My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3391: Surprise joy!

Will not!

Feng Gu suppressed the panic in his heart--

Now suppose that Ye Di is not the world-zun. Judging from the power he used before, it is far different from the strong and prosperous period. Now Feng Guyi feels really difficult. With Niluantianyu taking advantage, Heaven and Earth Zun has nine The probability of success will be taken away by the inverse chaotic domain master.

If so, the future of different time and space will be extremely dim!

"Declare my will and wait for the opportunity to open the'Cycle Differential Door', and win the heaven and earth!" Feng Guyi directly called a trusted maid and waved his hand.

Feng Guyi wasn't scared--

It’s not because of what the Lord Niluanyu said. It’s hard to say who the respected flower will fall on that day. Now that Feng Gu knows that his father is on the way, he will be afraid that he will go against the Tianyu. !

The current Feng Guyi prayed silently in his heart, only asking the ancient **** emperor to be quicker, and could not wait for the heaven and earth to come.

Tens of thousands of golden soldiers suddenly changed their formations following Feng Guyi’s order. Each golden soldier began to emit a soft golden light, and then began to gather in a position not far from the dragon chair, and they would be extremely gorgeous. The golden roulette is blessed.


Pitch black

Below the surface of the water, as if no creatures existed, Su Jin descended rapidly along the submerged Buddha wall. The darkness here made it difficult for him to follow. In the end, his vision would be better only if the wisdom Buddha pupil was opened.

The deep Buddhist Dao scars around, seem to be constantly colliding, intertwining the slivers of scriptures. Even if Su Jindang finds it extremely profound, judging from his great wisdom Buddha pupil, each scripture seems to be sitting. Full of phantom Buddha.

How powerful should the immeasurable gods and Buddhas back then be——

Su Jin was deeply moved.

Under the sea, Su Jin always remained vigilant, because he didn't know when he would meet Xiao Shenxiu again. Although he possessed the blood of Xiao Shenxiu and had a bright red altar to rely on, the opponent could kill him with one blow. There is no chance to activate the scarlet altar!

"The immeasurable **** and Buddha, in the form of a big Buddha lying on his side, the suppressed heaven and earth must be deep in the bottom of the sea." Su Jin took a deep breath, "Little **** show this servant, I don't know where--"

Su Jin knew that the deeper he went, the more likely he was to meet the little god-xiu. Now that little god-xiu was already shaking the body of the Buddha. I wonder if it was because the arm was sealed in the little god-xiu's body.

If it were to be placed in the past, the situation of the little **** show might make Su Jinjue absurd, but the ability of the body to become a spirit has long become the consensus of the world. It is no longer uncommon for an arm to turn into a demon, enter the divine body, and control other people.



The entire Tian Jing Hai seemed to tremble, Su Jin's expression changed slightly.

Is it Niluantianyu or another time and space? Su Jin felt that this change was not caused by the little **** show, it must be one of the two highest gods...

"Is the Niluantian domain? It seems to be the case. The domain owner has five hundred great sages, and only they have such power." Su Jin's eyes flashed with cold light, "Why sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight."

Under Heaven to Purify the Sea, this was the worst move. Su Jin himself didn’t want to, but Feng Gu didn’t know how to promote it. Now Niluan Tianyu relies on its tyranny and is about to enter Tianjing Sea...

Su Jin is not in a hurry, anyway, the big Buddha lying on his side is still pressing on the heaven and earth, at least for most of the day, the so-called ‘heaven and earth’ will not be born.

"Before instigating a little bit, Niluantianyu will be afraid of the summoning of great power in the different time and space, and must be anxious." Su Jin's mouth has a smile. machine."

Su Jin found out that he was really a ghost——

This kind of speculation is already the one who shouldn't be anxious. If the situation is not clear now, he might have to go around the seabed to see if there is a possibility of encountering Mo Hongyu, he feels that he can see it!

As early as in Linji City and the five-color sacred mountain on the Taiji Sea, Su Jin found a piece of red clothing. He felt that this should be the mark that Mo Hongyu left for him!

At this moment.

The people in the abyss world and the instant gods are all trembling in fright, far away from the Tianjing coast that bursts with strange brilliance!

There, five hundred great sages, working together to separate the water surface into a whirlpool of about a hundred feet, the whirlpool is spinning, and the clouds continue to be different. This can only be done by extremely strong power!

"Now that Xiao Shenxiu is acting as a demon on the bottom of the sea, I don't know how it is going, he might be the Eternal Spirit Yushu plotting us, right?" A cultivator of God's Domain said nervously.

"Our night emperor, we hope you can bring the Yongling Yushu, the king back! The previous pursuits were all a misunderstanding..." Someone knew that they could not enter the Tianjing Sea, for fear that they could not understand the imprint of the heaven slaves. Cried out affectionately.

"In the Scavenging Alliance, some Tang family members said that Ye Di would not help us unlock the seal of the heaven slave——"

"Can't you kneel down for him?"

"At the beginning, you shouted and killed, gathered the power of the entire gods, chased and killed the Ye Emperor, and forced others into the embrace of the Sea Clan. Now we regard him as a savior. If you are the Ye Emperor, what will you do?"

"The great sage Nalan Moxue spoke a while ago. She said that she had offended the emperor, and at that time, she would apologize with death and ask the emperor to unlock the shame and slavery seal for the creatures in the entire instant gods..."


In a blink of an eye, it was more than an hour.

As Su Jin expected, Xiao Shenxiu had only shaken the side-lying Buddha a few times on his own. This matter, Xiao Shenxiu could not solve by himself.

"People from another time and space should almost come to help——" Su Jin took a deep breath. He is really leisurely now, and feels that the people who come from another time and space must be no less than Niluantianyu.



Su Jin is 100 meters below the sea, which is quite far away from the bottom of the sea, but even so, I can feel the thunder constantly appearing in the water!

Different time and space, showing great means! Su Jin couldn't help controlling the wolf whale and began to float up. He used the wolf whale to dominate the world. He couldn't hold on for any longer. After more than an hour, it was the limit——

"My Buddha and Dao golden body can also enter the water." When the wolf whale dissipated, Su Jin's fingers turned into gold, and he pointed out directly, unconsciously.

Then, the aura of Buddhism was repelling the sea water, Su Jin used the golden body of Buddhism and looked towards the top of the water...

In the direction of different time and space, a very spectacular golden roulette came into view.

"Huh?" Su Jin's expression was shocked——

You know that Su Jin is rarely surprised. The reason why he can't keep calm now is because of the golden roulette!

"Time and space, different door time and space--" The reason for Su Jin's surprise was naturally because of his ‘Aotian Divine Will’, and his sky bones just started to surge crazily.

Aotian Divine Will has the power of interlocking with time and space. The rhyme of time and space on the wheel contains the aura of stars. Su Jin feels that this is the reason why Aotian Divine Will is really crazy!

Su Jin wanted to laugh wildly at this moment. He had never thought that under such circumstances, Aotian Divine Will would begin to metamorphose, and the supreme celestial bone that was fused into his skull was beginning an unprecedented evolution!

Will Ootian bones evolve into king bones?

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