Jin——

The great divine way of the unworldly god, in the realm of the gods, the great sages are probably extremely easy to guess, but these people are different, these people are the existence of different time and space, maybe they have heard the name of the'unworldly', but they are not very much. Understand, this has caused a shocking situation for several people now.

Of course, when things have reached this point, Su Jin is not afraid of revealing the identity of the "not the world-honored". Since the other party does not know it, it is better than knowing it without calling his name.

"The talent of the emperor is far from being comparable to ordinary enchanting..." Jin Jia Zhan Zun said coldly.

The Golden Armored Warlord’s tone was more or less hostile. He felt terrible in Yedi. This person is not the existence of his ‘different time and space’. The future will naturally be a hidden danger for the other time and space——

"Brother Ye's great mastery is really beyond my reach. Guichen will bow down to the wind --" Dao Guichen looked at it for a long time and found that it was beyond his understanding. He could only smile and clasp his fists.

"Don't discuss it?" Feng Gu looked at Dao Guichen, feeling that this was not his style.

It can be said that Dao Guichen is definitely an out-and-out combat lunatic in "Another Time and Space". He has conceded defeat before he has really fought, and it is inevitable that people are a little surprised.

"The subtleties show the truth. Fighting is the way of barbarians. If you are not as good as the opponent in the sense of Dao, how can monks of the same level beat each other? I might as well admit defeat as soon as possible, and I will lose some face." Dao Huichen's attitude is very serious.

Feng Guyi was a little dumbfounded--

This sentence actually came from the mouth of Taoism.

"Brother Guichen, this is reasonable." Su Jin was happy, thinking that he would save even a fight.

"What makes sense? This is perverted reasoning." Feng Guyi's exotic face, with an obvious weirdness, said: "We have a dull mountain **** in a different time and space. Different Time and Space ranks in the top ten, how do you explain?"

"The godsend is in line with the innocent cultivation practice mentioned by Brother Ye. It is a dull mountain god, and naturally does not know how to practice. This is the most powerful place—" Dao Guichen felt that he was enlightened. Here comes the'truth'.

Su Jin's face is a bit difficult...

This Dao Guichen is really a ‘Dao idiot’. Su Jin himself just didn’t mean it, but he turned the corner and forcibly pulled it over, and he opposed this noble Feng Guyi.

"The rhyme of the earth where the dull mountain **** cultivates, the mountain road, how can it be said that the road has not been built?" Feng Guyi felt that Su Jin was really doing something, this innocent conclusion, I am afraid that Dao Guichen will go on a detour, I don't know the future How many years will I be immersed in this research?

"Girl Feng——" Su Jin yelled while looking at Feng Gu.

"What's the matter?"

"I wonder if Miss Feng has never heard of anyone, an invincible existence that once appeared in God's Domain for an instant."


"Not the Lord."


Feng Gu's body shook directly, and even though his tone was respectful, he said, "I naturally know that I don’t know the world. Back then, the world of Nirvana, the time and space of the different gates, the world of war alliance, the realm of the moment of God, I don’t know how many astounding people wanted to No one is the master, there has been a record that the no one is the existence that has truly battled the sky—"

"Brother Ye suddenly mentioned his predecessors, do you have unique insights again?" Dao Guichen looked at Su Jin expectantly and said.

Su Jin was ashamed, but his face was extremely solemn, and he solemnly said: "If you don’t have the world-honored person, you will have no Taoism. Even if the Three Thousand Great Dao evolves, it can’t be compared with the feelings of the world-honored person. ', the power of'Wu Tian' and'Wu Dao'."

"It's easy to say, there are a few'not the world's nobles' in the heavens? You don't want to persuade people to go astray. Look at the ancient sages, who is not the master of their own Dao." Feng Guyi said dissatisfied.

After all, Dao Guichen is still a person in her different time and space. If this trip is to fight Ye Di to die, it will be beneficial to Feng Guyi.

If Dao Guichen is immortal, Feng Guyi doesn’t care, but I’m afraid that this will happen. If Dao Guichen has benefited a lot, discuss the Tao with Ye Di, if there is some uncontrollable situation in the future, then She will have a very headache--

"Someone is here." Jin Jia Zhan Zun suddenly raised his eyes and reminded him.

"People from the Tiantian Domain..." Feng Gu looked at Su Jin with a smile, "Next, what should Ye Gongzi do?"

"Waiting for you to send troops to be shocked." Su Jin said lightly: "Miss Feng, don't forget the previous joint agreement."

"This--" Feng Gu hesitated for a while.

"Don't hesitate. If you don't send troops in different time and space, I will fight and kill with one person, and then see if they choose to cooperate with me, and then...Will you help me? Kill your people in different time and space." Su Jin smiled calmly and said.

"Are you really confident that you can leave?"

Feng Guyi was in a dilemma. Yedi’s cunning made her difficult to make a decision. There were a lot of powerhouses in the Tiantian Territory. In this way, if the two sides fought, different time and space would inevitably suffer heavy losses...

"Girl Feng is trying to break the covenant?" Su Jin looked at the expression of murderous intent on the Golden Armored War Venerable, and then turned to Feng Guyi, knowing that this has been impossible. In the world of the strong, unless It’s to make a vow, otherwise it’s common to say that you turn your face and turn your face—

"The Niluantian realm has arrived. If I keep you, push the boat along the river, and sell a favor to them, it seems to be good for Alien Time and Space." Feng Gu smiled: "Your previous consumption has not recovered until now. come on?"

"No." Dao Guichen frowned, "In our different time and space, if we are friends with Brother Ye, it is far better than being an enemy——"

"Take it down!" Feng Gu suddenly shouted softly.

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