My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3409: Try it high!

"Emperor Ye has a promising future--" Linggong ancestor continued with Bai Daofeng's words, with a solemn expression, and glanced at Su Jin.

"I don't know if he can live on this day of Jinghai. If he is alive, I don't know if people are willing to help me." The fire duck is very worried. Since he can't beat it, she can only ask Ye Di. After all, she is hot. Shinto is extremely unstable, and it is no better than those who suffer the curse at the time of the attack. Thinking about it, she feels cold.

"Sister Yuanyang, if he doesn't help, I will wait for the Supreme Nine Secret to suppress him with his identity, and I'm not afraid that he won't suppress Vulcan Dao for you." Chi Yuhe said coldly.

Hearing Chi Yuhe's words, the fire mandarin duck raised his eyebrows——

"Shenzi Chi, don't you know that Yedi challenged the entire Niluantian Territory earlier? He is only one person, even the Highest Divine Territory dared to offend, and he was afraid of the Supreme Ninth Secret Realm? If you want to die, don't drag us." Song Qian Ji became unhappy.

"Ling Palace must choose to be friends with Ye Di..." Ling Palace ancestor said.

"Okay! I kindly help you solve problems in your spiritual palace, but now it’s not a human being inside and outside. I don’t speak any more!" Chi Yuhe shook his sleeves fiercely, with a face that seemed to have just had a funeral. Feeling extremely unwell.

From afar, Feng Guyi and Jin Jia Zhan Zun also felt that the situation was not so good.

Even Feng Guyi is a bit complicated--

In any case, she could not think that Ye Di had the willingness to cooperate with her in the ‘different time and space’ before, and finally came to this hostile situation, and what is Ye Di doing now? He is talking to Xiao Shenxiu!

"Can you regret it?" Jin Jia Zhan Zun asked.

"Something--" Feng Gu frowned.

"If it weren't for the king to ruin the agreement, and now that the night emperor is supporting Xiao Shenxiu and others, we might have found the heaven and earth respect." Jin Jia Zhan Zun said.

"Are you blaming me?"

"Don't dare!"

Jin Jia Zhan Zun shook his head.


In the sky, the golden "swastika" like a huge windmill, even if it is far away, as long as you look at it, it seems to make people feel very mysterious.

Little Shenxiu hadn't used the Buddha clothes he prepared, watching the rotating ‘卍’ Buddha seal cut into the void, slowly approaching, and then whispered, “This technique, I lost half a point.”

The huge golden **** stopped abruptly, turning into a little golden light and dissipating——

"What's more?" Su Jin asked with an indifferent expression.

"The Golden Road, test the sky." Xiao Shenxiu proposed a way to make people feel new, and this did not deviate from the comparison of Buddhism and Taoism, and he was more confident.

Try it high!

"Change one." Su Jin shook his head.


Song Qianji and the others were all puzzled. Could it be that Su Jin couldn't compare with Buddhism?

"Just now, Xiao Shenxiu and Ye Di performed Buddhist teachings, and they even admitted that they lost half a point. If this is passed, it will definitely be an amazing moment for Ye Di to make the world famous." Song Qianji was deeply moved. He was a young man like Ye Di. , Why is the gap so obvious, and even the most unsatisfactory Chi Yuhe present at the scene is a great arrogant talent in the Nine Highest Secret Realm, but compared with Ye Di, it seems that he is not even a fart.

"Yedi shouldn't be soft, he has already gained a little bit of the upper hand just now, why just stop?" The fire mandarin duck is also very strange.

"That's what Xiao Shenxiu wants to compare to other——" Bai Daofeng said: "Otherwise, it is impossible to voluntarily admit that he lost half a point."

"What kind of Buddhism is on the Golden Road? Isn’t Ye Di? It shouldn’t be. Since Xiao Shenxiu said it, it must be what Ye Di knew. How could a person like him who has such an understanding of Buddhism be unwilling to compare ."

"Maybe you are afraid of losing," Chi Yuhe couldn't help but said.

The fire mandarin duck now only wants to stay away from Chi Yuhe. For some reason, the **** of the pond seems to be at odds with Ye Di. Of course, this may come from jealousy!

Xiao Shenxiu, one of the parties involved, was equally puzzled and asked, "Don't dare to compare?"


Su Jin sighed, "This is not fair."


Miss Wang Qiang felt a little safer. Behind Su Jin, she looked at this man of great demeanor, and she felt a strange feeling in her heart--

"You don't think it's as good as me, you think I have taken advantage of this technique." The little **** showed up.

"It's not that I look down on you, compare with me on the Golden Road, you will lose, and there is not even a chance, so such a comparison is obviously unfair. You know, I often condense the way and enlighten the Buddha, but you are I don't know how many years I haven't studied this way--" Su Jin said with a smile.


Never seen such a pretend!

Yun Zhibai, Song Qianji and others were dumbfounded. Originally, they thought that Emperor Ye was not so confident in this technique. Who knew that it was because they were too strong that they felt unfair!

It's really... unspeakable madness!

"Anyone who has the heart of underestimating is not suitable for enlightenment, even the Buddhism that cultivates xinxing." Under the position of the little **** show, a golden avenue rose from before him——

"In that case, I will stay with you to the end." Su Jin said helplessly: "But before that, I have to add a condition first."

"What conditions?"

"Fifty breathing time."

"Yes." Little Shenxiu nodded as she watched Su Jin slowly rising up in front of a golden avenue.

"let's start--"

Su Jin put his hands together, and the two seemed to have a tacit understanding. The two Golden Avenues, almost at the same time, went hand in hand, directly soaring into the sky!

That imaginary golden light penetrated an infinitely high distance in an instant, but in half a breath, two golden avenues on the sky, which looked like golden walls, stretched into the deep sky for an unknown distance of thousands of miles. !

Lying on the side of the Big Buddha, Tianjing Overseas——

In an instant, God's Domain, the Abyssal World, and some of the powers that came from different time and space, all saw this terrible scene. The two golden avenues, like two golden walls, thundered and rushed straight into the sky!

"One of the golden avenues belongs to the night emperor!" Xiao Suxian stared at the two golden avenues with a cold gaze, and said slowly.

"Senior Brother's Golden Avenue has already reached the level of transformation. Ye Di seems to be trying to compete with Senior Brother, will he suffer a bit?" Qing Guang Kunpeng said hurriedly.

"From the current degree of tyranny of the two Golden Avenues, they should be equal." The Heavenly Princess just guessed.

"What happened under the bottom of the sea? How could Xiao Shenxiu compete with the lord——" Da Diman stared, a little unbelievable.

"Xiao Shenxiu is too strong, I wonder if we can divide the victory or defeat in this competition."





Strips of golden Buddha Ting, intertwined like a net, spread on Su Jin's "Golden Light Avenue", and above the deep space of the Buddha's land, there seems to be a hazy golden mist covering the Golden Light Avenue!

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