My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3395: Three-way killing

Strands of black wicker, willow leaves fluttered, spreading all over the little god-xiu sitting in a cross—

Little Shenxiu has just worked hard many times, the weight of the Buddha lying on his side is endless, and when he shakes the most, he only lifted half a foot to see the height.

"What are you insisting on..." The little god's quiet voice seemed to be heard by the Buddha.

"Back then, when you saw the Pure Land being destroyed, ignoring the disaster and unable to save the common people, you finally had to say, Buddha, the most compassionate."

"For the saint Guanyin, because you saved me sitting, why didn't you see it? Now, you bless the power of the immeasurable pure land on the night emperor. At that time, why didn't you bless the saint Guanyin?"

"Haha... Buddha, the most merciful. The world, you are the most hypocritical!"

Little Shenxiu kept questioning, constantly venting his anger with words, the anger on his body seemed to turn into monstrous black willow branches, trying to lift the Buddha's body——


The entire body of the big Buddha lying on its side was a few meters too high, and the entire Buddha ground was trembling violently!

However, at this time, it only lasted for three breaths, and then the scene under the Tianjing Sea was almost seen by the entire Buddha!

If someone is on the Tianjing Coast at this moment, you can directly see a terrible scene, which is exactly on the side of the Buddha!

Lying on the side of the big Buddha, as if in an instant, opened the Buddha's eyes——

Two Buddha eyes that look like a blazing sun, one on top and one under water, are extremely dazzling!

"Buddha body, eyes opened!" The cultivator of God's Domain shook his heart, watching this scene in disbelief.

"Ye Di nearly killed two people from the Supreme God Realm just now. This time the big Buddha opened his eyes. Could it be because of him?"

"Absolutely not this time! The Ye Emperor is certainly strong, but the side-lying Buddha opened his eyes, and he was obviously lifted by someone with terrible power. Now there are only two powers on the bottom of the sea. Hyun, the other is Xiao Shenxiu!"

"Why does the side-lying Buddha open his eyes? Is this good or bad?"

"Why the Yongling Yushu hasn't been born yet? If it flies away, there will definitely be traces! Judging from the fact that the emperor went into the sea, this tree must be somewhere in the sea—"

"What is the origin of the Heaven and Earth Sovereign suppressed by the immeasurable gods and Buddhas? How can they be contended by the two supreme divine realms at all costs? Ye Di, will they also compete!"



With the vision of the big Buddha opening his eyes, the direction of time and space in the different door was empty, and suddenly, the extremely noble golden long coffin shattered the empty!

The golden long coffin directly landed on the ‘Golden Roulette’, and the entire roulette was immediately a golden masterpiece!

Ancient God Emperor, here it is!

This kind of golden light is actually vaguely capable of driving away darkness, once it appeared, the world was in an uproar!

"Father, we are blessing us." Feng Guyi has never felt so dependent on one person. She has always believed that no matter how difficult and thorny things she encounters, she can definitely solve it, but this time, she is almost helpless.

Feng Guyi knew that his father, Ancient God Emperor, had arrived, because from her enchantment, it could be seen that her enchantment suddenly became stronger.

"Where is the niece Feng——" A chaotic road mark traveled through the surrounding waters.

"Lord of Niluan Domain." Feng Gu glanced around with a cold eye, "Can you find me?"

After she uttered a voice, the Lord Niluanyu brought five hundred great sages, Dang Even extended a chaotic space, and slowly appeared in front of Feng Guyi and Jin Jia Zhan Zun.

"The ancient **** emperor has arrived, and the demeanor remains the same." The lord of Niluanyu said seriously: "Now I believe it. It turns out that it was a misunderstanding before. I think we should join hands to kill the night emperor. As for the world Belonging, then we will discuss a good way out, what do you think?"

"Originally you didn't believe it, why do you believe it again?" Feng Gu said in a puzzled way.

"The five hundred great sages under my seat, while blessing the chaotic space on the Tianjing Coast, saw that the emperor used the eternal technique to kill the thousands of golden soldiers you brought. In this way, he is naturally your different time and space. The enemy, do I have any reason to not believe it?" Niluanyu sighed.

Feng Gu's face gradually faded from his blood--

Just now the golden roulette almost collapsed, it turns out that all this is the ghost of Yedi! Also, what happened to the thousands of golden soldiers she brought?

"My people... how many have died--" Feng Guyi clenched his teeth, his exotic face, as if there was any beauty in the world, even if he was angry now, he wouldn't have a taste. He wanted people to keep savoring.

"Almost wiped out." The Lord Niluanyu looked solemn.

"Damn it." Feng Guyi's delicate body was trembling slightly.

"How do we believe you? He also said before that he wants to unite with you in the reverse chaos universe." Jin Jia Zhan Zun said suddenly.

"It's true!" The Lord Niluan suddenly said with an anger: "My five hundred great sages were also almost killed by him using an eternal trick. If you don't believe it, I can make them swear an oath. , To prove that what is said is true and false!"

"Okay—" Feng Guyi is now filled with hatred, "If you see Ye Di, join hands to kill him!"

"I have another question. According to you, he is fully capable of burying us under the Tianjing Sea. Why did he stop again?" Jin Jia Zhan Zun asked.

"This son is cunning and doesn't want to be the only one. With such a simple truth, why don't you have to doubt it." The Lord Niluan said: "According to my personality, it is possible not to unite with you, but this son is too deceiving, so No wonder me."

Jin Jia Zhan Zun thought for a moment, it seems that this is really the truth-

"Since you can find me, you should be able to see where he is and get rid of Ye Di first." Feng Guyi couldn't bear the fact that tens of millions of golden soldiers were destroyed. The price was too heavy.

"No problem, but it will take some time. If we encounter a little **** show, our two supreme divine realms should also be the same haters and advancing and retreating together." Niluanyu said worriedly.

"Yes." Feng Guyi agreed.



Little God Show.

He kept questioning the Buddha, as if he was not afraid of the anger of the Buddha, even if the two Buddha eyes that looked like a blazing sun on the Buddha opened, he still went his own way and kept attacking——

In the end, Xiao Shenxiu finally uttered a voice to the big Buddha: "Now you regret it. Use the entire Buddha to bless the Yedi, want him to complete the act against the sky alone? I tell you, I will kill him now, you stop it. Huh?"

The little **** put his hands together, slowly letting go, and directly pointed far away--


A stretch of golden avenue, directly radiating brilliant glow on the seabed!

The brilliance emanating from the Golden Light Avenue directly exposed Su Jin's position!

Ok? Su Jin had a premonition that it was bad--

Yedi's figure was photographed out of position! The Lord of Niluanyu was overjoyed, Feng Guyi also showed endless chill on his face!

Inverse chaos universe, five hundred great sages! Kill the night emperor!

Feng Guyi, the Golden Armored Battle Venerable, walked toward the Golden Light Avenue without stopping!

And Xiao Shenxiu also insisted on being fierce in front of the side-lying Buddha!

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