My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3700: Earthen ground

Rune Land, tens of thousands of Jin Tuo, each of them is the four Zen ——

I have to admit that the shrine of the four meditations is indeed mysterious and unspeakable, even when the lotus goddess saw this scene, hope could not help but breed in her heart.

Ye Di, previously promised a sword, a god.

The current emperor of the night has not yet made a sword against the four meditations, at least the previous "One Sword Buries the God" makes the rune land of the four meditations seem to be far from enough.

"Can he cut tens of thousands of Jin Tuo with a single sword?" Qing Ming Death God also brightened his eyes, and it still felt too difficult, even if he was trapped in the land of runes, unless he had the space power of young Tracer, Apart from being able to escape, I am afraid there is only one way to escape.

This Ye Emperor, what should I do——

Ye Di seemed to be still contemplating. In the eyes of the world, he had always been decisive and never hesitated, but it seemed that the divine way of the four meditations had caused him trouble.

Too tricky.

In the land of glazed glaze, all the one hundred thousand high heavenly powerhouses are extremely concerned about this battle. After all, Ye Di, as a challenger, overthrew the emperor. Now that he has been a majestic blessing for so long, they want to laugh and see how this emperor is. Out of this sword!

"Will Ye Di use the power of the World Honored?" the expert in the land of colored glaze asked his companion.

"Impossible, Yedi is too big. I promised to use the sword, one **** and one sword. If he doesn't use the power of the world, wouldn't that sword violate his promise?"

"But why didn't the lotus goddess apply before--"

"The goddess of the lotus goddess is poisonous, which inspired Yedi's candle dragon way. If the current lotus goddess dares to refute the night emperor, I am afraid that the candle dragon will swallow her directly, and it is also possible to let the night emperor draw a sword. Can you take the sword of Ye Di?"

"Can't take it, it's impossible to take it."

"That's it, the emperor is indeed in a dilemma now. He has the power to deal with the four meditations, but he is restricted by agreement and can only use the sword. Although his sword is strong, how can he cut down tens of millions of gold tuo? Land?"

"Yeah, it's a big one. If I am Ye Di, I am afraid that I am extremely regretful now. I shouldn't boast about going to Haikou. If he can't cut the opponent with a single sword, he will have to solve it by himself, and he will pay for the Haikou he praised. !"



Gao Yue, Tracer, Chaosheng Banshee, and a group of demon girls are very nervous. This kind of tricky thing will only appear when the emperor is facing the emperor's "One Sword Forever".

A god, using the four meditations, with incredible rune power, could have silenced Ye Di for so long.

"What's the matter with Ye Di! Are you afraid?" Cheng Si Chan play abused.

At that moment, thousands of Jin Tuo seemed to speak together, and the deafening voice seemed to overturn the sky of the glazed land!

"The word "fear" has never existed with me..." Su Jin looked calm and continued: "If you want to die so early, then it will be as you wish."

as you wish!

The four meditations do not believe that Ye Di has this ability!

The lotus goddess also didn't believe it, she instinctively lost her voice: "Does he want a sword to kill thousands of Jin Tuo? No, no, he wants a sword to erase the rune earth! This is impossible, absolutely impossible—"

Qing Ming Death God stared at Su Jin, facing the surprise of the lotus goddess, he didn't know what to say. In short, success or failure lies in the rune land of the four meditations. If the four meditations can be carried by tens of millions of Jin Tuo. With the sword of Yedi, then the three gods of him, the lotus goddess, and the four meditations will not die!

But... Su Jin always speaks and does what he says——

His confidence has never failed!

"Is it walking on the road... One, walking on the road. At this level, few existences in the history of the heavens can do it. If he can really erase "Rune Land" with confidence, then he must Using the power of "Treading the Road", it is the pinnacle of kendo, but surpassing the peak, it is Tingdaoxing." The lotus goddess is very gaffey, and now it is a matter of life and death, she is more nervous than anyone...

She hoped that Ye Di would fail and be defeated by this sword!

At this time, the lotus goddess didn't know if it was an illusion, she vaguely saw several colors flowing in Su Jin's eyebrows.

Eye surgery?

The innate pupil technique is not one of the swordsmanship, and the two powers are fighting for the front. It can't help but let people watch it, although Ye Di promised to go first.

The confidence on Su Jin's face is getting stronger and stronger... His sword eyebrows are raised, his sword is in his right hand, and his clothes are fluttering!

Almost instantly, he stepped directly into the mysterious land of runes, and thousands of Jin Tuo all glared at each other! Countless foul language all began to swear, as if to affect the emperor in this way-

Every step under Su Jin's feet, the sword that walks along the road, is constantly expanding!

The sword at the foot is walking on the road!

"Ye Di! Die to me!" Thousands of Jin Tuo, scattered everywhere in the rune land, almost every Jin Tuo, is controlled by the Four Zens, and those Jin Tuo like mountains swing their arms. , Bombarding the giant divine sword above!



In addition to the seemingly endless roar, many people were amazed--

The tens of thousands of Jin Tuo who ride the Four Meditations, among them no fewer than a hundred, have blasted Ye Di’s "Treading the Road" hundreds of times, and they can't even shake the divine sword that steps on the road under his feet!

"Danger, be careful!" The lotus goddess did not guard her house, she always felt something was wrong, and finally, when she was the first to realize it, she screamed and reminded!

Su Jin has stepped into the center of Rune Land!

Immediately afterwards, Su Jin gently raised his hands, palms facing the sky, and the divine sword stepping on the road under his feet stood directly behind him. At that moment, the scorching sun was not as light as his sword of stepping on the road!

It's too dazzling--

The lotus goddess covered her eyes with lotus skirt sleeves, the sword light is already the ultimate!

The Land of Glazed Glass!

There are countless people bleeding from the corners of their eyes!

Many people have seen the horrible scene, the glowing sword light that even the gods must cover their eyes, as if they are in the same dust as the light, turning into sword lights, lighting up the entire "Rune Land"!

The rune land is like a small universe world, and the divine sword that the emperor walks on the road is like a sword universe, omnipresent, any time and space, any dust, any rune land is enveloped.

How big is the runeland, the sword is everywhere!

"Slow...slow... Yedi slow..." The voice of the four meditations stammered at this time, even more nervous than any person or **** at any time!

That piece of rune land, as if forming a sun covering most of the sky, was extinguished with sword light everywhere. the true ultimate kendo of "Treading the Road". To some extent, it has surpassed kendo!


The four meditations are silent.

The vast "Land of Runes" is like an extremely vast divine sun. At the center, there is a lonely figure walking out of it slowly.

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