My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3457: One finger

The blood-defeated ancestor was full of anger--

But when the blood-defeated ancestor saw the momentum on Su Jin, his whole body seemed to be wrapped in cold air for an instant, and his whole body was cold!

Just now, the emperor smashed three thousand ‘celestial steles’, and he was able to kill more than a thousand gods, three great sages, and break the ‘thousand celestial blood drops killing array’. Now his momentum has increased instead of decreasing?


Song family! The golden dynasty Jin Wuxiang, Niluanyuzhu, Song Zhentian, and even the ancestor of Zhan Dao all had their eyes widened. How could they not see the situation that even the blood-defeated ancestors could observe!

Patriarch Zhandao was a little helpless, because there was an angel from the heavens, he didn't dare to say anything! He even has a feeling... Yedi is even more terrifying than that "Eternal Illusory God"!

How is this possible! Although in the Golden Dynasty, the ancestor of Zhan Dao tried his skills, but in that blow, the night emperor was still injured, and the "eternal fantasy god" was the ultimate method displayed by the ancient **** emperor. How could he be with the ancient **** when he is so young. Comparable to the emperor!

I was wrong, I must be wrong, Zhan Dao Patriarch was entangled in his heart——

At present, in front of the huge altar of God, the messenger of God, Rinku standing, did not face the altar, but lightly waved his arm!

The world is shocked!

I saw that after the messenger of God waved his arm, there were actually three divine incense, which were condensed out of the void. The incense was gathered from the clouds, and the whole body was white, but soon, the special Wenluo crawled over the three. The huge incense surface!

Gather clouds into fragrance! God’s messenger is about to use the God’s altar to sacrifice and kill the emperor!

It's not unexciting!

"It's finally started. Yedi can be regarded as successful and famous. If it passes away, it is enough to leave a strong mark in history." There are monks from the mustard seed valley, gathered in groups of three to five, and said to the **** of gathering clouds. .

"Yeah, the Emperor Ye destroyed the Golden Dynasty, he was shocked by the world, but unfortunately he was very lucky, shouldn't anger God and cause the angel of God to appear——"

"The two beauties are the ones who have been most unjustly wronged. They will die because of Ye Di."

"Okay, killing a night emperor, they can be regarded as redeeming their merits, and it can also make the family radiant because they were dedicated to God by the messenger."


Sacrifice to God is naturally pretty good, but everyone knows it, isn’t that death.

"Let the supreme party deal with him alone. In the next countless years, his reputation will exist in the records, and he will have no regrets. The worst thing is the goddess of the Bai family of Kanzhen Taoism, the goddess of the Song family, our mustard seed valley Chi Yuhe, because of the night emperor, was disbanded for repairing in vain. In the future, he will only be like a mortal in the ordinary, he will die of old age and illness, but a hundred years old." The monk in the mustard seed valley sighed.

"I missed one, and Ye Gongyi, he is the one who lost it. I heard the news that he will inherit the entire Hundred Gods Domain within 20 years and become the youngest domain owner in the history of the Hundred Gods Domain, but he is indeed caught here. Ye Di burst into a sea of ​​anger, whether he can live or not, I have to say two things!"

"It's up to the angel of the heavens, but one thing can be confirmed. There is no doubt that the night emperor will die. It is best that he can die peacefully, so that my Supreme Ninth Secret will not lose any more—"

"This night emperor is so weird, why does it seem to be stronger? Isn't the consumption just now considered nothing to him?"


Countless people looked at that night emperor with surprised eyes--

But at this time, only one party is the most nervous!

That is the ancient gods, ghosts and others!

"It's getting started, I'm afraid that the true power of the emperor will also be shown! What can we do?" The ghosts are under a lot of pressure. The "Three Thousand Heavens Tablet" method shown by the angel of God before, they thought they could not bear. This kind of toughness is beyond his imagination.

"Do something? You see what I do—"

The speaker is the ancient **** emperor!

Hearing this, Gui Zang looked towards the ancient **** emperor. He didn't know whether he should be laughing or helpless. Even Feng Guyi, Xiao Suxian and others were all dumbfounded... Especially Feng Guyi, his face flushed, because of her Father! Ancient God Emperor! I don't know when, he already made a gesture of kneeling on the ground early, and he got down and worshiped in the direction of Ye Di!


What a shame.

Feng Guyi really feels ashamed--

Gui Zang's face was solemn, he couldn't help Ye Di fight against the messenger of God, and now he can only kneel down on one knee! Immediately afterwards, Da Di Man, Dao Gui Chen, together!

Now, the blood-defeated ancestor is getting more and more frightened, he can't see through Ye Di! This Ye Di, now just by showing his aura, made him feel like he wanted to kneel down!

The blood-defeated ancestor felt in his heart that he should escape, and immediately escape! But he dare not, really dare not! This strange feeling made him very uncomfortable!

Su Jin's face was light and calm, and he didn't care about the defeated ancestor! He stepped into the ‘Secret Realm of Tianxu’, and when he reached this divine soil, he saw the 999-story ‘God Altar’ from a distance!

