My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3691: Howling Vulcan

Hearing that, the fallen angel ruler did not dare to be careless, bowed directly, and the wings of the angels emitting embers and flames began to slap faster.

But when the fallen angel master really wanted to pull the strings, he felt the difficulty.

This string is like a star river, too heavy, as if it can't be shaken.

"It's useless! Ants!" Xiaotian Vulcan laughed loudly, without fear of the virgin piano formed by the condensed constellation, stepping directly towards the fallen angel lord!


The fallen angel ruler was shocked. She is as embarrassed as she is now. The other person is a true god, and it is normal to look down on them, but Ye Di was full of confidence in them before, and now she is in front of the world, how can she Shame Yedi?

"Oh, since the moment God descends, the fate of these women has been doomed. They can't even play the strings, how can they fight against God?" Someone was naturally a little sorry to see this scene.

"It's a pity that these beauties, every one of them is indispensable. The power of the Howling Sky Fire God is too powerful, and people are indeed as small as ants in front of him——"

"Although I don't want to admit it, it is true that only the Ye Emperor can kill the gods. This game of catching the gods may actually cost them their lives, and these gods seem to be not comparable to Tracer."

"It's not that Tracer can't do it, but the night emperor is too terrifying. He is also a protoss. As long as it is not a king god, I feel that these gods are almost the same—"

"Yes, even Gao Yue can summon the "Coffin Covering" method. If the Protoss had multiplied at the speed of humans, it would have dominated the heavens long ago."

"Is it serious to let these female sisters go up?"


The fallen angel ruler is now flushed, and her mind seems to have disappeared for an instant, and the surrounding scenes seem to immerse her in endless pain——

Wings folded... **** black wings, folded! The fallen angel never dared to recall the memories she had experienced millions of times, but now... now she can only choose to erupt in pain in order to win back her dignity!

"Ah!" The black wings behind the fallen angel dominator suddenly soared, and her pupils seemed to have turned into blood!

A pair.

Three pairs.

Finally, six pairs of black wings appeared behind the fallen angel dominator!

"Fallen! Seraphs——" The fallen angel dominated the body shocked, and the infinite feathers began to drift into the void, and every feather that fell while burning seemed extremely clear!


The fallen angel dominates the whole body, as if there is an incomparably magnificent imaginary light and shadow, and that light and shadow are also six wings, just like her magnified ten million times!

And the fallen angel dominates the strings in front of her, for her in this state, it is not difficult to move!

I saw the huge phantom dominated by the fallen angel, grabbing a hand from the sky, and directly dragging the string!

"I hate guys with wings--" Xiaotian Fire God gave a cold look at the fallen angel ruler, and then he continued: "Look at me burning all your feathers! The stars clean the fire! Now!"

Star net fire!

The darkness of the void, the vortex composed of pure fire, made the temperature of the whole world rise, and the huge fire vortex was shocking!

"The power of the gods--" The Empress Maid's face was pale, this method, even if it was her, felt her insignificance at the first glance, and she felt invincible.

"Dead!" The voice of the fallen angel ruler Jiao spread all over. The strings she played seemed to gather aura. When she played the strings like a star river, an arc-shaped rhythm swept across!

"Hehe!" Xiaotian Vulcan one-armed one, and when he came into contact with that bright melody ripple, even he was shaken back a few steps.

The fallen angel dominates with disappointment--

Is it just that?

It is impossible for humans to contend against the gods. In just this blow, if it were not for the increase of Virgo, the fallen angel lord would never be able to make such a violent blow, but even so, she was still far away.


The gap that can be seen with the naked eye-

The Chaosong Banshee is also a little dumbfounded. Although she knows that she has a small chance of winning, she did not expect to lose so badly. The fallen angel ruler is one of the five of them, but even this can only shock the other side. It's just a step.

"Shame, it's a shame." Xiaotian Fire God couldn't bear to be shaken back by an angel for a few steps. He obviously couldn't move at all. This is undoubtedly deprived of the majesty of God!

"Jin Huo, Zhuo!" Xiaotian Vulcan directly raised his hand gently, and the extremely dazzling vortex in the starry sky began to surround the entire Virgo Qin, enclosing the five girls!

The void, like molten glass, began to unfold the terrifying scenes of lava! The whole Virgo piano seems to be attacked by fire waves!

"What to do? We...we are not opponents at all!" The Chaosheng Banshee looked anxious and began to communicate with other women.

Before they could communicate--

The pure fire flowing through the whole body of Xiaotian Vulcan seems to have aroused the power of the sky. In those circles of the pure fire vortex, the serpentine spirit of the pure fire began to condense, sticking out its head, and staring at Virgo. Five girls in!

"You are the master of Virgo Qin, and Ye Di’s intentions are probably on you—" The fallen angel ruler looked at the Virgo Emperor, after all, she is the Virgo Qin Star.

"I... I will try--" The Empress Maid had no bottom.

Immediately, the Empress Virgo began to sit in the center of the Virgo constellation, a circle of rhythm symbols began to float from her body, and the entire huge Virgo seemed to tremble.

The virgin concubine gritted her teeth, the scorching heat was terrible, and the God of Fire's net fire power prevented her from being distracted and sinking into the origin of the constellation of Virgo. She... she was going to fail!

Su Jin in front of the palace glanced at the sky, and frowned-

Su Jin felt that he still overestimated them.

"Traceer! Can even this kind of human race catch you?" Xiaotian Vulcan hummed heavily and asked in a voice.

Young Tracer's face was green... He didn't want to refute in the light prison, just glanced at Su Jin... Alas, he was saying in his heart that the strength of this human race could not be matched by those female cultivators.

"I'm sorry, I really like it. Now, you can go to death -" Xiaotian Vulcan laughed wildly, and then he closed his smiling face, and shouted: "Jinghuo Tianqi, devour the sky!"

In that circle of vortex, a group of snakes danced wildly, and a huge fire-cleaning snake spirit jumped out directly!

There was fear on the face of the Empress Maid...Although she had been close to death more than once, she had never frightened her like this once.

This kind of supernatural purifying fire, once contaminated, it will be destroyed! Turn into ashes!

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