My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3563: Destroy the sword light

Making up his mind, Su Jin gently closed his eyes——

Under the feelings of Qin Qingwu and the Queen of Virgo, the entire Wanbao River was trembling!



Su Jin opened his eyes, glanced at the Hall of Longevity in confusion, and then looked around the world. He didn't know where there was a problem. When he wanted to control the Hall of Longevity, the "Eternal Life Hall" was always in a virtual state.

Finally, Su Jin stared at the ‘Time Scepter’ in the distance!

This scepter of time was previously owned by the goddess of time, as if it was the power of the scepter of time and the temple of the earth, which changed the rules of this world!

It shouldn't be! Su Jin is unbelievable, he doesn't know anything else, "Eternal Life Palace" is definitely a transcendent existence, even if the world is forbidden, the Eternal Life Palace should not be sealed!

Even in Su Jin's heart, the Hall of Eternal Life must always be greater than the ‘Temple of the Earth’!

"Hahaha—" Elder Taichen seemed to have become the leader of the Great Demon Room. He had just received a punch from Su Jin and was undamaged. On the contrary, under the blessing of the Temple of Earth and the Scepter of Time, his power, Still growing!

The feeling of dominating the world is really intoxicating! Even can't help but be immersed in that kind of beauty!

"No one can go..." An ancient sage who turned into a huge flower monster looked at Su Jin and the others with hatred...

This flower demon seemed to be formed by the condensation of blood, the ancient sage was like an empty shell of the ancient sage, sitting among the flower buds, his gray pupils were as cold as a poisonous snake.

"Listen to my orders! I am going to be the master of the Earth Temple today! This time God Realm will be transformed into the Earth God Realm from now on, and I...I am your master God!" Elder Taichen licked his scarlet long tongue. Then he flashed past, he actually pulled up the scepter of time!




Thousands of thunder, as if landing in an instant!

"It's so dry." Su Jin didn't even think about it. Under the eyes of all the people, outside the Wanbao River, two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine him instantly condensed!

Three thousand shadow phantoms!

Suffering, now for the goddess of time and others, it just happens to——

Among the thirty-four of them, apart from the goddess of time, the blue demon fairy, and the blue demon fairy, the other demon women are all cultivated by great sages, and for the time being, they can withstand the heart-burning torment of "Purgatory Mountain"——

"What happened just now... Eldest sister, eldest sister, are you better!" Qingxian Demon Ji quickly asked Xiang Lan Demon Ji.

The Blue Demon Fairy nodded. They are now chained here. They originally wanted to see Su Jin's demise. Who would have thought that Su Jin would use such a terrible magic!

In this "Three Thousand Shadows", even in the eyes of the Blue Demon Ji and the Goddess of Time, they can't tell which one is the real Yedi!

Although it is clearly known that there are two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine are false, but it seems that the veins, breathing, even temperament and expression of each Ye Emperor are different. This magical technique is too mysterious!

"A major event happened before. Your Majesty, the goddess, in order to save the life of the Li people, wanted to kill the emperor by way of sacrifice, but at the critical moment, the time scepter seemed to have a problem, and the ancient earth temple was summoned out—"

Blue Demon Ji continued: "This is the real catastrophe."

Having said that, Blue Demon Fairy and other beautiful demon fairies were instantly attracted by Su Jin's "Three Thousand Shadows"!

The Su Jin deity on the Palace of Longevity had disappeared when he used "Three Thousand Shadows"! So no one knows what is true or false when standing outside the "River of Wanbao"!

"He arrested us... but he arrested us... and he couldn't make that Yang Qiwu truly appear——" A demon girl saw that Su Jin was so powerful, so she had to use her own power to contend against the thousand great demon ancient sages. At that time, he began to cry in tears.

"It's difficult... but the world... there is no absolute thing. He even owns the Palace of Longevity, so what else can't be done." Blue Demon Ji sighed.

"Such a strong... Reality is enviable..." You Yao Ji was deeply impressed by the magical technique of "Three Thousand Shadows", although she was still tied to Purgatory Mountain, suffering the bitter fruit of suffering.

Too late!

Su Jin's three thousand shadow phantoms actually showed a vast sword intent on his body at the same time!

This kind of sword intent is so sharp that it makes people stand up instantly! Compared with the previously displayed "Sky Sword Nation", he now has a purer sword intent and is more inclined to pursue power!

"The Avenue of the Sword God of the Night Emperor is progressing every day--" The Chaosheng Banshee watched the crystal red power fade away, and then, every inch of this abyss seemed to be pointing out. Not to mention other people's Jian Yun, even she really admires it!

"He is the one with the strongest talent and sentiment among the people I have ever met except the emperor—" The Maid Emperor is not worried about being heard by the other party because Su Jin is outside the Wanbao River, and this is true. Chaosheng Banshee, Qin Qingwu and others listened.

