My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3430: My night emperor, here comes!

No one knows, just as Su Jin stepped into the realm of the Golden Dynasty, in the remote Supreme Nine Secrets, the starry sky secret realm of the Nine Divine Mansion, there were unimaginable twists and turns--

The ancestor of the Ling Palace, after returning to the palace, was deposed as the palace owner, and the Fire Duck was forbidden to leave the Palace for half a step.

The practice of knowing and defending the realm is even more outrageous to the extreme!

The first god, Yun Zhibai, and his younger sister Wang Qiang, were united by seven families including Chi, Song, and Bai, and went to the door to punish him, causing a shocking event.

Song Qianji, the **** of the Chi family, Chi Yuhe, and the Bai family's sword and phoenix were destroyed and difficult to rebuild in one lifetime. Such a major event is simply unacceptable to these three families!

Knowing the realm, now it's miserable!

On the edge of a lake where fairy birds danced, Wang Qiang in a long icy blue skirt was sitting on the edge of the stone. The unbearable irritability in her heart kept her from calming down.

In the Taoist realm, many Taoist children are discussing this matter——

"The Song family's request is really excessive. We know that the guardian realm has already agreed, and we unite with other secret realms to declare war on the emperor that night. Why did we make the unreasonable request for the senior sister to marry the Song family!" a monk wondered.

"This is just a gimmick. Someone has heard the news that the Taoist has long ago intended this, but the senior sister is unwilling, and the **** son is also strongly opposed to it. Now even his family members are taking this opportunity to pressure senior sister——"

"Song Qianji became a useless person, but the Song family said that it was the senior sister who killed him so that she wanted to let the senior sister marry into the Song family and stay with a useless man for life? Random, how can the Taoist master be like this!"

"Yun Zhibai, was trapped in a ‘jail of realm’ and was fined for three thousand years before he was born. If the senior sister did not, she would be expelled from the realm of Zhishou. The Taoist still said that if he didn’t agree, he would live and die.

"Hey, Senior Sister is really poor."



Golden Dynasty, outer starry sky.

The ancient **** emperor learned the news from the Supreme Nine Secrets through different time and space, but he was hesitant to tell Ye Di. Now that Ye Di has just left and came to the Golden Dynasty, he was already planning something-

"Father, will you tell me?" Feng Gu asked while looking at the ancient **** emperor.

"Wait for a while." Ancient God Emperor said.

"I advise you not to wait. If you are in a hurry, you still have to let him know." Mo Hongyu knows Su Jin's temper and reminds him.

"The Nine Secrets of the Supreme Secret are nothing more than the mess. If they know that Ye Di is the one who exists, it is estimated that it will not be too late to regret it. Let them die now. When the real **** hits the door, everything will be too late! "The ancient **** emperor said.

"Well, I don't know what happened to the Lord--" The earth was quite restless. He wanted to have a fun battle most now, and he never thought that Ye Di would go first.

Su Jin stepped into the ripples of the nebula, and the world he saw was extremely vast!

There is an endless world of eternity, you can take a look at it at will, a hundred birds flying together, like a fairyland, Su Jin indifferently sweeping around, found that the mountains here show more than a dozen different colors, and the lakes and seas reflected are extremely beautiful. .

"My night emperor, challenge!!"

My night emperor, here comes!

A long wave, like a phony sound wave, presents an overwhelming tendency, pressing towards the far-reaching continent! After Su Jin finished speaking, a star giant appeared directly. This star giant was very different from before. The sky above the sky, the ten-colored earth under his feet, his eyes like blazing stars, and his arms crossed several Zhanzhan galaxies!

On the head of the star giant, there is a rune formed by the aura of all things. Su Jin guessed that this was because he had obtained the "Heaven and Earth Sovereign" Tao fruit, which condensed such an amazing change.

Immediately, the star giant held Su Jin on his shoulders——

How terrible is the current Su Jin method?

Even in the distant place of the ancient **** emperor, one can see the shadow of a star giant standing in the star field continent! too frightening!

The ancient **** emperor communicated to Su Jin, still talking about the Supreme Ninth Secret's "Knowing the Dao Realm" and the spiritual palace.

"I told Ye Di." Ancient God Emperor said.

"What did Ye Di say?" Feng Guyi and the others looked at the ancient **** emperor.

"Ye Di said, when he hits the door, he will laugh at the people of the world again! Just as guessed." Ancient God Emperor said.

"Does Ye Di really have the confidence to destroy the Golden Dynasty in three days?" To be honest, Feng Gu is a big talk, and now everyone can see that even if the Ye Di is not the World Honored, it is no longer a billionth of the year. Yi's demeanor, not long ago, Tiandi Zun Dao Guo, was just icing on the cake for the unworldly Zun.

"He said yes, so he can." Ancient God Emperor said.


just now.

Su Jin gained the expected effect-

Just a word, it can be said that aroused a thousand layers of noise! The figures of the Jin Dynasty began to appear! But this is just the beginning, and it is the people who are free and wandering.

"Golden Dynasty, Jiyun Immortal Palace, come and kill Yedi!"

There are hundreds of people, carrying the gods, and stepping among the clouds. The leader is a middle-aged person, but a great sage. The rest of the cultivation base is much weaker—

Su Jin raised a deep smile at the corner of his mouth, and raised his arm, "Zhan'er, wait, sacrifice my banner of victory!"

"Arrogant! I'm the palace lord Tang Quan, and I will teach you Yedi's methods! Let's move!" Tang Quan held a broken'brass bell' in his right hand and shook it lightly. A strange formation road map, there are thousands of lives on that road, each of which has the position of Tang Quan, similar to the power of incense.

This picture is really huge!

Su Jin pointed at the road map, the star directly raised his arm, and the giant's body was gently arched!

In the end, it seemed as if a rainbow came across! The palm of the star blasted on Tang Quan’s Taoist map——

Road map is like paper! Was directly shaken into countless brilliance!

"You!" Tang Quan's face was blue, and the copper bell in his hand made a cracking sound. Don't look closely, there was a crack on it.

This is Tang Quan's innocent treasure! Now that there is a disability, when Tang Quan's heartache, he is shocked by the strength of the Ye Emperor!

"The Jin Dynasty declared war on me, and sent you trash?" Su Jin asked.

"Mo Kuang! Disciple of Jiyun, kill the devil with me!" Tang Quan put away the copper bell, and between his arms, there was a nine-headed serpentine war knife in his hand. This knife has a sword that smashes the gods of the four seas!

Hundreds of Jiyun disciples, each of them sacrificed to the gods, or showed the state of colored glaze treasures, and killed Su Jin together—

Su Jin turned his hands, the beginningless clock fell from his waist!

No beginning sutra, drilled into the sky, submerged into the earth, and when one hour rises, it covers the long sky!

The surrounding scriptures are constantly swirling around, calming the world!

"Fall!" Su Jin pressed, and the startless bell came down!

Jiyun Immortal Palace and Tang were shocked, and the other Jiyun disciples could no longer calm down. When the beginningless power fell, hundreds of figures turned into **** mud! Like a broken stone, splashing everywhere!

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