My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3689: Shake mortal!

The true **** was caught by the human race——

To be honest, when I heard the news, the lotus goddess was still a little unbelievable. After all, Tracer was not far away from them before, and who Tracer is, who is good at the rules of space, if he can't beat it, this world will Few people left him!

The key is incomprehensible--

There was no loud fart, and the lotus goddess was a little dazed now.

"Don't underestimate human beings. In the long years, the heavens have always been controlled by the human race. Although our gods are powerful, due to the problem of reproduction, they have always been regarded as minorities among the heavens." Another majored in the rules of death. The **** of death, condensed from the side of the lotus goddess, he seems to be incompatible with this world, but this does not hinder his strength!

"Could it be that Tracer was too careless? It is really hard to understand being caught in this way." The lotus goddess reacted, her tone a little surprised.

"Be careful, the warning from the spar idol is by no means a trivial matter. There must be an extremely powerful human race expert here." Xiaotian Vulcan frowned and said.

"I'm coming to Tracer."

The lotus goddess Tankou lightly opened, and the lotus petal skirt slowly floated. At this moment, she seemed to be an incomparably holy and supreme being. With the finger of her right hand gently picked, strands of green vines turned into tangled lotus patterns, followed by a breath of air. Was blown out by her--

Then, a full nine lotus buds formed and bloomed from the tangled green vines.

On top of the nine blooming lotus flowers, as the air was erratic, a virtual vision suddenly appeared on it. If anyone saw it, they would definitely find that it was the sight of the imperial city!

"Tangzhi all point to the middle. The place where Tracer was captured should be there—" the lotus goddess said immediately.

"The Sea of ​​Gods of Tracer also disappeared there. I saw it. It is the largest God city here." Xiaotian Vulcan spit out fire from his eyes, "Go!"


Imperial city.

Many enchantresses are all looking at the young Tracer in the prison--

Su Jin snapped his fingers to directly let Tracer’s voice out, and he could hear what other people were saying--

"It's really a god, his pupils are colored when his divine power hasn't disappeared, similar to sister Gao Yue's time." A demon girl commented, as if looking at a monkey.

"This is stunned, I don't know what kind of existence he is facing, but he is lucky, Ye Di didn't have any murderous intentions against him."

"Hey, you little boy, do you know who the one who caught you was? You are so unlucky that you have become the second **** who is captured under Ye Di's—"

"Don't worry, in this cage, more gods will be imprisoned to accompany you. You are not the first, nor the last."


Tracer is so ugly now that he wants to find a hole to get in--

Embarrassment, shame, no, shame, and he not only has to go through these beautiful human races, but also look at Ye Di’s face...

As for the emperor of the night, Tracer felt that he was not wronged! This powerful human being even looks like a god, his strength is like an abyss, and he has no margins at all!

"It turns out that you are the one Taiyang said..." Tracer looked at Gao Yue, he could naturally distinguish the same kind at a glance, and just listened to what other people meant. Gao Yue was the first to be caught by the night emperor. The captured god!

No wonder, the spar idol will issue a warning!

"How many gods have come—" Gao Yue asked, looking at Tracer.

Tracer was taken aback, saying that he was stunned. It was a bit of a mockery. He was not stupid, and immediately said seriously: "A lot, very, very much."

He is strange.

The enemy is currently, why does Gao Yue seem to be helping this strong human race? Why does this sign feel a bit wrong!

Gao Yue is also a little bit conflicted now--

She and Su Jin agreed that for ten years, the other party even had the tree of enlightenment, and even the other party defeated the strongest existence in the Liuli Land, the Three Swords White Emperor!

But now... the gods of the same race are here... It is impossible for Gao Yue not to contradict, and from the situation just now, Su Jin is getting stronger and stronger, at least Gao Yue can clearly feel it.

As for Tracer, Gao Yue can feel that the opponent's strength is similar to her own, and even slightly stronger than her. Such a strong, Ye Di is far easier than when dealing with him, which shows that his current strength is terrible. Where did it go.

"The more the better -" The Chaosheng Banshee snorted softly, "This way, it will also make your gods awe in the real human power."

Awe for people...?

Tracer's face changed slightly, and there was a saying that personal life and death are irrelevant, but the glory of the gods must not be blasphemy, and although the emperor is powerful, he feels that he may not be able to deal with those old and refined kings——

Not talking about Tracer, even Gao Yue was extremely ear-piercing.

"I'm waiting for your King God to fight." Su Jin nodded to the young Tracer and said.

"The eldest brother is really powerful, the younger brother is willing to go down, you see... she is my clan... she can be treated like this if you capture me, you shut me... isn't it appropriate?" Young Tracer pointed. Gao Yue pointed to herself again, looking forward to it. He is used to being free and easy, and he is really uncomfortable with being locked up like this.

"Are you a beautiful woman?" Demon Ji asked quickly.


These days, even if they are of the same race, beautiful women are more popular than handsome men! Tracer stopped talking, but was secretly shocked by Ye Di's intrepidity. He didn't even know why he couldn't escape just now. Even if he knew that it was the secret effect, he just couldn't escape from the palm of the opponent. Means, God needs to be vigilant, it is really terrifying——

Even if the Emperor City is now an empty city except for Su Jin and others, many people can still see the condensed scene there.

That light prison is holding a god!

Moreover, this will never be the last one!


The **** of fire, the goddess of lotus, the **** of death, the **** of night sky, and the four meditations are here!

The light prison on the imperial palace intertwined with sword marks is too eye-catching. Tracer, whose complexion turned red, obviously saw the arrival of his companion——

They are a group of six, but now they are the only ones caught.

The tall glass cup, the wonderful fairy wine, and the enchantress dancing, this is the sight of the lotus goddess standing in the void.

The young man in the case seemed to enjoy this kind of treatment, and he closed his eyes for a while, not at all as if he was nervous about the enemy's presence.

"The mortal ants of the lower realm, dare to imprison my noble protoss!" Xiaotian Vulcan was angrily, staring round the eyes of Jinghuo, and shouted directly.

"Shake mortal! Although you don't know what conspiracy you used to capture Tracer, you will be useless in the face of absolute strength!" Ye Motian God also agreed.

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