"Is that emperor really better than Ye Di?" Qin Qingwu asked.

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies—"

"The truth."

"From now on, the emperor is far better than the emperor. After all, there is no comparison between the time of cultivation of the two, but in the future, the achievements of the emperor will definitely not be weaker than that of the emperor. But this takes time, a long time." Said the maiden emperor.

"This is the reason why you have been contradictory in your heart?" Chaosheng Banshee suddenly asked the Empress Maid.

Empress Maid:...

Can it be seen so simple...

The Chaosheng Banshee can see it, isn't it, Ye Di can also see it.

From the moment when the Maid Emperor and Concubine herself requested that she want to regain control of the "Treasure River", Ye Di was almost directly equivalent to refusal. Only then did she know that... she was too obvious.

"Ye Di is not here, I dare to tell you... I am very scared to see the emperor again. Because I will die by the sword of the emperor." The concubine of the maiden is very contradictory, and she is afraid that one day she will die. I know, there is a way back, but both... it seems that they can't be offended, but she fell into it again and had to make a choice.

"Ye Di's potential, you have also seen--" Chaosheng Banshee stared at the imperial concubine, "Besides, he is definitely not as weak as you think."

"He is not weak, but... the emperor is strong, which makes people look scared. You may feel that Yedi is very strong, but do you know that it is not Yedi who joins here, but the emperor... Destroy the Temple of the Earth." The Empress Maid's breathing became a little unstable.

So strong?

The Chaosheng Banshee's heart tightened, feeling that the Empress did not lie!

At this moment, the sword intent exuded from Su Jin's body seemed to be folds shining when struggling!

Sword, more than sword! He didn't even know how powerful Su Jin's time and space swordsman avenue was, the power he exerted on three thousand himself!

Thousands of ancient sage demon, hanging in the air! Every big monster is like a big enemy! It is impossible to tell which is Su Jin's deity!

"Kill! Sweep it all broken!" Elder Taichen rushed towards a shadow incarnation of Su Jin, he couldn't see it, but the time scepter in his hand had changed its appearance. It was so dark and evil. breath!

The other ancient sage monsters received the order, and started to rush into madness--

However, at this moment, a terrible scene appeared!

Click! Click! Click!

The three thousand Su Jin who couldn't distinguish between the deity and the shadow incarnation all raised their hands and waved them lightly, as if they had waved the Dao of Time and Space Sword God!

In this abyssal time and space, there are kendo sky cracks everywhere! It was a series of gorgeous and amazing sword marks. When everyone saw it, they all seemed to be destroyed!

Abyss Time and Space, except for the "Eternal Life Palace" surrounded by the Wanbao River, all have been baptized by the sword of destruction!



There are already dozens of weak ancient sages who have been killed directly!

Elder Taichen, his claws hold the evil ‘time scepter’, above that scepter, there is actually a **** skull-like appearance——

"The source of all evil, the source of all evil that exists in the years, bless your most devout believers, and destroy all ages from the world, I...Ming Taichen, will build an incomparably great source of time God Realm!"

Billions of sword lights shining for more than a quarter of an hour!

Under the protection of the evil time scepter, Elder Taichen was unscathed! But thousands of other ancient sages died for a little bit!

"Useless things... Give it to you, your body, your power, in the future... for my use! For my use!" Elder Taichen pressed his claw on the skull's ‘Time Scepter’!

Those dead ancient sages and great monsters, flesh and blood spirits, and anything that can generate power are all absorbed by the ugly ‘scepter of time’.

Elder Taichen seems to be enjoying it, and its breath is absorbing a touch of blood emanating from the staff of time!

Su Jin’s three thousand shadow phantoms disappeared directly, and his deity reappeared in the "River of Ten Thousand Treasures"——

The concubine virgin was terrified, her delicate body seemed to stiffen for a moment, and her pink pupils became more intense, her attention, a piece of hair beside her cheek was slowly chopped off from it...

This is... Is Ye Di warning her?

"Hmph, let's go." Su Jin's whole body shone with nine auras, and the power that burst out for a while directly solidified the Eternal Life Hall.

Turn around! The booming effect emanating from the Hall of Eternal Life directly affected this abyss!

"We will meet again... soon... Hahaha—" Elder Taichen looked at Su Jin's steadfast'Eternal Palace' with a sinister gaze. He didn't stop it, because he currently couldn't stop it. .

Su Jin lazily wasted his time and strength in the Temple of Earth. He knew that the God Realm of Time was finished. If he stayed here for a second, there would be more possibility of being left behind by the Temple of Earth.

"Your Majesty, I will take you back from his hands by then!" Elder Taichen said again. Although he was unwilling to be taken away from the Goddess of Time, he is not strong enough to face the Emperor Ye!

The snowy white wrists, ankles, and the chains of the goddess of time were all strangled with red blood on the chains on Purgatory Mountain. She is at a loss now, as if she can't withstand the blow of today——

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