My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3696: One God and One Sword

Five gods!

The goddess of lotus, the **** of night sky, the four meditations, the **** of death, and Tracer——

"Big brother, I'll forget it, I think you can already be like a king god, I'm standing here, standing here..." Tracer regained his freedom, and the words directly made the lotus goddess stay!

She came to rescue Tracer, and now this kid is subdued?

"What do you think, I tell you, you four gods will fight as long as you like, I dare not fight with him anyway." Young Tracer saw the lotus goddess's eyes and shook his head directly.

"Are you afraid of being beaten by a human race?" The lotus goddess asked coldly, with deep contempt in her eyes.

"Yes, I'm scared!" Young Tracer said confidently.

Ye Motian God, the Four Zen:...

The two of them have a deep understanding of the horror of the Ye Emperor, only if they have fought him to know, that kind of power that governs this sky can simply contain all power, that kind of pressure, they have only seen it in their lives!

But having said that, the words of the four gods...may be a battle!

"Are you serious? He... is comparable to the king? He is worthy?" The lotus goddess didn't believe it at all, feeling that this was ridiculous!

Young Tracer did not answer. Although the power displayed by the Ye Emperor has not yet reached the level of King God, who dares to say that the other party has no hidden power! Moreover, this kind of suppressing power can only be achieved by the majesty of the king god. Although Ye Di is a god, he is not stingy in his evaluation of the other party.

The lotus goddess withdrew his cold eyes, and on her beautiful and indifferent face, her temperament was generous——

"Four gods are enough," Qing Ming Death God said.

"There is a coward in the Protoss, the Protoss of the world will be ashamed of you, how will you gain a foothold in the Protoss in the future?" said the lotus goddess.

"It's better than death! Howling Sky Fire God is not a coward, but what will happen to him!" Tracer will never be deceived anymore. He always feels that Su Jin contains extremely terrifying power. This kind of human race, he still rarely provokes him. Some good.

"Huh!" The lotus goddess was really angry, and she ignored the young Tracer, and immediately signaled the Qing Ming Death God, and walked directly into the battlefield with him!


Both the Four Zen and Ye Motian gave a long breath.

It's easy, there are Lotus Goddess and Qing Ming Death God, their pressure will not be as great as before, and now Ye Motian God still has time to figure out what Tracer just said.

Is it comparable to King God...

If their four gods face the king gods, they will naturally have no chance of winning, but Ye Di is not, absolutely incomparable, at least the power displayed by Ye Di has not reached the level of destroying the world!

Yes, the King God can destroy the heavens and the earth at his fingertips, but the night emperor cut down a lot of swords and failed to kill them——

"Four gods! It's scary enough!" The monks in the glazed land began to cheer up. How could they think that after the death of the emperor, there was a **** to save the world!

"The difference between the two gods and the four gods is too big, can Ye Di really follow? And when dealing with the four gods at the same time, it will inevitably leave flaws and it will be very dangerous."

"It's a pity, if Tracer and Princess Gao Yue can also walk into the void, then it is a situation where the six great gods are fighting against the Ye Emperor, and the odds of winning will definitely be more stable."

"Yeah! The power of Princess Gaoyue is simply stunning, the mysterious screaming in "Coffin Covering" has made me shudder in retrospect."

"With the luxurious lineup of the four gods, will Ye Di once again use his unworldly power? I feel that he is using the unworldly power more as he wants."


just now--

Su Jin held a sword, standing proudly in the void.

The scene of one person against the four gods, the land of glazed glaze, and even a few gods have never seen it in a lifetime, but this is how it really happened!

"The power of this human race is extremely weird, and you must not be careless. Xiaotian Fire God was beheaded by the opponent because he was too careless--" Ye Motian God always has a feeling of imminent disaster in his heart, but now he dare not say that he can win, only It can remind the goddess of lotus and the newly added Qing Ming death god.

"You have been highly praised by my teammates, although, even if our four gods defeat you, one human race, our **** race is not glorious." Qing Ming said in death.

"Do you really think you are superior?" Su Jin heard that, and continued: "You have trouble even multiplying, so why are you superior?"

"Presumptuous!" The lotus goddess drank tenderly.

"Hahahaha—" Su Jin laughed, and finally closed his smile, sneered: "I defeated the strongest emperor here, alarmed the Protoss, and did not leave. I am here to clean up you and wait for the Protoss, and you, I I don’t even bother to kill. I’m waiting for your King God to come and let your King God lower his superior head!"

Gao Yue:...


Disdain to kill!

By taking the Four Meditations, could it be because of this that they escaped the calamity of killing?

No matter how you look at it now, no matter how you think about it, you can feel that Ye Di was just teasing God!

"The humble human race, the king **** is on the way, I don't know if you have the courage to say this when you face the king gods." The lotus goddess found a very ridiculous thing.

She was angry because Tracer had just been timid and cowardly--

But now, the lotus goddess is angry because of a human being? A humble mortal strong, the opponent seems to be provoking the majesty of the divine power all the time!

Su Jin lazily quarreled with each other——

Strength is the most powerful response!

"One **** and one sword, if I fail, I will apologize in the land of Liuli! There is no need to wait for your king and **** to come!" Su Jin said indifferently.


The pupils of the lotus goddess shrank suddenly.

How much courage should the other party have to speak such confident words? Moreover, this is obviously a sign of victory! !

Gao Yue, Tracer--

Even the Chaosheng Banshee and others were all dumbfounded. I don’t know if Ye Di demonstrated self-confidence with the emperor who had disappeared, or whether these gods really made him angry. In short... this kind of words is the world’s best. People, who dares to say?

Four gods, one **** and one sword! Can it really be done? Gao Yue and Tracer themselves, as true gods, know the mysterious power of gods, knowing that it is impossible to achieve this level—

"You have to be under the siege of our four gods. We don't have the thought and time to pick you up one by one," said the lotus goddess.

"Nature!" Su Jin said lightly.

The four gods Ye Motian, the four meditations, the death goddess of Qingming, and the goddess of lotus, all took a look at each other, and silently began to communicate with people in unintelligible divine words.

Before long, the lotus goddess nodded and looked at Su Jin, and said, "Let’s get started! But we need to act first—"

"You are free." Su Jin put his left hand behind him, and his right sword stood aside, not caring about any request made by the other party at all!

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