My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3625: One sword, three thousand lives.

This sword, the God of Slaughter is qualified to take it!

When Su Jin mentioned Emperor Prison Heaven, the God of Slaughter had already begun to be vigilant, and now almost everyone knew that Emperor Prison Heaven died under the Ye Di Sword!

No one dares to despise his sword! Even if it is... God of Slaughter!

Su Jin's complexion was very calm, he breathed evenly, and he was in a normal state of mind, without seeing any waves on his expression.

But gradually, Su Jin's deity seemed to gradually fade away, and the whole person vaguely transformed into a gorgeous sword embryo in the void! That sword embryo is unparalleled!

On the edge of the blade, there are circles of golden fish scale patterns, which are slightly prosperous. If the sword embryo is completely removed from its camouflage, some people will see that it is a golden dragon, glaring at the mighty posture of heaven!

This sword embryo, the sword marks that exude, are constantly destroying the void!

In an instant!

The sword is ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine meters high, and it is alive like an insurmountable mountain of swords, standing proudly in the vast space!

The slaughter god's pupils shrank sharply, pretending to be a temptation, and shouted: "You cut down to the emperor hell, you can't cut me! Even the sharpest ancient sage soldier can't pierce the god's body!"

His words were not answered--

Then... an exaggerated scene appeared!

An incarnation of Su Jin, as if he didn't know the people of the world, didn't know the space, his dress was extremely simple, he seemed to exist in that distant age.

This weird scene is extremely puzzling.

"The sword of Ye Di seems to be completely different from that of the god-man in the grave of sentient beings." Xinyue Fox was surprised again and again on the Star Road.

"Didn't you tell me? The sword of the god-man is the sword of the other man after all. This sword belongs to the night emperor." The maiden concubine said.

"But the incarnation of Yedi..." Xinyue hesitated, she felt unclear.

"This is not the incarnation of the emperor, this is the first life of the emperor." The Chaosheng Banshee's heart jumped, she remembered that in that life without the awakening of the world, she resolutely refused the covenant of the immortal king of life, and turned to the three thousand lives This is probably the performance of Yedi in his first life.

"The first life?" The Empress Maid also looked confused, and looked at the Chaosheng Banshee.

"Yes, Yedi reincarnates for three thousand lifetimes. He wants to accommodate the sentiment of three thousand lifetimes to create his strongest sword. That scene is exactly the real scene in his first lifetime." Chaosheng Banshee said.


Outside the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine-foot-high sword embryo, the incarnation exists in an ancient scene...

The scene is hundreds of sword graves!

"The sword has fallen, and the inheritance of the sword **** is broken. I want to use the sword to make the first sword." This first-life incarnation dug a sword grave, and dug a rusty iron at the foot of the sword mountain. Sword, hundreds of sword tombs collapsed in the end, and that scene was annihilated in everyone's eyes.

In the first life, the incarnation of the emperor was turned into a sword mark, carved on the ninety-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-thousand-thousand avatar, turned into a sword mark.

"Although the disciple is mortal, he really wants to seek the path of immortality, watch the imperial sword flying, and make a journey of blood." In the second life, that incarnation appeared one hundred and five times in each immortal gate and worshipped each other. Daxian's family is not allowed to enter.

Even middle-aged, even old, even if you have regrets, return to the old mountains and forests, immortality, the heart of the sword over the world, never forget.

The incarnation of the second life smashed a sword embryo, and a golden dragon scale on the sword embryo was sharp!

One scene, another scene, stunned the world--

"Fantasy? I'll fold your sword now! Annihilated your vision!" The **** of killing had a strong and unpleasant premonition. He strode directly and shook the void, leaped up and fisted the ninety-nine thousand ninety-nine. A hundred and ninety-nine-foot sword embryo!


The **** fist wave, before touching the "sword embryo", was swallowed in a transparent ripple!


The God of Slaughter looked crazy, and with his ability, he could naturally see why he missed! Around this huge sword embryo, there was an unimaginable existence of time and space Daoyun, and his attack was completely resolved!

Now, the land of colored glaze!

One hundred thousand high heaven powerhouses, powerhouses in the Land of Glazed Glass, in addition to shocks, they are shocking!

Everyone thought that the **** of killing would interrupt this blow! result! This sword, I'm afraid it will only work when Ye Di fully displays it, this kind of weird swordsmanship, many people have only seen it in their lives!

"Emperor Ye is the master of the kendo. This man's sword has just cut down the emperor's heaven not long ago! And you have just seen that he can cut the heaven and the earth with only an inch of sword light!" someone said in fear.

"Under such brewing, the ghost knows how powerful Yedi's blow should be! But the Slaughter God also has the means, and it depends on whether he can take the blow!"

"Look at Xuan! Didn't you hear it just now? Originally this sword was prepared for the emperor, and a sword that could threaten the emperor, now it is replaced by the **** of slaughter."

"There are eight million golden giants. Yedi already has support. Now he can use his methods without any scruples. As long as the **** of slaughter dies in battle, will this **** of slaughter be enslaved by the ghost king Yedi?"

"Impossible! The **** of slaughter claimed to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the ghost king, and cannot be turned into the **** of evil spirits by the ghost king?"

"This sword is wonderful! The God of Slaughter is very confused now, and he is probably also worried about the sword of the Night Emperor. What will happen?"


In a blink of an eye, scenes after scenes, like fireworks blooming in the void, came one after another, and more and more ancient worlds seemed to be presented in front of the world today.

Probably less than a quarter of an hour!

Three thousand generations, three thousand incarnations, as if they were inscribed, carved the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine-foot-high sword embryos, but only the tough edges are carved, but it seems that this step is already very remarkable. .

The God of Slaughter did not even dare to blink his eyes!

Almost instantly, the sword embryo that passed through the clouds exudes endless sword splendor, and the sharpness of the sword seems to have reached the point where people dare not look directly!

"Killing Heart! Slaughter Domain, Blood Sea Space!" The Slaughter God's face changed suddenly, and his eyes instantly turned into sticky blood!

The surrounding whirlpool, with the voice of the Slaughter God, began to spew hot blood springs! These are real blood, as if eternal time is flowing in that blood sea space!

God of Slaughter, really moving!

The sky was full of blood, covering the sky and the earth, and several galaxies in the distance were rendered bloody! And the **** of slaughter, the figure is also rising rapidly!

The scaly armor on his body is growing rapidly, and the color it exudes is the kind of red blood! Moreover, in the mouth of the God of Slaughter, two fangs actually pierced his cheeks, the kind of shocking pain, as if to tear everything around him!

"This guy deserves to be called the God of Slaughter!" The Empress Maid looked at the God of Slaughter, and her heart was suffocated.

"It's very close to the land of colored glaze. Yedi can't get away. You can go to that emperor." The Chaosheng Banshee glanced at the Empress Princess and said.

"How can you be willing to believe me..." Empress Maid's face was cold, "If I have a feeling for Ye Disheng, can I stand here with you? And even if I went to see the emperor, I was instantly palmed. The end of the killing."

"It's fine if you know--" The Chaosheng Banshee turned her head away with a cold face, and began to pay close attention to the battlefield.

The sword of the night emperor, the ultimate power of the **** of slaughter, do not know which one is strong or weak!

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