My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3623: Fight

Eternal silence, lonely life!

The God of Slaughter is absolutely qualified to say such things!

Because when he spoke, the strong "Hundred Thousand Heavens and Earth" in the land of colored glaze did not even dare to show the atmosphere once! This **** of slaughter really performed bloodthirsty to the extreme!

"I, the emperor of the night, the right arm is the master of heaven, and the left arm is connected to the heaven and the divine bridge, the palm is chaotic, in the heart, the heart of the Tibetan Buddha and Bodhi, the emperor of the night is in the heavens today, where is the god!" Su Jin did not even shake it. The'God of Slaughter' in the City of Slaughter God looks into the deep space, and his tone is even more bold and terrifying than the God of Slaughter!

This night emperor--

The person who saw it took a deep breath of cold air...

The powerhouses in the glazed land may be scared or angry, with countless faces, as if there are countless emotions, but no one has expected that the night emperor will be so rampant!

Now that the **** of slaughter was born, he turned a blind eye to him, instead he wanted to ask where is God!

This is more than just contempt for the **** of killing! Even the emperor in the depths of the glazed land, he also despised it!

"Able to be in front of the God of Slaughter, the clouds are light and windy, is the Ye Emperor really not at all scared in his heart?" Someone looked at this terrible scene with uncertainty.

"Yedi hasn't even used the strongest enemy, even the strongest'not the world's' power, and judging from his current state, he has not consumed much! However, the **** of killing is still too powerful and has the absolute upper hand. ."

"How can you defeat a powerful enemy? The Great Elemental Envoy and the Golden Giant King are not at the same level as Ye Di!"

"The **** of slaughter may not even dream of it. He has been provoked one day. The emperor of the night is too mad and wants to be cured."


At this moment, facing Su Jin’s bold words——

The drum sound of the ‘City of Slaughter’ stopped abruptly at the moment Su Jin’s words fell.

The God of Slaughter didn't say a word after that!

Although he didn't speak, the killing aura of the God of Slaughter suddenly increased several times!

a long time!

The God of Slaughter was a little annoyed and said: "You know, even if you are an emperor, you have to give me a three-point face, and you will not be so despised of me, and you... a non-World-Honored who has not fully awakened yet, what right do you have to look down on me! "

"I know, I know, if something is going on, you have to act quickly, I would like to go to the land of Liuli now and see your so-called "Hundred Thousand Heaven and Earth" powerhouse." Su Jin waved his hand nonchalantly, and sent it away. An insignificant person in general.

Killing intent... to the point of rushing into the sky!

God of slaughter, unbearable!

This night emperor is extremely arrogant!

As the entire blood-condensed God City trembled, a blood-bathed humanoid beast slowly appeared, condescendingly, looking down at the tiny human named Ye Di!

Su Jin glanced at it casually... He was secretly shocked. This **** of killing was thirty-eight feet tall, covered with dark red scales, and the face of the **** of killing did not look like a human, but leaned toward a deer head. There are two mottled slender red horns behind his head.

Not that much!

The key is that on the neck of the **** of killing, a circle of human bone necklaces made of the bones of ancient sages is hung. The bones are like the art crafted by the other party. Every ancient sage's bones are not missing. , There are as many as forty-eight ——

"Inferior human race, your rampant anger has angered this god, then, start to welcome the wrath of this god!" The Slaughter God raised his arm with dense scales, and that big hand was actually an extremely large version. Kitchen knives, kitchen knives have two gaps that seem to be incomplete due to bone chop, and there are several blood stains on the knives!

Su Jin squinted, standing proudly in the void!

The vision of the Scarlet God City gradually began to turn into a **** vortex. The God of Slaughter stood in the **** vortex, suddenly glaring at Su Jin, and roared: "Look at me killing you alive!"


The blade light flashed, two points in the void! Su Jin took a left step, and then stepped on the terrifying blood chopper! Body shape, fleeting!

Ok? The God of Slaughter raised his head, he seemed to see a very strange side!

Far in the void, a star giant, can step through the void with every step, booming! This star giant seems to have life, and growls constantly!

From the initial slow step to the final sprint, the star giant seemed to take only a few tenths of a second!

Terrible divine power is stirring! That **** vortex seemed to have caused a surge of blood!




The star giant has three fists the size of a lake in a row, blasting at the God of Slaughter, these three blows are also taken by the God of Slaughter!

"Happy! Happy!" The God of Slaughter felt the power of the Star Giant, and the whole person burst into blood, but he didn't hurt at all. He didn't retreat but moved forward. He jumped up and started fighting with the Star Giant!

"You know... the origin of the Slaughter God was not weaker than the Ghost King! To me, what are you!" The Slaughter God grew more and more courageous. Although his size was nothing compared to the Star Giants, his body It's just this big, and he hasn't used his magical powers yet, but he can fight to this point!

"Something--" An indifferent voice appeared in the ear of the Slaughter God.


The **** of slaughter was slightly startled, Ye Di was not among the giants of stars, but could control this giant!

not good! The **** of slaughter felt a chill in his back, and just moved away, but he felt a profound sense of danger!

An even more violent and bloodier aura appeared from behind the Slaughter God and stood up! That is a scarlet ape! That violent ape's hair was as hard as a meteorite, and the blood-colored power all over his body was full of irritability! Especially the pair of red eyes with violent aura, people dare not look at them!

The Scarlet Violent Ape lightly jumped, as if accurately predicting the position of the Slaughter God, and stepped directly on the opponent!


The **** of slaughter screamed frantically, and with one move of his arms, the **** vortex seemed to be more turbulent. He held the ape feet that looked like a continent in both arms, and a feeling that the sky was about to collapse and suppress him grew in his heart!

"That's it? That's it!" The **** of slaughter laughed. The heaven-defying power glowing from his body divided the blood-colored vortex around him into nine, and each blood-colored vortex was blessing him and let him Get the prestige of the world!

"Of course not only--" Su Jin responded indifferently.

Circles of Buddha light blocked the sky, and a Buddha seal with the word ‘卍’ that covered the sky slowly rotated, and immediately suppressed the **** of killing!

The **** of slaughter, his figure just trembled!

But the next scene happened, so that countless people in the land of 100,000 heavens and glazed glaze! They all exclaimed directly, frightened!

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