My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 347: Haoran Villa

"I'm..." Nangongjun almost died of anger, and the two were quite good friends. Seeing Su Jin blowing paralysis, he was naturally anxious and said, "Boss, can you die without blowing?"

"I never brag."

"Cut, my Nangong brother doesn't believe me!"

"Then look at it and I will remind her."

Su Jin's complexion recovered as usual, and said quietly.

Nangong Jun thought for a while, and finally laughed, and said, "Hope, you still don't understand how high her vision is. It's useless to say this now, I will take you now, but it may be possible to go in. Troublesome, they are a little unreasonable over there."

Su Jin nodded and didn't say anything. He didn't expect much. Although the beauties he saw were not like Nangong Jundu, who was not a superb existence, and his wife alone could kill any rouge and vulgar fans Nangong Jun talked about. .

After getting on the expressway around the city, the field of vision was also much wider. Su Jin and Nangong Jun drove together, and no one was behind, but ten minutes passed and twenty minutes passed...

In the middle of the journey, Su Jin even got out of the car and called Nangong Jun, how far is the special one, and the final answer was that he was coming soon!

Sure enough, Nangong Jun was right. After driving for nearly an hour, Su Jin looked at the beach in the distance. The azure blue sea was like a gem embellished in it, and according to Nangong Jun’s goal, it should be this beach. On the mountain where you are up.

There are many mountains in Qincheng. The Langshan Mountain is the most famous, but it is not privately owned. However, this unknown mountain is unique to the family forever.

That is, Haoran Villa!

It is said that Haoran Mountain Villa has been standing in Qin City for hundreds of years. In the years of turmoil, Su Jin seemed to have heard of the name of this Mountain Villa, but he did not expect it. , Tang Yuxun turned out to be this Haoran Villa, the eldest of the Tang family.

Haoran Villa is well-known, but the people of the Tang family remember the ancestral instructions of the ancestors. Although they are the Tang family outside, they are not too sharp, but in modern times, their consciousness has moved forward. Tang Yuxun It came into people's sight and attracted many people's attention.

In Qincheng, the tycoons and giants don't know how many there are, but Nangong Jun has only one chance to enter the villa, and he is not very open to the outside world.

"Enough people have visited." Nangong Jun said with a wry smile.

"It's a bit." Su Jin nodded, feeling that Nangongjun was a little hesitant to say something, and couldn't help asking: "What do you want to say?"

"Boss, although I said that Nangong Jun is the grandson of Qin Cheng Liuye, you should be very clear about my urinary sex. I am here on behalf of my grandfather. So, what if you don't let you in?" Nangong Jun is serious Said.

"Don't let your sister--can you say something nice?" Su Jin couldn't help but scolded.

"It's very possible, you said, how far are our cars now? I don't know how many people are visiting today. Most of them are cheeky and think they have a bit of status. Do you think this invitation is worthless? "Nangong Jun asked with the invitation.

"Yes, let's see the situation when the time comes, and act accordingly." Su Jin said thoughtfully.

The two waited in the car for a while. Fortunately, although Nangong Jun spent a little time, he was still smart. After many people swept back, Su Jin and Nangong Jun waited for more than two hours, that is, in the morning. At ten o'clock, I saw the invitation level set earlier.

However, after the two got out of the car, there were bursts of angry voices in front of them.

"Really, let Lao Tzu in! Do you know who Lao Tzu is? Does Dongcheng Fang's family know? Your Haoran Villa is too much to do this!"

"Yes, let's go in and see Miss Yu Xun!"

"You shit, stop me again and give you a big mouth, believe it or not—"


Hearing so many people talking, Su Jin was also stunned. It seemed that he really regarded himself as a dish. Now his net worth is more, probably not as good as the one in ten thousand that some of them took out.

"Boss." Nangong Jun's face was even more ugly.

"It's okay." Su Jin shook his head. "Look at it first. With so many people, their Haoran Villa will not sit idly by. After all, the family has a big business and has the best reputation. It doesn't sound good to spread out."

Nangong Jun looked at a group of young masters, the upstart was yelling, but he did not go in either, although he already had an invitation in his hand.

The two were waiting, and Nangong Jun finally couldn't help but said: "Boss, you condescend to wait here for a while, I will try to talk about it."

Su Jin thought about it, and said, "Go."

"Hey!" Nangong Jun nodded and bowed as he trot from the passage full of bodyguards, swaying the invitation in his hand, as if he didn't know who he was, and attracted the hatred of many people.

Just when Nangong Jun was overwhelmed, some people attacked him rudely.

"Isn't that the playboy, the young master of the Nangong family?"

"Yes, Nangong Jun is the most useless, he is talking about."

"Shhh, keep your voice down, don't your family still have business with them?"

When Nangong Jun heard this, he walked through the security check area like a **** that was defeated, and successfully entered Haoran Villa. He did not care about the rumors of those outside, and went straight to a middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper and said: "Housekeeper Liu."

"You are... Master Nangong." Butler Liu thought for a long time before thinking of Nangong Jun as a person.

Nangong Jun is sweating, maybe Haoran Villa is too strong, in their eyes, he is just a very powerful grandfather.

"It's me, Butler Liu. I have a friend outside who admires the eldest lady very much. He came with me specially. Can you give me a face and bring him in?" Nangongjun pointed to Su Jin outside and discussed it. The tone said to Steward Liu.

Steward Liu followed Nangong Jun’s point of view, frowning immediately, and finally he shook his head decisively: “Master Nangong, it’s not that I, Liu Meng, don’t give you face. It’s really a rule that cannot be violated. You have also seen that outside. There are too many people in our villa. If, as Young Master Nangong said, if you make an exception and let you bring people in, other people will probably be even more dissatisfied. So, sorry!"

"You!" Nangong Jun's face was ugly, he didn't expect Haoran Villa to say so absolutely.

Seeing Nangong Jun’s unhappy expression, Steward Liu immediately said: "But don’t worry, Master Nangong, our owner didn’t expect this to happen. Outside and your friends, you might be invited in, but the reception area, It's just another place."

"Steward Liu, if you believe me, you should report it to the owner, saying that Su Jin of Qincheng has not invited him, otherwise, you will regret it!" Nangong Jun snorted.

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