My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3736: Killing intent

"Keep your life? You are still thinking about Yedi's "Enlightenment Tree"!" The Chaosheng Banshee is a little furious. She is very angry now, saying that the Human Race is greedy, but now look at these Protoss. What's the difference!

Many enchantresses, all looking at the lotus goddess and Gao Yue together--

The lotus goddess was also a little bit frustrated, and she said with her anger, "Nor to tell the truth?"

"Why is it true? Yedi is not the World-Venerable. He hasn't used his full strength yet. How do you know that the World-Venerable can't fight a little King God!" The Chaosheng Banshee asked with her beautiful eyes.

Gao Yue was silent.

The lotus goddess hadn’t seen much of the power of “not the world-honored”. She immediately said: “This is only a king god, do you know that if our Taiyang king **** joins, two king gods fight one Ye Di, kill him just for a moment, you don't know how terrifying the King God is!"

"Enough!" The Chaosheng Banshee didn't want to listen anymore.

In short, how to explain, how to say, is wrong!

These gods consider themselves lofty! I am so conceited that I can dominate the world! The Chaosheng Banshee hates now, if she hates herself with the power to defeat the Protoss, she will probably be like Yedi, desperately fighting!

How can God understand human persistence!


Gao Yue took hold of the lotus goddess who still wanted to explain, and signaled her not to speak any more. No matter what, they still hope that Ye Di will not die. This is in their interests.

"You should be grateful that the King God Taiyang disagrees with the God God Zuo Luo, otherwise, this world will have long since turned into nothing." The lotus goddess was angry, and walked aside with Gao Yue after speaking.

Tracer looked left, looked right, and finally fell frustrated and said nothing.

If Ye Di died, he would suffer the most.

He was flattering, and there was a screaming old brother Ye and another old brother Ye on the left. They were still dirty and tired. If Ye Di died, his dream of raising the rank of God with the help of the "Enlightenment Tree" would be broken!

"When Father God kills the Ye Emperor, I will let you see other methods of mine." Although Lingzun is hooded, he also knows the situation of the battle outside. He knows that the Father God Zoruo Tianwang is fighting against the Ye Emperor, he is naturally 100%. Believe that God the Father can win.

"Lingzun Lord, count me... when the body of Yedi belongs to me, these women... belong to you--" Huanxi Killing God is also unstoppable.

He is a well-known killer with a happy line, and is now imprisoned in a prison of light! And it's a humiliating captivity!

It can be said that Huanxi Killing God has now become the laughing stock of the Protoss! This is the Protoss of the Taiyang line and the Huanxi line! If you ask for some more time and wait for the arrival of other protoss, I am afraid that all the talks about him and Lingzun are behind!

This is the most annoying-

Therefore, although it is impossible to kill Ye Di, Huanxi Killing God and Ling Zun must send all the anger to these people under Ye Di!

"Come on! Ye Di is not dead yet, you should still worry about yourself!" Tracer couldn't help saying.

"Traceer...Wait for me to go out, even the Taiyang King God can't protect you, remember my words!" Lingzun hated.

"Hehe..." Tracer scratched his head, and finally said with a straight face, "I'll wait for Ye Di to win. Only a few days later, I will enter the light prison and beat you well—"

Anyway, it's already offended, and Tracer is not afraid of the threat of Spirit Venerable!

"I think you can now prepare a funeral for the emperor of the night. Pray well. If you don't pray, you won't have a chance." Huanxi Killing God said in the hood.

"Xinyue Fox, go find me a few baskets of stinky bird eggs--" The Chaosheng Banshee listened to her upset and directly explained.

"You! Dare you!" Lingzun was shocked, his face turned green in his headgear.

"You are looking for death!" Huanxi Killing God also realized something.

"I mean it!" Xinyuehu left angrily.

Soon, in some kitchens of the imperial palace, many rare treasures were collected! In the days when the emperor died, many ingredients in the imperial palace were wasted. The eggs of these rare birds and animals are also easy to collect!


How does it feel for dozens of women to be together?

Tracer could only cover his eyes now, and felt the horror of the woman's anger, and the comatose Demon Lord in the mirror was also tragically affected, and soon some stinky eggs were all blasted at the Spirit Venerable and Happy Killing God. Body.

