My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3602: Demon Blood Frenzy

Nothing like this-

Blood eroding the demon god, where is the flaw!

"The current you are far from being able to compete with it! Your strength, everything about you, is too weak for the Blood Erosion Demon God."

When the Emperor Prison saw that Su Jin was helpless, he kept taunting, and finally even shouted directly at the Blood Erosion Demon God: "Solve him!"

"Don't forget your and my promise..." The Blood Erosion Demon God responded to Emperor Prison Heaven, and then, it even raised two arms that looked like mountains, and shouted at the sky with an extremely strange voice: "Blood hurricane!"

The dark "Grave of All Beings", the scene has changed drastically!

Pieces of **** storms like howling ghosts and howling wolves swept across the world! That storm of bright red divine power like filaments, I don't know how strong it is!

With the advent of the'Blood Hurricane', within a radius of tens of billions of miles, there was a strong killing intent. The killing intent, even the ancient sages such as the tidal witches outside the graves of sentient beings, felt the thorn inexplicably. pain!

"Able to condense the killing intent to such a point, this blood eroding demon **** was definitely an ancient monster that wreaked havoc on the world!" The goddess of time had a cold expression, she knew that Su Jin was in trouble, at least for the current killing intent, even her Never felt it.

"The Blood Erosion Demon God ranks ninth among the twelve demon gods in ancient times." The virgin concubine said.

"Is there no flaw in it?" the holy angel master asked.

The virgin concubine was silent for a few breaths, and finally shook her head and said, "No."

"Even if there is, she wouldn't say it." The Chaosheng Banshee turned her face away.

"Do you want to fight?" The maiden emperor couldn't bear it. This screaming banshee repeatedly wanted to find things. She really didn't want to be angry anymore!

"Just hit it, I'm afraid of you?" Chaosheng Banshee was also extremely annoyed!

"Don't quarrel! Now Ye Di is fighting against the ancient demon gods. If you fight here, if he sees it, he might think something happened!" A demon girl quickly stopped.

The virgin concubine's eyes were chilling, and even if she gave up the idea of ​​fighting, she said indifferently: "How can I know the flaws of the ancient demon gods! Back then, the emperor could not kill the blood eroding demon gods, but in the end only the emperor Shot...but you know that the emperor failed to kill this **** back then! He can only catch it back! And in the gates of the gods, very few demons can live to the present!"

The Chaosheng Banshee squinted her eyes. She didn't expect this maid to tell the flaws. In short, she just couldn't understand her!

However, the two women confronted each other and were transferred to the battlefield directly with a roar!

"Blood Eclipse Curse!" The entire huge body of the Blood Erosion Demon God shook slowly, its size, even it itself did not know how heavy, which also caused it to be like a mountain, and could only collapse on the ground, calling for wind and rain. !

And with the appearance of the three words ‘Blood Eclipse Curse’, the scarlet hurricane of heaven and earth seemed to erupt abruptly many times!

Starting from the center of the tombs of all beings, layers of red tides, like the sea, began to raid! The blood-colored red tide that was thousands of miles high soon overwhelmed the body of the **** demon god!


In the scarlet and gloomy void, a pair of sun-like blood pupils opened directly, and the world seemed to be controlled by a blood-eclipsing demon god!

Su Jin held the'Heavenly God Sword', looked at the pair of scarlet eyes, and responded to the other's confidence with a very low roar: "All of this is for you to ask for! Forcing me, taunting me, it will only make I become stronger!"

"Oh Huo?" Emperor Prison didn't believe it, with contempt on his face, as if Su Jin's words were like a joke.

"Die! Insect!" Heaven and Earth Void, the scarlet eyes flashed directly, and there seemed to be two huge, almost transparent arms in the void, squeezing them towards Su Jin!


With a blast of swords, Su Jin raised his sword!

In the next moment, endless evil spirits, resentments, as if centered on Su Jin, began to erupt!

The Emperor Prison Heaven, Aotian Dragon God, and other ancient sages and great sages who hid the graves of sentient beings, all breathed!

"Resentment! Where is the resentment!" Di Yutian was shocked, he couldn't imagine! Such a great resentment even affected them when it broke out in this instant!

"Life monument! It's a life monument!" Aotian Longshen's face was stern!

Although I don't know what Su Jin wants to do, but such a huge resentment is definitely more than the blood of the star field they brought!

The Emperor Prison finally looked at the ‘Life Monument! ’

Obviously, the life monument exhibited by Su Jin before came from another ‘grave of all beings’!

Earlier, Su Jin was tortured by endless creatures' resentment, and finally the power of the creatures in the'Blood of Life' was sucked away by the'Life Stele'! Following that, all the grievances were sealed in the monument of life!

Now... the grievances released by the life monument is definitely the sum of the two ‘tombs of all beings’!

What is he going to do?

What does he want to do!

The emperor does not believe it! This is not the world lord Yedi, he would not really think that he can defeat the ‘blood eroded demon god’ with this ‘living resentment’!

The Blood Erosion Demon God doesn't know what Su Jin wants to do, but it really treats Su Jin as a "bug" now! Or, in its heart, Human Race... is a bug!

The power of the blood eclipse curse is also erupting. The scarlet shadows in the sky are like burning red flames. The power of each blood eclipse curse is definitely beyond the human race's ability to contend!

These blood eclipse curses can absorb human souls, and even absorb all the powers including the human race, and even the heavens! This is where the power of the Blood Erosion Demon God is!

In the eyes of the Blood Erosion Demon God, Su Jin stood with a sword, and when he appeared, he closed his three eyes, and... his power seemed to faintly mean losing control!

"Why on the contrary, the power has become stronger!" Emperor Prison cried out inwardly.

The Aotian Dragon God even more fiercely jumped in his heart, and felt a touch of evil spirits!

It's hideous, and the faces of Emperor Prison Heaven and Aotian Dragon God are hideous and terrifying! Those ‘blood eclipse curses’ are flooding the heavens and the earth. Under this circumstance, Su Jin is absolutely unavoidable! absolute!

As long as the "Blood Eclipse Curse" even touches Su Jin's clothes, he will be here today!

The magnificent "Blood Eclipse Curse" has caused many powerful people to suffocate! This kind of power explains why the Blood Erosion Demon God can survive to this day! It...suppresses everything with absolute power to rule this void!


The eruption of the Blood Erosion Curse caused all living beings’ graves to arouse the heavens and the earth’s divine thunder, the blue lightning, tearing thousands of miles into the sky, the blood eroding the demon and god, it was like an invincible powerhouse who wanted to annihilate the world!


Su Jin opened his eyes! The silence at that moment directly made people freeze their minds!

The blood-colored eyes, a frenzy of blood gas, directly tore through the tens of thousands of "Blood Erosion Curses" around them! And above the void of the tomb of the blood-colored sentient beings, the power and the magic flame are burning!

‘Enchanted’! The two characters filled the sky above the graves of sentient beings! Void, because of these two words, is constantly collapsing!

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