My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3693: Sazen Zen, Yomatenjin

In the magnificent lava void, the scene of Howling Vulcan's head was pinched by two crystal red fingers is not too shocking——

The goddess of lotus, the **** of Ye Motian, the four meditations of the sun and the **** of death of Qing Ming have been completely stunned, because no matter how they look at them, they can feel the powerlessness of the **** of fire.

The strong human race can really reach this point?

Even the ancient sages are nothing more than that, after all, what is held in that big crystal red hand is a god, a true god!




The melting void of the lava continent is constantly making crackling noises at the feet of Xiaotian Vulcan. If you look closely, you will see that the feet of Xiaotian Vulcan are fusing with the void like a lava continent——

In front of the imperial palace.

Tracer was in the prison of light and had already begun to cover his eyes with one palm. He had a foreboding that Xiaotian Vulcan would be miserable by himself. After all, under his constant flattering, he could still save his life——

"Oh." Gao Yue knew that he couldn't save the Howling Sky Fire God, it is very possible that the true God will fall today.

The female sisters of Life Fairy and Chaosheng Banshee, mostly with proud expressions, have just assembled the five females to fight the Xiaotian Fire God, but they have not succeeded, but the current Ye Di can do it so easily!

"You are definitely not a simple human race! Tell me...who are you..." Xiaotian Vulcan's lower limbs have begun to turn into a state of lava. He wants to escape Su Jin's control, but the two crystal red fingers Like pliers, firmly pinching the sides of his head, directly frustrated his escape plan, and what kind of hand it was that even his god's rules could be imprisoned, and many mysteries could not be successfully displayed.

"I...I am the sky..." Su Jin's voice appeared in the void, directly suffocating all the five gods including the Xiaotian Fire God.

Days are not enough--

To be heaven!

"I am a god, you... you are a mortal ant, you want to kill gods! You know what the consequences will lead to. You will die miserably, your soul will be whipped out, and you will be imprisoned in the ant purgatory. Those soul-eating ants will bite off your soul in one bite, making you feel unhappy, you..." Xiaotian Fire God repeatedly cursed, as if he wanted to speak out the most cruel punishment in the world.

Listen listen--

Tracer, who was far away in the light prison in front of the imperial palace, had already stayed--

Things have reached this point, don't you beg for mercy? Not only do not beg for mercy, but also threaten it? Is this guy stupid...

"God's brains don't all work well." The Chaosheng Banshee sneered. When she said, she also glanced at Gao Yue.

"Ye Di." Gao Yue frowned.

Su Jin seemed to ignore it, but began to close his eyes, listening to God's wailing, God's scream, that kind of voice seemed to him better than any music.

"Originally, I didn't plan to kill the gods. Since you feel that your life is more precious than the human race, what about my killing the gods? You are the enemy, he is the enemy, just kill." Su Jin calmly said——


Gao Yue, Tracer, and even the goddess of Lotus all screamed.

It's too late.

Several gods exclaimed almost at the same time, but as soon as Ye Di’s words fell, the crystal red "Hand of the Unworld", directly exerted force, and the shards of crystal red light gathered, even if the **** of fire screamed, the pain, Even the gods couldn't bear it, his head seemed to be deflating, being squeezed to death by "The Hand of the Eternal"!

The lava void, as if turned into a brutal **** purgatory... The originally tall and powerful Screaming Fire God, the blood overflowing from the sky, seemed to leave an incredible picture in the void!

Xiaotian Vulcan didn't believe it, his eyes protruded and he couldn't squint!

Waiting for the hands to hang down weakly, the many magical techniques of the Xiaotian Fire God seemed to collapse in a cloud of colorful clouds, the "Hand of the Eternal", like an ant, directly threw the Xiaotian Fire God away... Until it disappears--

"Human race know what you have done!" The lotus goddess was trembling, trying to calm her mood, Transmitting asked.

"Oh? What did I do..."

Su Jin held his hand and floated up from the front of the imperial palace. His world-famous temperament made countless people look at him!

The face of the lotus goddess also changed suddenly, feeling the pressure as if it was overwhelming!

"Young man, God will never forget what you did..." The Four Zen Zen also squinted his watery eyes and said as he looked at Su Jin.

"You are very good to be able to defeat Xiaotian Fire God, but unfortunately, I still think Xiaotian Fire God is too careless. He could have avoided it just now. For example, if I change it, I can avoid it." Qing Ming Death God is also interested. The whole body's fighting spirit began to grow, and said lightly.

"Don't act rashly!" The lotus goddess communicated to the other three gods.

"It's no longer a rash act. He killed Xiaotian Fire God. This matter is destined to be impossible for him or us." Ye Motian saw Su Jin walking to the opposite side of them. , The distance is about ten miles, said immediately.

The lotus goddess hesitated slightly-

She always feels wrong, and this young man is very difficult.

First, the spar idol issued a warning, that Gaoyue was captured by this person, and then Tracer was inexplicably locked in a light prison. Everything, after the death of Xiaotian Vulcan, made the lotus goddess feel terrible!

"Next, leave it to me..." Ye Motian said.

"No, the four of us are together." The lotus goddess resolutely disagreed and shook her head directly.

"Together? My Ye Motian God can't afford to lose this face, don't worry, I am not as reckless as the Xiaotian Fire God, and everyone has been alert to this person's methods, he will not easily defeat me, and I Nor will give him a chance." Ye Motian Shinto.

"In this way, I am with Ye Motian, our two gods, that's enough—" Cheng Si Chan said.

The lotus goddess looked at Ye Motian. If the other party still disagrees, she can only consider withdrawing here first. When other protoss arrive, or even the king and god, she will consider fighting the Ye Emperor again——

Ye Motian nodded. He knew the lotus goddess very well, and immediately said, "Then be with the four-time meditation fellow, shouldn't it be possible?"

"Be careful." The lotus goddess always had a bad feeling and reminded.

Ye Motian did not answer, and walked out with the four meditations!

"Human race junior, don't think that having some strength can challenge our entire protoss, I, Ye Motian. He, taking the four meditations, our two gods will kill you, you can smile at Jiuquan!" Ye Motian's attitude is very Seriously, when he looked at Su Jin, his expression was slightly cruel.

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