My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3544: Sorry, it's Wangpin!

Wan Tiannan is very confident about this blow-

Moreover, this Yedi didn't have anything special in his opinion. This blow, even if it was a star, could break into pieces!

Very good, this night Emperor didn't mean to move at all, is it scary? When Wan Tiannan saw the war sickle falling above Su Jin's head, he couldn't help but feel a little doubtful...

Under this kind of scene, even the tide sound banshee was secretly squeezing Su Jin's sweat!

Just at the moment! Su Jin raised his right arm, the speed is a bit dazzling! This arm, directly condensed into a claw-like shape, lightly grabbed the **** war sickle--


Wan Tiannan was shocked--

Too late!

Wan Tiannan's confident blow was directly in the blood, and was directly... caught?

Su Jin used his right hand to take Gu Xian's blow with his bare hands! And... not moving! !

"What's the matter!" Many cultivators in the insect world were shocked and shocked again and again!

"What's the situation? The realm master is Gu Xian's cultivation base, what is the path of the night emperor! He... actually took the blow with his bare hands?"

"Impossible! I must have evolved, this is not true! Our world master, even in the one hundred and twenty-eight gods' realms, can be ranked in the upper middle or upper middle, how could he catch this with one palm? hit!"

"The lone star of the evil sky, he must be the lone star of the evil sky! Our world master is not his opponent at all!"



On Wan Tiannan's war sickle, a clear voice uttered--

War sickle, broken!

Wan Tiannan's face changed suddenly, and he was shaken back for several steps, widening his eyes, and staring at this young man named Ye Di!

Su Jin smiled coldly. He was just warming up just now. The reason why he used this right arm to take the opponent's blow was naturally the reason for the king of heaven. After he recognized the master from the king of heaven, he entered the right arm. I really haven't had a chance to test the strength of this king bone-

In this way, it really didn't disappoint him!

Moreover, the shock that this way of receiving the move has brought to Wan Tiannan is unspeakable... At least now Wan Tiannan has not seen the problem with Su Jin's right arm.

"With this blow, I am confident that I will not lose to any Gu Xian! With this blow, no one in Gu Xian dares to do this next! You...your right arm..." Wan Tiannan hadn't noticed it yet, just suspicion, he reacted When I came over, I couldn't help but be frightened--

"It's nothing, it's just a bone." Su Jin said lightly.

Sky bone!

Wan Tiannan has seen no less than a hundred bones!

Even people with celestial bones, Wan Tiannan has also been killed, he does not believe it! Why is Tiangu so powerful? Can you pick him up with bare hands and still not move?

"Extreme Sky Bone!" Wan Tiannan roared and said, he was uncomfortable now.

"I'm sorry, it's Wang Pin." Su Jin was slightly innocent, feeling... as if he had hit this world master——


King bone!

Wan Tiannan was almost frightened...

The surrounding area seems to be quiet, this kind of blow is absolutely all-round... Not only Wan Tiannan, but also the Sect Master Yu Beast, the seventeen elders, and the Killing Kamikaze, are also instantly suffocated.

Kill Kamikaze now has only one thought in his heart...

He... offended a peerless strong man with a king bone? A peerless powerhouse who can take a blow from the next master with his bare hands! !

Bitterly, Wan Tiannan now has a blush on his face. He was only on guard against the two ancient sage nuns. How could he have thought that he could not see the strange existence in front of him... He turned out to be the strongest person in this group of people. !

Wang Bone, even if it is Wan Tiannan, the Lord of the Insect Realm, Gu Xian has a cultivation base, he dare not think! The king bone in the sky bone is just a legend in his world! I have never seen it! !

Even the aloof goddess of time has only two superb celestial bones. Compared with the king bones, the difference seems to be a galaxy-like distance, and it doesn't even match!

"Your Excellency appeared in my Worm World...what is your intention..." Wan Tiannan took a deep breath before asking in a deep voice.

"Traveling through time and space, don't enter here... Then you will be regarded as the lone star of the **** of heaven." Su Jin sneered slightly. Of course, it doesn't matter to him--

Wan Tiannan's eyes flickered...

Wan Tiannan didn't believe Su Jin's words!

"You are a little Lord of God's Domain, in front of Brother Ye, don't you bow your head and claim your court? Now kneel down, maybe there is still a way to survive. If you don't accept it, your grave will grow taller today." With full confidence, Qin Haiyang said to Wan Tiannan.

"Bow your head and claim your court? By him?" Wan Tiannan laughed!

Ever since Wan Tiannan became the master of this insect world, he has never given a good look to the world masters of other gods, Da Neng, except Time God Realm!

Now, this bad intruder who wants him to bow his head is ridiculous!

"Don't delay the time, just tell you more. Brother Ye wants to see your goddess of time. Why don't you send someone to ask for help and invite her?" Qin Haiyang said.

"Your Excellency is an extraordinary existence! Although Wan Mou does not have a king bone, there are other means. You want me to yield, it is absolutely impossible!" Wan Tiannan shook his head and drank.

Obviously, he can't afford to lose that person--

Especially, in front of the entire world of creatures, even if he died, he would not be able to follow Qin Haiyang's requirements.

"You are smart." Su Jin said lightly: "The king doesn't need bones, what other means do you have, even if you use it, but then, the possibility of your survival is almost zero."

Su Jin doesn't care! Wan Tiannan didn't say clearly that he actually wanted him not to use Wang Pin Tian Bone, otherwise even if Wan Tiannan died, he would still be unconvinced.


Wan Tiannan's hands were empty on both sides, and he grabbed hard--

"The power of ten thousand beasts! Gather my body!" Wan Tiannan roared wildly.

His momentum is rising!

Countless insects and beasts roared in the not-too-distant range around the entire ‘Temple of Beast’, from the holy beast to the rice-grained ant, explaining that they gave off a glow, and they couldn’t help radiating their power!

Su Jin nodded secretly, this Wan Tiannan is indeed qualified to be arrogant. This method of condensing the power of the beasts seems simple, but in fact it will take countless years to do it——

For those insects and beasts, every species, Wan Tiannan had to use methods a long time ago. This is similar to the practice of enslaving insects and beasts. Even if the beasts are passed down for countless generations, the connection always occurs in Wan Tiannan.

"In a short period of time, the strength of this Wan Tiannan has soared three times, infinitely close to four times, it is really amazing!" Chaosheng Banshee said in surprise.

"Hundreds of thousands, or even millions of insects and beasts are providing him with power, which is similar to the power of living creatures, but it is not completely...very wonderful -" said the Empress Maid.

"Nothing will happen..." The Chaosheng Banshee said nervously.

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