My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3419: Dao Heart Waves

Buddha Land, the monks of Instant God Realm, all saw an unprecedented spectacular scene——

The entire Tianjinghai, illuminated by the brilliance of the sky full of stars, is turning into monstrous dragons, beginning to pour into the Buddhist path of the secret wheel that day!

Tian Jinghai’s immeasurable suppression of Dao Marks could be taken away by the ‘Wheel of the Secret of Heaven’, which I have to say is astounding!

"What happened... Tianjinghai was taken away by a shocking method!" The monk in the abyss said in horror.

"The big Buddha sits up. It is unknown. This means that the suppressed Tiandi Zun is going to get out of trouble. Now there is no trace of Tian Jinghai's suppression of the road. I really don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing!"

"All the parties are fighting for heaven and earth, I don't know who will succeed!"

"Heaven, earth and stars, this is like the starry sky technique that Yedi exhibited before! And you look at the side-lying big Buddha transformed into the Big Boundless God and Buddha. Although he is standing now, the Buddha's pupils are gathering brilliance. This...this Could it be that Ye Di did it?"

"Ah! Buddha is crying!"


Countless people stood on the spot, stiffening their necks, looking up at the empty Tianjing sea——

The Buddha statue, which symbolizes the ‘Great Immeasurable God and Buddha’, stood upright, and the corners of the eyes on both sides of the Buddha’s eyes showed a drop of golden Buddha tears! The Buddha's tears flowed down quickly!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

A lotus pattern quickly manifested in the crack of the Buddha statue. The imaginary Buddha tree was actually the Buddha’s ‘Bodhi’, and the Buddha fruits were condensing—


On the Buddha, a ring of Buddha rings from scratch, from weak to strong, began to appear!

Soon, lying on the side of the big Buddha, the ring of the Buddha floated up, and it quickly turned into a golden halo the size of a fruit, wrapped around a'Bodhi fruit', which represented a Buddha fruit in the six-character mantra. It seems to be particularly eye-catching!


A dazzling fairy tree, shaking its silver-green crown, along with a huge monument of life, manifested in the dry sky and clean sea! This tree of enlightenment, the crown of the tree is higher than the sky, thousands of stars, as if they are hidden among the branches, from a distance, it is as if the tree of enlightenment is hanging fruit, extremely bright!


A long golden coffin broke through the air. It was the divine coffin of the "Ancient God Emperor" in different time and space. The prosperous Buddhism around this divine coffin was constantly affecting this divine coffin. He was also forced to feel helpless and felt the mark of the suppression of the road. No, I chose to cut through the sky and stay in the deep sky——

Su Jin is now really aware of the seriousness of the matter!

The power of heaven and earth is infinite! His Dao body alone cannot accept it! But even using the wheel of heavenly secrets, the tree of Buddha and the tree of enlightenment, is far from enough!

But what was beyond Su Jin's expectation was that... the creature monument seemed to be a bottomless pit, madly swallowing the power of the heaven and earth, which also made the creature monument more bright.

This is a good phenomenon!

The tree of enlightenment on the life monument all belonged to Su Jin, and about the life monument, Su Jin didn't refer to much, but knew that this life monument might usher in a unique opportunity for transformation in the world!

"Too strong--" Su Jin gritted his teeth, "No, when the life monument is metamorphosing, it my sea of ​​anger has begun to change!"

Su Jin's eyes were fiery, as if he was aware of something, he suddenly entered the inner vision, and the scene he saw was beyond imagination!

King bone!

Not long ago, the king bones swallowed in the tomb of the gods and heavenly sentient beings reacted! This is probably related to the monument of creatures that are absorbing huge power!

Su Jin couldn't conquer this king bone at all, so he could only leave it in a sea of ​​qi, but now, under the impact of the power of the heaven and earth, it seemed to be an opportunity for him!

Feng Gu's face was pale, and the eight sealed monuments that imprison the heart of heaven, earth and gods were all shaking and cracking. She looked up at Ye Di. At this moment, she seemed to feel that she was infinitely far away from the other side!

"Venerable Heaven and Earth, it's mine!" The Golden Armored War Venerable was going crazy, suddenly leaning forward, and directly roared, "Wolf-Eat!"


That huge Sirius phantom, under the blessing of the Golden Armored Battle Venerable, became more and more solid, it rose into the sky and rushed directly to Su Jin!

"Huh?" Su Jin glanced at the devouring wolf——


Jin Jia Zhan Zun was dumbfounded.

The two hundred and forty great sages who were constantly struggling by being attracted by the Golden Armored Battle Venerable were also stunned. How strong is the Golden Armored Battle Venerable now? He has refined a part of the great sage's divine power and turned it into his own use. If the wolf swallowing to the little **** show, he might have a certain chance to succeed.

But now.

Just a glance.

With only a glance at Ye Di, Devouring Wolf swallowed, and suddenly stopped four legs in the void, clamped his tail in the void, and shuddered!

"Impossible!" The Golden Armored Zhanzun once again pointed to Devouring Wolf, giving the spirit of devouring wolf extremely heavy pressure.

Swallowing Wolf was trembling with fright, his limbs weakened, still approaching Su Jin again——


The whole wolf-devouring wolf, before being close to Su Jin's 100 meters, his body began to swell like a ball, bursting!

"Ye Di, the power of Heaven and Earth, you can't bear it alone."

Xiao Shenxiu stepped towards Su Jin, obviously not wanting to waste her efforts.

Wang Qiang has never been so worried about a person--

The Golden Armored War Venerable is about to succeed, and he, who possesses great power, will directly threaten Su Jin, and Su Jin does not know how long it will take him to completely seize the heaven and earth.

Now, another little **** show has joined the battlefield!

"Sister, you seem to be nervous." Yun Zhibai sighed.

"No." Wang Qiang lowered his head.

"Before, we at least did not incur Yedi's disgust. Judging from his saving you, he should have no bad feelings towards you. You... would you like to be brave?" Yun Zhibai asked.

"Cultivation is my ideal. He helped me walk the path of the heavens and gods. I am very grateful. I... I can't afford it." Wang Qiang said in a low voice.

Sometimes fate must have it, and fate always has no time to force it. Ye Di, she can look up to it. Although her Dao heart fluctuated when her brother asked her to make this plan, she was still very content--

"My sister, I should be more confident." Yun Zhibai couldn't help but jokingly looked at her flushed sister.

"Brother, this matter...Don't mention it again."

When the two brothers and sisters communicated, Chi Yuhe was very upset. He looked at Wang Qiang and asked: "Sister Qiang, you have been guided by Ye Di Daoxia and you have also broken through. Can you see some of Ye Di’s flaws now? "

"The respect of heaven and earth is of great importance. If you can see the flaws in the emperor, we can unite with others to stop him--" Song Qianji also said quickly.

"Huh." Wang Qian turned her face away, she didn't want to see these people again.

"Don't let yourself be wrong! Once the **** of heaven and earth has belonged, it is not a good thing for all the supreme divine realms! This night emperor, a slave repairer from the slave realm, is not sorry to die!" Chi Yuhe said with a calm expression.

Just when Song Qianji and Chi Yuhe were threatening, there were three crystal red light waves that suddenly shook apart! Once these three crystal red powers appeared, they actually...have the might of sweeping the world!

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