My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3469: Unknowable place

The heroic laughter stopped abruptly at Yunmu City——

Yun Mucheng's face was stiff, and under the calm and indifferent pair of sword pupils, his body began to tremble in fright. He knew that he could not put it down again after he raised his sword!

"Ah!!!" Yun Mucheng seemed to have exhausted his life's strength, and the blood red magic sword began to burn out of the great sage divine light——


In the moment, Ye Di seemed to have been prepared, his fingers condensed crystal red fingers with unpredictable changes, and they lightly blocked the blade of the blood red magic knife!


Yun Mucheng was stunned and flew into the air. He saw the blood-red magic knife with an additional crack in the numb and inverted flight, but he almost didn't hesitate to lose the magic sword and directly turned towards Su Jin. Kneeling down!

"Ye, Ye Di! I was wrong... I damn... I damn..." Yun Mucheng's face flushed, begging for mercy, and there was an unprecedented cry in his voice!


Who would have thought that Ye Di was just a suspended animation? ?

The people of the Song family, except for the second master of the Song family, have almost been driven out and killed. Those who are not in the blood of the Song family, it is easy to solve!

"Yedi didn't die, we didn't die like this, we sealed the demon ancestor heavenly formation, it's over!" The monk who had the demon ancestor innocent way, pale, and their fear, fear, and all reason had already been defeated. How can I live out of this——

"Intentionally, obviously deliberate... Borrowing the other Eight Secret Realms to destroy the Song Family, those great sages of the Song Family who fled and did not forget their revenge have also caused great disasters in our Eight Secret Realms!"

"Spirit Palace, our Spirit Palace still had a chance--"

"We know that there is Taoist Wang Qiang and God Child Yun Zhibai in the guardian realm, and Ye Di might have let it go! He hadn't killed him before, so he was embarrassed. Now... it's better now, our realm master, in front of the night In the face of the emperor, his head will be cut off."

Someone who knew how to guard the realm began to cry, no one thought that things would develop into this way--

"Knowing and guarding the realm is equivalent to erasing all the last hope by hand, pitiful! Hateful."

"No World Honored did not die under the messenger of God! The Dao Ying of the ancient emperor of the starry sky was sealed as a divine bead by him with the "Tears of Honor", how could he die so easily! Our masters are all blinded by greed!"

"It's ridiculous, Yunmu City, who knows the Dao Realm, clearly saw Ye Di open his eyes, but still cut off the knife, completely cutting off his own way of life, and the way of knowing the Dao Realm!"


On the other side, Song Zhentian laughed sadly——

It was not the night emperor who destroyed the Song family, but the other Eight Secret Realms. Such a ridiculous dog-blood situation actually appeared! Now, the Emperor Ye is the enemy, and the Eight Secret Realm is also the enemy of the Song family, so should he be happy or depressed now? !

The breath on Su Jin's body gradually recovered, and he indifferently scanned the audience...

All these great sages who wanted to cut off his head and seize his Tao fruit, all knelt down?

The Lord of Niluan Domain, kneeling in humiliation, even dare not escape! Because he knew that a monk who ran away could not run to the temple! The entire Niluantian Territory is about to meet the anger of the Ye Emperor!

"It's just squinting for a while and recovering from the injury. Why did you yourself start fighting?" The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised slightly, and finally he looked at the trembling Yunmu City.

Yun Mucheng felt desperate immediately, and hurriedly shouted at Wang Qiang in the distance: "Niece, niece, uncle shouldn't... shouldn't be like this, you can help and beg for uncle——"

Wang Qiang's face was cold, and he ignored it.

I think she was once considered unable to practice after she was born, and Zhishou Dao, as the most important existence of the Nine Secrets of the Highest Secret, has not been known to other secrets for a long time.

Even this great uncle is not allowed to have her surname ‘Yun’, but her mother’s surname is not allowed. If it weren’t for Wang Qiang’s own talent for array formation, it would have been difficult to live in this world. In this world, she only recognizes her brother Yun Zhibai as the only relative in the world!

"Niece! Talk to my niece!" Yun Mucheng's face turned pale, and there was an indescribable despair in his heart——

Su Jin watched the disgusting scene lazily, and said lightly: "The Supreme Nine Secret, there are only four people to live, is it okay?"

Four people--

What four people!

Yun Mucheng thought of it in a panic! But almost like other Patriarchs, he knew in a flash that he didn't have his place!

Wang Qiang, Yun Zhibai, Linggong Patriarch and Fire Mandarin Duck! Already accounted for four, the reason why Ye Di confirmed it was to ask Wang Qiang if they still missed it!

Yun Zhibai's face was difficult. He originally wanted to plead for Zhishou Dao Realm, but the uncle Yun Mucheng did not give up in the end. He wanted to cut down the head of Ye Di. This has already eliminated his Yun Zhibai's thoughts... no Because he doesn't want to, but he doesn't have that much face!

"Ye Di! Ye Di be forgiving--" Patriarch Chi kept kowtow in the mustard valley capital!

"Emperor! This matter has very little to do with my Yang Shenhai! The **** disciples who used the'Ten Thousand Immortal Blood Drops Killing Array' before, among them, I will find out all of them and kill them all, please... Please bypass our Yang Shenhai!" Yang Shenhai's suzerain quickly kowtowed his head to apologize, not daring to neglect it.

"It's less fake! We haven't given up from the beginning to the end. Who is here now, who is not the dead enemy of Ye Di? Instead of waiting for him to destroy, it is better to fight for everyone!" Kan Zhen Dao Zong, a place Tai Shang Zu burst out.

"Yes! If you die like this, you will have a little bit of spine! Moreover, there are so many great sages of us, we may not be afraid of this emperor!"

"He was exhausted physically and mentally after repeated pardons! Why are we afraid that he would be so afraid! Yun Mucheng, if you weren't the leader among them, we wouldn't have been so embarrassed!"

"Ye Di! I'll wait for the Eight Secrets and fight you!"


Hearing this from the people of the other Eight Secret Realms, the Lord Niluanyu feels very frustrated now. He wants to leave again, but he is afraid of harming Tianyu——

And in the following scene, the Lord of Inverse Chaos directly gave up this idea! Even if he has more than 500 immortal great sages, he dare not move anymore!

With a light movement of Yedi's palm, a dense circle of black "dead" characters instantly turned into a dragon!

At the same time, the whole body of Wang Qiang, Yun Zhibai, Linggong ancestor, and Fire Duck were directly enveloped by a circle of dead men's sutras! The death of the dead has a wide range of bloodlines. With this sutra protection, you can protect the four from being implicated by bloodlines!

"Death... The Dead Man's Sutra!" Song Zhentian only felt his mind rumbling... He knew that there were still many people who escaped from the Song family, but under this sutra, no matter how far away, I'm afraid it is impossible to escape death!

"Niece! My niece!" Yun Mucheng's eyes were black now, and he almost fainted from shock——


And in the far unknowable place--

On a sacred mountain like ink and wash, Shenyue occupies most of the background of the sky. At this moment... there is a goddess hugging a rabbit, and she is holding a pure blue-haired **** rabbit...

Suddenly, a piece of flaming virgin human leather, emitting a charm, unfolded not far in front of her eyes.

On the fictitious human skin paper, the words of God began to disappear one by one, and the voice appeared: "Mother of Origin, gather me in the God Realm for a hundred generations, bring the envoy of heaven, and set the monument to seal the heavens and the world, prevent demons and evil spirits, and kill the world honor!"

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