My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3483: I was born, not born

"I really hope that your eternal technique can be useful to me and help me liberate--" The young man opened his hands and closed his eyes as if giving up resistance, and said to Dongfang Qiming God.

This... so crazy?

Not only outsiders look at this counterfeit world-zun like this, but even the mighty ancient sages and the first-class powerhouses such as Shizun Shizun are a little dumbfounded. They all know that the Eastern Qiming God has used the "eternal magic" many times. A miss!

Not only have I never missed my hand, but the enemies are extremely powerful! Don't even lose the existence in front of me! However, the situation of non-resistance like this is still the first time they see——

When this happens, it is either to give up resistance and despair, or it is really powerful, thinking that the "Eternal Art of Enlightenment" is useless to him!

"Funny!" Dongfang Qiming God moved the real fire.

Soon, the God of Dongfang Qiming raised his hand, and one after another hand tricks, turned into a heaven-like spiritual charm, spread all over the dark road of destiny! He is very confident!

Immediately afterwards, an exaggerated scene appeared!

Dongfang Qiming God's body, unexpectedly began to walk out a series of phantoms, those phantoms are all white, can not see the human face, but every phantom, it seems to carry extremely sharp power!

"The road to destiny, the ultimate move evolved by the eternal art, will soon be revealed! These phantoms will eat the black road of destiny, swallow all the vitality of the opponent, and within a moment, the opponent will disappear!" Someone Exclaimed.

"Any existence, as long as you face the technique of enlightening God, you will have a deep sense of powerlessness! This feeling of waiting to die is daunting! Even if you look at it, it will make your hair horrified!"

"The process is extremely painful, vitality is swallowed, the road of fate will be gnawed and broken, and there will be no future! This is Enlightenment God's'cutting fate,' an invincible eternal technique!"

"It's terrible, who is the enemy of such a powerful Enlightened God!"

"It is not unreasonable for the Eastern Peak Divine Realm to maintain its position for such a long time——"


Excitement, fear, all kinds of emotions are manifested on the faces of countless spectators!

Many people feel a sense of great honor. After all, they can see Dongfang Qiming God's "one-of-a-kind technique" today, and many people may only see it on this day in their lives!

Dongfang Qiming's face, the proud color, gradually became weird, and finally... his face was all shocked!

"Why is your fateful road without life!" Dongfang Qiming God was shocked, "Why your fateful road has long since died! This... is already a dead end!"

The fate of death--

how is this possible!

Dongfang Qiming God doesn't believe in evil at all, and he repeatedly perceives and confirms that the last fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead!

Fate is dead, **** it! It's like a dead pig, still afraid of boiling water? His invincible ‘One Thousand Ancient Technique’ is useless to this person... at all!

But it shouldn't!

Not the world-honored person, in the rumors, it is not a dead person at all, and this fateful young man has long been cut off, he... why does he still exist in the world, and there is wisdom, and even... not lose the ancient xian! !

When Dongfang Qiming was astonished, a series of strange sounds began to appear from the surrounding space. Almost everyone couldn't understand the sounds coming from them, and they only felt very profound!

This is... the young man with a faint demon spirit!

"Wang Pin Tian Bone, why does the Wang Pin Tian Bone have such a miraculous effect!" Dongfang Qiming God was frightened and angry. In his eyes, as the extravagant sounds linger around, the ancient and clumsy handwritings that seemed to have never appeared in the ages began to fly out——

"Heaven, this is the voice of heaven!" The mighty Guxian screamed, covering his ears, almost falling into the void!

Years Shizun and others are also reluctantly supporting, but everyone who has an understanding of the way of heaven, after listening to this wonderful voice, is more or less affected!

Even Su Jin--

But Su Jin just felt dizzy for a few breaths, and then got better.

"Wang Bone! His Heaven Bone... is the Heavenly Dao King Bone!" The **** Dao brother was directly frightened.

Heavenly Bone God Will.

Wang Pin’s celestial spirit, carrying the heavenly way?

This simply subverted everyone's imagination! Even Dongfang Qiming God has never seen such an outrageous thing, but this is how it really happened——

"The path you are walking on, even the real way of heaven, has never really taken a step. It is like a toddler, which is extremely ridiculous." The evil young man opened his eyes and said: "I am born, and nature is not born. I am dead, but the sky is not dead. It's really a horrible thing to slip the world. I said...My opponent is not you...

I was born and born before!

How arrogant!

"You...who are you——" Dongfang Qiming God was frightened back and forth several steps!

It is the first time to fail! He couldn't kill the evil spirits and get rid of this person. Although he was unwilling to accept it, he still had to accept it!

"Knock your head, admit defeat, get away and I'll tell you--" the young man said lightly.

Let Dongfang enlighten God, kowtow! Conquer!

Many people only feel that there is a problem with cognition. This person... is this still human?

"I admit defeat! How offended!" Dongfang Qiming God turned around and left. He just felt that his power, avenue, seemed to be lacking, and power was madly passing away!


How to fight this!

The mighty ancient sages, gods, years of age and other people, all of their faces turned gray, and they were all directly shocked. They watched the Dongfang Qiming God walk with shame—

"Xiao Ming! You... why did you lose? Why didn't you even help me." Mighty Gu Xian asked with a breath.

"He didn't really do anything to you... Besides, you are a god-eating body, and you can absorb the spirit of all things and flesh, and your defense is stronger than me -" Dongfang Qiming said.

"Couldn't it be that the World-Honored One is really going to rise up! one can kill him!" the Supreme God of Dafa Power asked in disgrace.

"Wrong, we were wrong at the beginning! Acknowledge it, and... he is not the world-zun!" Dongfang Qiming God broke out a shocking big news——

No, fake, fake!

Are you being fooled by the real world-zun?

The world is in an uproar!

Right now, there was only one person, who was weeping, and the body twitched when we sobbed...that was the goddess of Origin who was blocking Su Jin at this moment!

"You can't go...You can't go--" The goddess of Origin was scared to tears. She really didn't expect that Dongfang Qiming God would not be able to kill him. Now if Su Jin stepped forward, there would be a dead end!

"Remember what I just said?" Su Jin was relieved. "When you and I are enemies, don't show mercy with your hands."

The goddess of the origin hugged Su Jin frontally, and now she couldn't hear anything Su Jin said, she only knew that this guy was going to die...

"I have plans. The name of this piano is the Dragon's Blood Piano. It will be given to you today and today. From now on, you and I will be strangers, no longer related--" Su Jin's voice seemed to be far away.

The place where the goddess of origin embraced is already in the air, beside... there is a sacred piano surging with dragon blood——

She, I don't know why Su Jin treated her this way!

But the next moment, her face was dull for an instant... She seemed to have grasped some context. In that virtual world, the person who had just let Dongfang Qiming God surrender had said that his opponent was not Qiming God!

Could it be! Could it be that the opponent he said was Emperor Ye Tian? !

Su Jin walked towards the'Void Realm Great World' step by step, and immediately spread his voice to the world with a loud voice: "Yongling Yushu!"

A smile appeared on the young man's face, turned to face Su Jin's direction, and faintly responded: "Guide the way."

"Nanfeng Academy." Su Jinlang said.

The youth's faint evil temperament, evil spirits smiled awe-inspiringly: "No World Honored--"

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