The three-pillar cloud fragrance is like three mountains topped in the sky, and the surface of the cloud fragrance exudes a very special charm of the sky! !


he came!

In the Secret Realm of Tianxu, the Song family, no one is not nervous! I'm excited to think about it, Ye Di, the enchanting evildoer, is about to be killed in their Song family, which brings them the glory of the Song family in the future, it is incomparable!

"Just like in the Golden Dynasty, Ye Di came alone!" The Master of the Great Dao took a deep breath.

"But the result will be different, he will die soon -" Jin Wuxiang said with strong hatred in his tone.

"Sometimes, I really want to achieve such a peerless posture as Ye Emperor, but unfortunately I am a natural waste material, and I will never be able to reach the height of Ye Emperor. No matter, the divine material is easy to break, and his steps will stop in our Song family. ."

"Our Song family should have ruled the entire Ninth Secret for a long time! In the future, the status of our Song family will increase infinitely!"

"Keep it down~~~"

Whether it is a person of the Supreme Nine Secrets, or the Lord of Inverse Chaos, and Jin Wuxiang, everyone's eyes are gathered on Yedi——

And Su Jin stopped when he was 388 steps away from the "Altar of God"!

The figure is parallel to the ninth and ninety-ninth floor of the altar of God, at its highest peak! And the messenger of God is stepping outside the three-pillar divine incense——

"Ye Di, I have to say that your performance has made me feel surprised." The angel of God couldn't see any fluctuations in his tone, and he flicked his sleeves. "But, I have seen many evildoers in the past, even back then. Nine talented arrogances have emerged from the domain! I, all sent them to a dead end, no reincarnation!"

With a wave of that robe sleeve, a clear scene condensed in the eyes of the world——

"Could it be the Great Thousand Divine Realm there?" Song Zhentian asked in surprise.

"Yes!" said Dao Zhan Dao Master in awe.

Divine Realm! Daxian present, no one knows who does not know! That wave of the Great Thousand Gods Realm had reached the summit of the Peak God Realm for a long time, only because of a strong traitor, and now the turmoil of smoke has almost fallen to the high altar.

In the sight of God’s messenger, every super enchanting figure condenses!

There is Nanshan, and there is an ethereal girl in Nanshan who is cutting bamboo, picking up fresh bamboo shoots and throwing them into willow baskets. In the Beihai scene, there is a Wutong who is making waves and teasing the sea!

In that scene, from the west to the Great Wilderness Ridge, a young man riding a golden flower monkey on his head was driving a cow, and even annoyed the cow, he kicked it into the chaos with one kick--

There are also young people, carrying wooden cabinets, in the vast world, every time they play. The play is a shadow puppet. When making a play, thousands of divine fortunes are turning into the power of heaven and earth, gathered in his concentrated eyes, his eyes can penetrate the ages at a glance!

Su Jin was unmoved, these evildoers were all suppressed by the messengers of God, what if they were sent to death? He is not me, how can I compare with each other!

"You will be like them, eternally passing away..." the angel of heaven said solemnly.

"The messenger of God, I haven't killed it yet. I want to kill it today." Su Jin's tone was as uniform as his face, calm and terrifying!

"When Tianzhu, no matter how amazing you are, it will only turn into a cup of loess, falling into the world, and eternity will not exist. The old man will give you a chance to show and let you test the power of heaven!" The angel of God snorted, "Yes. Let you know, not everything can be offended!"

Try Tianwei——

Su Jin looked at Wang Qiang and Fire Duck in the center of the altar of God, always feeling that the girl Wang looked at him very strange... Could it be that she was emotional? But he can barely consider the other person as a friend, maybe not even a friend, this...

do not care.

Su Jin's sword eye gradually became serious! An invisible wind blew him hunting in golden robe, and immediately, he pointed at it!


Will night! This finger, the sky is dim! In the stunned eyes, the atmosphere of the ancients flooded!

Really ridiculous atmosphere! There are three full moons, releasing moonlight from the dim night! The middle round of Shenyue turned out to be scarlet!


Su Jin's multiple pupil techniques are superimposed, and all of them bless Maha's prison eye! This refers to the ancients, as if the long-existing Shenyue lighted up!

In those three rounds of the **** moon, there was a vain moon **** woman, throwing her white silk sleeves, trying to get out of the **** moon!

Boom boom boom!

The gods are rising high. Those are two extremely dazzling gods. Among them, there is a faintly red phoenix, which is not dead yet, almost trying to escape——

The sun and the moon come out!

At this moment, murderous intent is flooding every subtle corner! Countless people were shocked at this moment! The Tianxu Secret Realm is not too small!

But at this time, countless mountains seemed to be swaying, whether it was the sun, moon, stars in the sky, or the earth, mountains and seas, the murderous scene almost almost solidified!

Scalp tingling——

No one is not surprised!

Even the ghosts, the ancient gods, Feng Guyi, everyone was stunned--

"Have you seen it? Time and space change, pointing to the ancients." The ghost was stunned, and slowly said: "The heavens are killing intent, the stars are moving. The earth is killing intent, the dragon and the snake are on the land!"

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