My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3547: A duel in time and space!

Nine ancient sages died, and the battle was clearly over, why... Yedi hasn't left the battlefield yet?

A strange wave came slightly, and that wave didn’t seem to be anywhere in the world of insects——

"Today, Gu Xian, I will kill as many as I come! If you don't show up, I will go to your Time God Realm to find you!" Su Jin felt unspeakable.

This kind of fluctuation is extremely powerful! And it is by no means comparable to Wan Tiannan, even Su Jin feels even stronger than the reincarnation Taoist not long ago!

Obviously, only one person can radiate such fluctuations...

That is the goddess of time!

"Is the goddess of time here?" The Chaosheng Banshee said with fear. She is Gu Xian, and she can naturally feel the weird fluctuating power. Even if it is her, she has a faintly suppressed feeling, knowing that she is absolutely unique. Not the enemy of the opponent!

"So strong--" The Empress Maid's face was solemn. It can be said that her feelings are the most real. Now she looks at Su Jin with a worried look...

"This battle has been inevitable since the goddess of time designated Brother Ye as the lone star of the **** of evil! I don't think other ancient sage masters will appear again! Because it is useless! There are only rare powers, such as the goddess of time. Only by this kind can you compete against Brother Ye! Otherwise...they will be sent!" After Qin Haiyang felt that kind of fluctuation, now he didn't dare to let out the atmosphere, he said tremblingly.

"I want to win." Qin Qingwu's mouth closed slightly, praying silently in her heart. Although she is stubborn to be strong, she is also thinking about it at this moment...

Qin Qingwu thought about it... If Ye Di can win this battle, she will show him what she dare not wear... and let him see her face... even...

As soon as that thought appeared, Qin Qingwu's face felt hot...

just now! The cultivators of the insect world will all believe and doubt——

The fluctuations cover the entire insect world! No one has seen it, but the fluctuation is so strong! This is something that Wan Tiannan and other ancient sages can't do at all. It can be said that the nine ancient sages who have just died in the battle, even if they join hands, can't make such tyrannical fluctuations!

"Ye Di's face...extremely solemn! It seems to be, the goddess of time, although no one has arrived, but we still have to avenge our world lord!" a monk exclaimed.

"When the goddess of time takes action, this person must die! No one can save him, and he will be pinched to death by our most respected goddess! Otherwise, it will be difficult to calm the anger of the world!"

"The sword just now is really amazing! Unparalleled! But these are completely useless for our goddess of time! Her power is not without reason! She...dominates one hundred and twenty-eight gods, she is before driving Existence above all ancient sages!!"

"The goddess of time, dominates the world of time, she is an invincible existence! Let's watch it quietly and see how the emperor died!"



Su Jin was feeling the wonderful fluctuations, his face was indeed very solemn, and he was also looking forward to the outcome of the battle with the opponent in his heart!

But... the fact that the other party didn't come!

Of course, it doesn't mean you can't fight! If Su Jin guessed right, this goddess of time will still make a move, and you have to fight him across time and space!

Yes! Su Jin didn't guess wrong!

With the world exclaiming, a giant palm with a slightly transparent plate, slowly peeking out from the distant time and space--

"That direction! That direction is the Time God Realm!" The girl squeaked, on top of the golden unicorn, speaking to the Empress and the others.

"Really strong!" Chaosheng Banshee's face was bloodless, in her mind, this scene seemed familiar!

At that time, during the Peerless Immortal Burial, the remaining divine essence of the life immortal king condensed an arm, and the feeling it gave her was such a shock!

The goddess of time in this state, Ye to resist?

"More powerful than Taoist Samsara..." the maiden emperor said in surprise.

"Compared with your emperor, how about the blow of the goddess of time?" The Chaosheng Banshee looked at the imperial concubine and asked.

"The emperor is invincible, and the goddess of time is definitely not comparable to the emperor. In the world, almost no one has taken the three swords of the emperor, but... this goddess of time is indeed powerful, I am a little worried about the night emperor." The lady emperor said seriously. .

The Chaosheng Banshee was secretly frightened, the Goddess of Time was not as powerful as that emperor, and Ye Di... now facing this blow across time and space, she also has a solemn expression on her face, could it be... Ye Di feels hard to contend with time goddess?

The giant arm that slowly approached seemed to stretch out in a nine-day distant time and space... This arm, in the eyes of the cultivators of the insect world, was even ten times more shocking than the ‘sword kingdom of the sky’ that Ye Di just displayed! hundred times!

Because, at this moment, the condensed arm of the goddess of time is far from reaching the insect world, but that kind of strength is unimaginable in the insect world and even the other 127 gods!

The dignity on Su Jin's face gradually receded, turning into Gu Jing Wubo's expression again——

Then, he made a puzzling move, he sat in the air!

A circle of fire-colored halo began to linger from under him sitting cross-legged——

Two laps.

Five circles.

Finally, nine full halos! They represent the nine ways, layer by layer!

It's terrible, even a fool can see the horror of this ‘Lone Star of Heaven’!

"He is the heaven-defying evildoer of the Nine Paths fellow practitioners!" The cultivators of the insect world were all shocked!

"In the world, is there really the existence of the Nine Paths of the same body? If I hadn't seen it today, I would not believe it! But it does not matter, the Goddess of Time is invincible. Under absolute power, even if he is the Nine Dao Xiu, he will be photographed by the Goddess of Time. ash!"

"This is a duel across time and space! That arm is too sacred and ethereal. Now if I see the goddess of time, even if I die now... I am willing!"


As the exclamations gathered again, countless people, the expressions on their faces solidified——

Su Jin sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and around him, a suffocating imaginary heavenly arm appeared! That is definitely a sky arm!

The majesty of heaven is emanating from Su Jin's condensed sky arm! It's too late to say, now it's fast!

Su Jin's condensed vast sky arms, as if compared to the giant hand of the goddess of light condensed at that time, no matter how big or small it is, it is not too much!

Almost in the blink of an eye, Su Jin's condensed vast sky arms have stretched out of the insect world, towards the direction of the "Time God Realm"!

The two condensed giant hands... are all palm-shaped! But Su Jin's palm is so big that it covers this void in the insect world!


Even the maiden emperor, the Chaosheng Banshee, now feel the terrible Su Jin, this person... has grown to a point where they are scared!

This is a battle across time and space... no one... can't tell which side will win!

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