My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3542: Lonely Star

Back and forth.

The Royal Beast Sect is currently in this situation.

For half a day, it was like a white horse passing a gap, passing away in a flash——

In the ‘Time Realm’ adjacent to the Worm Realm, as the only peak God Realm among the one hundred and twenty-eight God Realms around, every move of the surrounding God Realm is all under the control of the Time Realm.

At this time, a white jade staircase, thousands of miles away, traversed the heavenly palace, and above the cloud palace, was the place where the most powerful dignitaries in the world of time lie.

The goddess of time, the ruler of one hundred twenty-eight gods, is now under the light of a sacred temple, and is in charge of the ‘scepter of time’.

There are no less than a hundred great powers crawling on the ground in this cloud palace!

The goddess of time, skin like fat, upside down all sentient beings, the supreme sacred aura on her body, people only dare to look far away, and dare not feel any sense of profanity in her heart.

"Your Majesty the Goddess." A middle-aged man hurried over and delivered a scroll of starlight. Then he bent down and bowed, quietly waiting for instructions.

As the starlight scroll opened, in the pure and waveless blue eyes of the goddess of time, there was a little doubt in the eyes——

"The lone star of the **** of evil, really was lit up." The goddess of time said coldly: "Is there any news from the insect world?"

"There is news from the Ten Thousand Worm Grottoes that the saint is in the hands of the invader, and they dare not go to rescue them. In addition, the Royal Beast Sect, 19 people including the Sect Master, have all been left behind—" The middle-aged man said quickly.

"Elder Taichen, according to what you see, what should you do?" the goddess of time asked the middle-aged man.

"The lone star of the evil sky is extraordinary! It has been more than 100,000 years since the last time it appeared. The lone star of the sky evil appeared, far from being as dazzling as it is today, but at that time it has caused turmoil in the hundred realms and the creatures of the hundred realms. In a catastrophe."

Elder Taichen then quickly said: "Your Majesty, this must do it as soon as possible, otherwise, the Hundred Realms God Realm will be doomed!"

"According to my order, all realms will send people to the Time God Realm, and within three days, the lone star must be destroyed." The Goddess of Time got up holding the scepter.

"Send your majesty the goddess."


With the disappearance of the goddess of time, many powers secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Elder Taichen!" I saw an old man in gray robe shouting at Taichen——

"Yitai River, do you have any opinion on the decision of your majesty the goddess?" Elder Taichen looked at the Yitai River with cold eyes.

"Whether the Tiansha Lone Star really exists is still inconclusive." Yi Taihe said in a deep voice: "For thousands of years, the 128 God Realms ruled by our Time God Realm have been constantly being harassed by the Black Demon. I don't know how many God Realms. The monk began to be dissatisfied with His Majesty. Of course, I am not alone in suspicion of this matter. This time, the saying of the lone star of Tiansha is too strange—"

"You are bold!" Elder Taichen glared at Yitaihe. In this goddess palace, Yitaihe dared to question His Majesty, which is really absurd.

"The black demon, the godless demon ancestor, has not been wiped out for thousands of years, and everyone complains! Twenty years ago, at the feet of the Goddess Palace, the descendants of Wang and Tang became demons. Eight years ago, in the center of the God Realm, in the Goddess City, 19 of our realm were the ultimate Tianjiao, announced his enchantment, shocked the world, dare to ask Elder Taichen, is there a way to eliminate it?"

Yitaihe’s words seemed to poke his heart every word, embarrassing Elder Taichen——

"You are not afraid that your majesty the goddess will know!" Elder Taichen couldn't help saying.

"My Majesty is loyal to the Goddess, and I dominate the Hundred Realms. Naturally, there will be another voice of opposition. I am afraid that you, the elder Taichen... Use the so-called'Lone Star of Heaven' to transfer people from all over the world. Attention to the Black Demon—" Yi Taihe snorted heavily, then walked out of the hall with his sleeves.

Elder Taichen had a sullen face, but he was stunned and temperless.

Indeed, the Dark Demon has become so rampant that it is lawless. The Demon Ancestor of the Heavenless Demon is even more terrifying in strength. Even the Goddess of Time cannot be killed by himself. This is the unbroken reason...

Moreover, there are already many discordant voices in many gods’ realms, and most of them agree that the goddess of time is no longer suitable, but in fact, you can’t say that, even in this goddess temple, I’m afraid there are many people like that. miss you……


Ten Thousand Worms, Southern Territory!

Su Jin yawned and glanced at the people of the'Royal Beast Sect'——

It's been half a day.

The lord of the insect world, can't even see a shadow...

Sect Master Yu Beast smiled angrily.

"I can't wait here all the time..." Su Jin said slowly.

"Or, kill them all?" The Empress Queen asked.

Sect Master Royal Beast, including Killing God Wind, all face changed drastically. They always thought that Su Jin was the most decisive person to kill, but they didn't expect this woman to be even more vicious.

"Don't... have something to say!" Sect Master Yu Beast quickly shouted in horror.

"Then there is something to hide, so let's make it clear today..." Su Jin looked at the Sect Master Yu Beast, and continued: "We have just arrived here and entered this place by mistake. How did your world master know that we are an intruder?"

Sect Master Royal Beast fell into a short silence immediately——

"Has Fellow Daoist heard of...Lone Star of Heavenly Evil?" Sect Master Yu Beast still intends to say it, otherwise I'm afraid my life won't be saved.

In fact, for the time being, this is a secret, but if the realm master wanted to come, he would have come to rescue them long ago, and now it is no wonder his Royal Beast Sect, if the realm master is to blame, find an excuse to perfuse the past...

It turned out that he was regarded as the lone star of the gods?

It seems that someone wants to die! Su Jin squinted...

"Where is your world master currently?" Su Jin asked again.

"The world master" Sect Master Yu Beast hesitated slightly.

"Say!" Su Jin whispered.

Sect Master Yu Beast was startled, his face pale and said: "If there is no accident, it should be in the Beast Temple, 180,000 miles north of this place—"

Su Jin didn't even think about it, so he directly raised his hand, and all the nineteen members of the Royal Beast Sect captured the golden unicorn!

Killing Kamikaze didn't even dare to get out of the air. Although he was temporarily released from imprisonment, his injury still didn't improve.

Now, the nineteen members of the Royal Beast Sect all share the same idea...what does this mysterious young man want to do?

Could it be that he is going to find the realm master? Sect Master Royal Beast was scared by this thought--

as predicted!

It's a mere 180,000 miles, for Su Jin, it is not a problem at all!

In less than half a moment, the beast temple in the center of the insect world was already in sight under the condescending scene of everyone!

Su Jin's face was stern, and gently raised his hand, the earth shook!

Sect Master Royal Beast’s face is like a dish. Like everyone else, he opened his eyes wide and looked at the earth as if it turned into an incomparable giant hand...

The power of the hand of the earth is unimaginable!

I saw that the incomparable hand of the earth slowly dug the ‘Temple of the Beast’ from the ground with a radius of thousands of miles!

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