My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3636: Winding path

Return to the West if you don't send it to the Lord

An Yunzi seems to have foreseen the scene where he dominates the heavens. After this war, he will inherit the lord of Liuli. Teacher, after all, he is old, the newcomer laughs, the old one cries, he will stand on the ground. On the top!

"This blow... so strong..."

On the distant star road, even the Chaosheng Banshee and others could not help but squeeze a sweat for Ye Di, An Yunzi integrated the Heavenly Dao battle body into the'Xuantian Thorn', and the light produced, even if so separated Far away, it seems to crush any color!

"An Yunzi is so powerful..." The imperial concubine changed her face. Although she had seen An Yunzi before as an emperor, she seemed to remember her forbearance.

This An Yunzi, who is good at flattery on the surface, is secretly, but he will report it. It is only rumored that he has monstrous power. Now when the queen concubine saw him, he was really shocked.

"Where is Yedi's deity?" Xinyuehu was also anxious, she always felt that it was not that human-shaped star.

"This An Yunzi is so amazing, Ye Di needs to take this blow, but... but how could it be possible."


An Yunzi's crazy cry, as if the heavens are about to be controlled by him!

But that kind of shout came to an abrupt end when the Xuantian thorn turned into a light and was about to hit the "human-shaped star"—

Circles of weird ripples, like lines of stars, are forming a weird vortex of ripples in the void. At the center of that vortex, the Xuantian thorn can no longer cut out even an inch!

"Ah!" An Yunzi felt horror through the Xuantian thorn. In that weird rippling vortex, he seemed to have encountered an invisible wall of infinite depth, and he could no longer pass through the inch!

What power is this!

An Yunzi was stunned. No matter how much power he used, he would always be resolved by the ripples. He even felt that the Heavenly Dao he used was as if being swallowed by that whirlpool!

"This technique is called "The Years of Winding Path"."

The humanoid star speaks slowly, his three eyes and three colors contain infinite magical powers, and then Su Jin's voice, through the humanoid star, he said: "From the moment my Mohe Town Prison Eye Magic is performed, you are gone. opportunity."

"Impossible! Don't scare me!" The Xuantian thorn burst out with extremely brilliant light, only slightly opened a vortex between the day and the earth a few inches, and then the Xuantian thorn couldn't even retreat——

"Your real body is covered by your own heavenly path." Sukin paused, and then said: "I can't kill you, but I can send you away..."

Send him away!

What does it mean to send him away?

An Yunzi stayed in a daze, a little puzzled for a while——

Su Jin did not hide it, and continued: "The winding path will send you back to the past. You will travel for a lifetime in the starry sky forbidden area in the deepest part of the sky. With you, there will be endless darkness and endless loneliness. It is impossible to return. Until now..."


An Yunzi felt cold.

Is there such a terrible magic in the world?

Ye Di first uses the heaven and earth **** bridge to incarnate human-shaped stars, let the gods come to congratulate! Opening the prison eyes of Maha Town and the Golden Eyes of the Years again, is it actually to display such an extraordinary power?

"How can there be such a magical technique between heaven and earth! can try it! I tell you, I am not afraid! Not afraid!" An Yunzi's way of heaven and fate was trembling, making waves of cruel words, and he hid Entering one's own way of heaven, all laws are not broken, naturally not afraid of everything!

"That ancient starry sky, the space is constantly distorted, and the years will return to the original point every 10,000 years. Unfortunately, with my current strength, I can only send you back five million years ago, but it is enough. You... Enjoy loneliness."

After Su Jin's voice, the endless heaven, earth and **** bridges began to turn into lines, rolling into the whirlpool, vaguely, in the depths of the whirlpool, it seemed that heaven and earth **** bridges were erected, leading straight to the ancient past——

And Su Jin’s Mohe Town Prison Eye and ‘Year Golden Eye’ also exuded the ultimate power, constantly blessing this technique "The Years of the Path", allowing the bridge to reach the eternal and lonely starry restricted zone!

Xuantian thorn was directly involved in it!

An Yunzi nearly collapsed, and directly used his own way of life to cut off the connection with the way of heaven in the "Xuantian Thorn"!

At that moment, he roared and screamed! He had to do it! In order to protect yourself, the price of losing the Heavenly Dao battle body, even the original Heavenly Dao Divine Weapon disappeared! He is sorrowful!

"You can't escape..." Su Jin's voice seemed to be a reminder, causing An Yunzi's Tiandao Minglu to stop shaking.

Among them, the inferior An Yunzi condenses, his eyes are bitter, and he uses his source of heaven to protect his deity!

"Now I, the prison eye of Maha Town can be traced back to your source of heaven, you can't escape with this blow." Su Jin's indifferent voice appeared again!


In the void, even though the imaginary An Yunzi was accepted by Tiandao Minglu, his Tiandao Minglu is being twisted into a twist by the whirlpool, and is being swallowed by "The Winding Path"!

The huge vortex formed by "The Years of the Winding Path", as long as it is contaminated, there is no escape! Among them, there is an infinite bridge of heaven and earth, leading to the eternal past!

"You can't...can't do this!" An Yunzi felt that his heavenly Dao was crumbling, and as he was twisted into a twist by the vortex, his original heavenly Dao was falling apart!

An Yunzi was like five thunderstorms, the kind of despair he had never felt in his life!

He An Yunzi! Emperor!

Since its birth, build the foundation with the heavenly way, become the heavenly way, the only person in the heavens! He is proud of building Xuantian Dao! Now, Su Jin's "The Years of the Winding Path" is crushing his origin and heaven!

Even if we go back to the past five million years ago, An Yunzi's way of heaven will be shattered, even reduced to a waste, and it will never be restored!

It's better to kill him! It's better to give him a good time!

"Teacher... Teacher, help me!" An Yunzi kept coughing up blood in the twisted path of heaven. He was following the whirlpool step by step to the center of the whirlpool, where his Xuantian thorn disappeared. The Emperor will use the Heaven, Earth and God Bridge at the center of the whirlpool to send him to a place of pain and loneliness for the rest of his life!

Shout, An Yunzi is shouting in despair!

That terrifying vortex standing horizontally between the sky and the earth has already suffocated the common people of the glazed land and the 100,000 highest heavens!

An Yunzi didn't want to leave in pain! He already felt that he was about to lose everything! Loneliness will accompany him throughout his life. Only then did he realize that his cultivation will never be restored, and his heavenly way has been broken!


The deathly silence, the magnificent whirlpool, is still moving! An Yunzi! Has been rolled in the very center of the whirlpool of "The Winding Path"!

At that moment, An Yunzi was covered in blood, and when he turned to look at the human-shaped star, his eyes were full of viciousness!

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