My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3554: God's Realm

The entire Temple of Time, as if because of the arrival of the night emperor at this moment, the atmosphere has become particularly dignified!

Su Jin really doesn't know why the goddess of time can look at him like this now, that kind of look makes a sense of righteousness--

"Bold! Ye Di! Do you know where this is? This is the supreme Temple of Time! If you dare to make a mistake here, the old man will not spare you!" Elder Taichen was nervous, and he spoke hard, but His performance was not as good as words, he was shaking all over!

Even if there are heavy soldiers guarding the Temple of Time, there are more than ten ancient sages in the Temple, but when the night emperor arrives, except for the Goddess of Time and Elder Taichen, no one dared to stand out!

"Retreat—" The goddess of time said with a cold voice, and immediately drank Elder Taichen.

"Your Majesty the Goddess!" Elder Taichen was extremely anxious. Now that this time is about to do everything, if he retreats, he will let the Goddess of Time directly face the Ye Emperor!

"You are far from his opponent. This person can destroy the Western Divine Army with one blow. You are only seeking your own death for the time God Realm." The Goddess of Time holds the scepter, and the supreme temperament exudes from her whole body. Can't help but look directly.

Too Elder Chen hesitated for a moment-

How can he not know how dangerous he is now... But those old guys in the Temple of Time have changed their hearts, and many people are bent on pulling the Goddess of Time from the throne of the Temple! Now... but one more lone star from the evil spirit!

It can be said that the current situation of the Goddess of Time is far more difficult than ever before...

"I... won't retreat!" Elder Taichen glared at Su Jin, and then shouted: "If you want to level our Temple of Time, step on the old man's body first!"

"Are you talking to me?" Su Jin looked away from the Goddess of Time and glanced at Elder Taichen——

Elder Taichen only felt his eyes flash, and one hand hit him directly at a speed that he couldn't see clearly!


Elder Taichen, Brother Gu Xian! He was stunned and hit several walls on the temple before he could stop!

The goddess of time frowned slightly...

"I'm very strange." The Goddess of Time looked at Su Jin, "Mie Hun Yin, since the demon clan achieved the talent magic, almost never missed, and Mie Hun Yin... No matter how bad it is, it can hurt you, but before , You stepped through the door of the starry sky, but you were unscathed."

"You know..." Su Jin looked into the depths of the temple slowly, and then said lightly: "I saw them... I'm here for someone to come on this trip--"


Want to... want that Yang Qiwu?

The goddess of time suddenly felt a sudden, she felt that the night emperor might be trying to make things difficult for this matter. Everyone knew that Yang Qiwu didn't exist at all, and that face mostly followed her appearance, and that temperament... Demon girls from the demon clan!

"There is no one you want in my temple--" the goddess of time said.

"The door of the starry sky, under the guidance of Soul Destruction, there is a woman I like very much. If you don't hand over people today, there is no need for the existence of Time God Realm." Su Jin said in an extremely serious tone.

"It seems that today's deadly battle is inevitable."

The Goddess of Time pointed Su Jin directly with the "Scepter of Time", and continued to speak clearly: "No matter where you come from, no matter who you are, you can't beat me."

"Where are you confident?"

Su Jin looked at the Goddess of Time, then considered it, and nodded: "If this is the case, then I will abolish you first, and then I will capture those confusing demons. Don't worry, death will not let you die, but Ruo Yang You can't live in the world if you dance, you will endure endless pain and wailing for thousands of years in a miserable place!"

The Goddess of Time was not scared, she let go of the ‘Time Scepter’ in her hand, the beautiful scepter, gently erected and floated in front of her——

And then, the goddess of time began to seal in front of her with her tender hands!

"The power of time!" The goddess of time was surrounded by faint icy blue power, and those powers were spinning out around her like a trajectory!


The entire Temple of Time seems to have become extremely sacred because of the power of the Goddess of Time!

The method of the Goddess of Time was actually a method that Su Jin had never seen before. At high altitude, a full million mile radius began to show ice-colored Dao rhymes, and those Dao rhymes formed a door of time and space.

Endless years, as if flowing out through the gates of time and space——

Vast, holy, invincible! This is the feeling that the goddess of time brings to the monks in the gods!

"The goddess is really angry. This is the origin of her supreme time. Her power can even freeze time and solidify life! This crazy kid is going to end!" The monk in the time **** realm exclaimed.

"You can't underestimate the emperor! Just now, did you see that even the elder Taichen was beaten by him, and you don't know whether you live or die! The goddess is powerful, but no one knows who will win until the end!"

"The goddess must win! She must win! I can't imagine, under such a huge power, who can take this blow! Just now, although the night emperor smashed the Western God Army with a palm, we are Goddess of Time Can do it too!"

"It's too magnificent. The Goddess of Time is already shocked just by unfolding the power of the source. If she fights for a while, the emperor of the night may not last long—"

"His Majesty the Goddess dominates one hundred and twenty-eight divine realms, and it is not unreasonable to be regarded as the highest! The Heavenless Demon Ancestor who has just been bent on the backbone cannot directly compete with the Goddess!"

"Ye Di, no World Honored! No matter who he is, it is impossible to beat the goddess!"


The power of time——

The expression on Su Jin's face didn't move at all.

"If there are only these, I would take you seriously--" Su Jin said lightly.

"You will pay the price for your contempt!" The Goddess of Time yelled softly!

She felt very uncomfortable.

Su Jin borrowed from Yang Qiwu to make things difficult, think about who she is? She is the supreme goddess of the Time God Realm, dominating hundreds of God Realms, and now... she is looked down upon by one person!

Seeing Su Jin not responding to herself, the Goddess of Time took a deep breath, her voice seemed to be illusion, sound waves echoing in the God Realm continuously!

"God's realm of time! Seal of time!" Behind the goddess of time, a pair of extremely sacred and transcendent icy blue illusory wings slowly floated. The wings that condensed were so large that the light even swept out far away. place!

Su Jin's body didn't move at all!

The face of the goddess of time solidified immediately, she... never thought that this blow would have no effect on this emperor!

"And then?" Su Jin asked the goddess of time——

"You have the source of time! Impossible, the source of time, it is impossible to recognize the Lord, it is impossible..." The Goddess of Time used three'impossibles' on her face to explain the inconceivable shock! !

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