Doesn't exist anymore?

What are the meanings of Yedi's words!

Long Ruo just didn't understand why Ye Di let her go, and now that Ye Di meant something! And the imperial concubine of the maiden on the side was even more shocked. This is the land of colored glaze, the core of the land of colored glaze, the imperial city! Yedi said that he would no longer exist, so he naturally described the entire land of colored glaze.

"God, is coming?" Chaosheng Banshee asked the question everyone wanted to ask the most.

Before the Bronze Emperor had left, Ye Di obviously received the news, and he suddenly stopped just now. He didn’t want to embarrass the Four Tigers anymore, just a little humiliation. Now from Ye Di’s words, it is not difficult to see his considerations— —

The Empress Maiden looked blank.

The imperial city, after all, was the place where she had stayed for a long time, and it was about to overturn, and even...some seriously, it could be said to be a place that would turn into a grave of all living beings. So, the empress of the virgin really felt a little heavy.

"I beg Yedi to forgive the slave family... the slave family... never dare anymore..." The Maid Emperor pleaded for mercy.

"Can't forgive me." Chaosheng Banshee was the first to object, and then said: "She gave the medicine a fake, and the search for the truth is true, and her heart is rebellious, Ye Di can grant her a death!"

Give death-

The maiden's face was suddenly pale, and she almost looked at Su Jin with a begging gaze. She naturally knew that Long Ruo had made no mistake in drawing her back. On the contrary, Ye Di saw that her rebellion was true, and this was the buried gift. Dead seed...

"It's over." Su Jin shook his head, "Get up—"

"Thanks... Xie Yedi." The queen concubine almost shed tears, and she finally escaped.

"Dare you still dare to do it in the future?" The Chaosheng Banshee asked, looking at the empress consort with cold eyes.

The maiden imperial concubine shook her head directly, how dare she—

Long Ruo now had no fear in her heart. She sat and watched these people flirting and scolding. After the empress had expressed her fear, she looked at Su Jin coldly and asked, "Why didn't you kill me..."

"Killing the word is too hostile and too serious. I will punish you four tigers a little bit, and the crime will not die." Su Jin laughed, grinning white teeth.

"Haha, the great good ghost king, not the world-honored?" Long Ruo sneered, and her eyes were all hate at the moment-

"I came to the battle. I didn't destroy your life. I killed the enemy without any fault." Su Jin looked at Long Ruo and continued: "If you change to be me, from my standpoint, there is absolutely nothing. problem."

"Let the bronze emperor descend "Twilight of the Gods", which is equivalent to ruining the land of colored glaze, one hundred thousand supreme heaven! That is the right that the genius has, are you right?" Long Ruo retorted.

"It's the enemy, it won't be too much to kill them all--" Su Jin said directly.

Long Ruo:...

"You don't make sense, Ye Di is regarded as a threat by you, don't you also have to work hard to find a way to kill Ye Di?" A demon girl felt that Long Ruo had some wrong views, so she couldn't help but say Up.

"Yes, you never said to let the night emperor..."

"Miss Sister, your thoughts are very dangerous. As a strong man, which hand does not have blood on? Your emperor also wiped out the hundreds of millions of cultivators in several of his gods when he fought against the emperor. Why did the emperor be heinous? ?"


Long Ruo didn't speak any more, she couldn't reach these people...

Time, one minute and one second goes by——

In less than two hours, the sky turned up a ray of white fish belly, and the bronze emperor came back.

"A hundred billion miles to the west, there were several strong fluctuations. When the old man rushed there, he didn't get anything. It should be the **** that the old thing said has arrived." The bronze emperor brought a deep sensation. The news, immediately afterwards, the bronze heavenly emperor turned into a ray of rainbow light, immersed in a virtual axe, and disappeared.

Su Jin glanced at Gao Yue——

Long time no words.

"Look at what I'm doing? Are there flowers on my face?" Gao Yue couldn't help asking Su Jin as if she was not concerned about her affairs.

"Isn't it like looking at a flower..." Su Jin smiled.

"It's almost impossible to think about how to ask God for mercy and ask them to forgive you, but now you are teasing me?" Gao Yue really had a hard time understanding this Yedi thinking, wouldn't he be worried? ——

Su Jin stretched out, "God, I have already seen it. It's not a three-headed six-armed existence, but it is a **** who wants me to spare her life..."

Gao Yue's expression came down immediately, and she kept looking at Su Jin. Although she wanted to refute, this is also true. In short, if this guy is really careless, she probably won't know how to die by then!

The night faded away--


It's just that this glazed sky in the morning is full of haze. This kind of haze is like the scene when Gao Yue used regular power at that time.

"Auspicious! God, it's coming!" The people in the Land of Glazed Glass were almost crying. They couldn't sleep at night, waiting for now, the dawn was finally coming!

"The **** that made the ancient sages tremble will reappear in the heavens! Ye Di, shouldn't Ye Di be frightened and tremble now?"

"No! He won't tremble, he is still surrounded by beautiful women in the imperial palace, talking about Fengyue! It seems that he is not worried about the coming of God at all!"

"Earlier, the natural god-man Gao Yue has shown extremely tyrannical power, and the future can be expected. If there is an ancient true **** still in the heavens, it will bring disaster to the emperor!"

"Are you coming... God... the true God--"

"No! Not only gods, there should also be the king gods that the ancient sages Gao Jia Taizu said, who can make the Gao Jia Taizu tremble!"


Many people like to run, especially the quiet haze in the sky, which makes people feel too mysterious. The kind of auspicious light seems to make people feel peaceful, as if all pain can be the supreme **** Smooth.

At this moment, the land of colored glaze, the depths of western time and space——

There is a miracle!

Circles of white waves rolled up in the abyssal time and space, and there were several extremely powerful presences on the waves.

One of the middle-aged man was naked, with his fingers condensed with his bent arms, and a circle of misty divine flowers wafted from the fingertips.

On the other side, a young man was wearing a dark blue gown, with circles of totem brilliance flowing behind his head. He held the grass and mustard in his head, like a wave on his head, lying on the top of the wave, closing his eyes and taking a nap.

There are six gods in this line!

"Traceer, don't sleep--" A woman in a lotus dress seemed to wake the young man directly with a phantom sound.

"Is it here?" The young man yawned, "Let me sleep for a while..."

"Don't sleep! The land in front of you is the land of glazed glaze, a filthy human supreme world. Aren't you boring, and the strong human race will let you fight for a while -"

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