My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3679: Purple Moon Planet

"Let her in—"

When the Chaosheng Banshee wanted to argue, Su Jin's voice came out of the room.

The virgin concubine looked at the Chaosheng Banshee with a cold face, before she opened the door and entered.

Chaosheng Banshee really doesn't understand it. This maid of the queen is obviously rebellious. The medicine she gave this time was fake. I'm afraid it's true to see if Ye Di lost or lost his origin. Moreover, without the restriction of the emperor, the imperial concubine of the virgin is really going to be like a fish in water——

"I'm guarding outside." The Chaosheng Banshee said to the door, she was also afraid of accidents, of course, if the lady of the queen really dared to do it.

In the room.

A purple smoker, with a wonderful smell of smoke floating from the hollowed-out stove, the imperial maiden was a little nervous, she saw two curtains tightly covering the dragon bed, and the emperor was sitting in it vaguely. ——

"What do you want to ask? Just ask." Su Jin's voice was as calm as usual.

"The slave concubine...really came here to deliver medicine." The maiden concubine put a furnace of "Nine Treasure Golden Pill", a bottle of "Zihua Yulu", and a pill of Nine Turns to Return Yang, slowly placing them on the luxurious desktop. on.

Soon, the smell of medicine in the room suppressed the smell of smoke.

"The ordinary magical medicine is useless to me. Now that emperor has disappeared, if you want to leave, then leave--" Su Jin said slowly.

The virgin concubine hesitated slightly, she wanted to ask, but she couldn't ask.

It seemed that even if the emperor Ye lost his origin, his prestige was still there.

The maiden concubine secretly looked at the figure in the curtain, stayed for about five minutes, and left the room.

do not know.

Dare not ask.

This is the complexity of the virgin concubine——

Living in this world is already extremely difficult. Without the emperor’s worries, if Ye Di is no longer "Not the World Honored" now, only with the words of that bronze emperor, will he be able to live when the gods arrive? It's hard to say.

Soon, the maiden concubine returned to her original position, and she waited for someone...knowing that that person would come back.

"Are you asking?" The night is not too deep, Long Ruo's voice quietly walked out of the darkness, slowly looking at the back of the queen concubine and asked.

"I'm not going to mention this again." The Empress Queen shook her head and said, "Four Tigers, if you want to attack Ye Di, it's your own business. It has nothing to do with me. I can pretend I don't know it, and you remember. Live, you have never seen me tonight."

"Dignified imperial concubine, is the courage so small? Remember that not long ago, you were sitting in the imperial city, calling the wind and the rain, it is a pity--" Long Ruo snorted softly.

"Do you know how big the risk is?" The maiden emperor said in a voice transmission: "If the night emperor is only damaged in origin, with his level of intelligence, he will definitely be able to find a way to restore the origin of the world-honored person. At that time, neither you nor I will be possible. live!"

"If you don't burn the origin, can you block the eternal life of the emperor? Forget it, I haven't come to see you." Long Ruo's figure disappeared.

The virgin concubine wanted to speak but stopped.

She did not leave.

Long Ruo left the imperial city--

To be reasonable, no one including her is allowed to leave without Ye Di’s permission, but Long Ruo has left. Is this... Is it going to do this tonight?

Four Tigers, is there really a chance? The virgin imperial concubine also had some expectations in her heart. At that time, the bronze emperor descended "Twilight of the Gods", and the world was in chaos, and the ancient sages turned to be virtuous. There is no retrogression, just because the bronze emperor is there, they have no chance.

The night is getting thicker.

The treacherous atmosphere seems to spread all over any corner of the entire glazed land——

At this moment, at the southwest end of the Land of Colored Glaze!

Circles of colorful auras, as if surrounding a purple moon, suddenly appear empty!

This abnormal celestial phenomenon directly caused all the monks in the Land of Glazed Glass to shake!

"Several hours ago, the sages of the Gao family said that there was a king **** that scared him. At that time, the celestial phenomenon of the spar appeared strange, and it has not dissipated until now. Will this round of purple moon be the arrival of the king god? Now?" A monk was greatly excited, and he had countless pairs of eyes, all staring at the direction of the southwest sky!

"The existence that can make the ancient sages afraid is not weaker than the bronze emperor, right? Hateful, if the bronze emperor was not there, the night emperor who had lost his cultivation level would not be able to enter the imperial palace, let alone live to the present. I'm afraid it was pulled out a long time ago by a thousand swords!"

"Yedi hasn't lost the origin of the world-honored person. There is still no conclusion yet, but it is true that he has little combat power—"

"Are the true gods among the heavens going to appear? Otherwise, how to explain this round of auspicious clouds with the purple moon!"

"That Ye Diqian shouldn't be absolutely wrong, shouldn't capture Gao Yue, the **** who was born that day, otherwise the **** will not come, he can continue to dominate the blessing, it is a pity that people are not as good as heaven!"


God, is it really coming?

Soon, a gossip came out, Yedi ordered the bronze emperor to trace the position of the purple moon and go to investigate!

Imperial Palace!

The Chaosheng Banshee looked at the Empress Maid and they were all attracted by the strange celestial phenomena. When she saw that the Empress Maid had not left yet, she was naturally a little surprised.

"Zi Yue, the Protoss shouldn't have a purple moon celestial phenomenon." Gao Yue, a natural god, obviously had a strange expression on his face.

"Even if you are a born **** and man, you have never seen a real god, so you should not know it." The Chaosheng Banshee said slowly.

"That's right." Gao Yue nodded, "Don't worry, if there is a **** Taizu said, I will intercede for Ye Di, after all, I haven't completed the agreement with him--"

"No, Ye Di is the kind of person who needs to be pleaded? As long as your true god, worship Ye Di, respect Ye Di, God can be side by side with the human race and live in symbiosis with the heavens." Chao Sheng Banshee Said.

"You..." Gao Yue was a little angry inexplicably, let alone the Chaosheng Banshee who said this, even if Ye Di said it personally, her innate arrogance should not allow people to blaspheme "God"!

The virgin concubine's eyes are slightly strange--

I was even surprised.

From the night Emperor into the imperial palace, only the Chaosheng Banshee went in with her to see the Night Emperor. As she thought, Yedi was naturally the most trusted Chaosheng Banshee——

Now that the maiden concubine sees Chaosheng Banshee with a strong tone, is it possible that...Is it possible that the emperor has not lost his origin?

not good.

The virgin concubine seemed to have some thoughts, and looked to the southwest end worriedly. The divine blossoms surrounding Ziyue, although somewhat mysterious, seemed more like a game... a game that Yedi was willing to enter!

Especially since the Bronze Emperor was sent by Ye Di just now, and the virgin concubine had long known that the Four Tigers would attack Ye Di tonight, she was even more worried.

Moreover, Yedi has several kinds of pupils with added body...Is there a **** in there? Is there a god, can't Yedi not tell? Also, why is the bronze emperor sent out instead of others!

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