"Damn poor woman! Damn...Don't **** me!" Lingzun, as the son of the king god, as a high-ranking god, an extremely noble existence, is now almost screaming, which is more painful than hitting him!

After this, the laughing stock of the Protoss will probably add another thick ink——

"You can't provoke women...especially angry human beauties." Tracer deliberately wrote down one of his taboos. In fact, he felt quite surprised, because although the Protoss was arrogant, they would not be so angry and unscrupulous. .

After Gao Yue saw this scene:...

The lotus goddess and Gao Yue looked at each other and both smiled bitterly. Yedi is still alive. They can't have a strange heart. Besides, the gods of Lingzun and Huanxi Killing God are all gods in the same line of joy, and they are not very different from them. Come together.

"Deserve it." Gao Yue said softly while sticking out his tongue at the poor three gods in the prison.

Too late!

The weird situation of the battle has almost reached the point where it is confusing!

To be honest, Su Jin's kendo naturally doesn't need to worry people, but now the Zuo Luo Heavenly King is standing in the void, letting you chop, without hurting the slightest!

You know, Ye Di’s sword has cut a lot of mighty powers! This doesn't touch the other party, but it's a bit too much--

Su Jin is also thinking about this question now, he is also considering the situation of Zuo Luo Tianwang, and he is thinking about the way to deal with it quickly.

"Where is the problem...Zuo Luo Tianwang doesn't seem to use the method of space, let alone assimilate the void." Su Jin faced this situation for the first time.

His hesitation caused the people in the Land of Glazed Glass to explode!

The hope of the human race! Even if it is an enemy, everyone in the world hopes that Yedi will win and behead the king! But now... there is no hope in this place!

"It's over! The God of Zuoluo really stood there, letting Yedi do his best... but it didn't seem to have any effect at all except for wasting energy in vain! This God of Zuoluo is simply invincible. !" Someone was greatly disappointed. This disappointment originated from Ye Di.

"Emperor Ye is not strong enough, far inferior to King God... He was too compliant before, winning repeatedly and beating strong enemies. He didn't know that it was this kind of psychology and this kind of confidence that gave him the courage to challenge King God, but he was Ignore the gap with Wangshen!"

"I can't touch it, I can't cut it, Zuo Luo Heavenly King God hasn't used the attack method, but Ye Di is probably even more vulnerable."

"If the ape strike just now is displayed, will it change the situation?"

"Difficult! I'm afraid that the Ape Strike technique will not be able to defeat the level where the King God is. In that state, the Violent Ape will only violently beat the air, just as the current swords cannot cut the Zuoluo Heavenly King God!"

"Furious! This is too invincible, Ye Di needs to change his strategy, otherwise once Wang Shen makes a move, he will have no chance to make a move!"

"It's so angry! This is simply aggrieved. Have you ever thought that this is just a king god, and the Taiyang king **** is watching the battle. If he took action, Ye Di would have been beaten to ashes!"

"Ye Di? That's it? Is he worthy of two kings to join hands to deal with him?"

"Invincible King God, who can check and balance King God in the world? Zuo Luo Heaven King God did not brag, but Ye Di is too arrogant, thinking that he has the power to defeat God, so he can challenge the King God, The reality was a slap in the face, letting him understand that this gap does not exist, but is insurmountable!"


When countless people were desperate, Su Jin's heart was extremely calm--

Su Jin has no doubt about his ability! He has the ability to fight the King God, but he can't figure out this Zuo Luo Heaven King God's method.

It's not assimilation of the void, it's not being with the light, it's not the magic.

Su Jin reorganized his thoughts in his heart, and after about a dozen breaths, under the triumphant expression of Zuo Luo Heavenly King God, a bright light appeared in his heart!

The king **** is not a king **** all his life... he Zoruo Tianwang was a **** at the beginning, as long as he is a god, he will cultivate the god's rules!

Since it is a rule, Su Jin can take a break! His several pupil techniques, blessing the eyes of Maha, keep gazing at the **** Zuoluo——

God's rule! God's rule! correct!

Su Jin's eyes lit up, and he walked on the road under his feet. He stretched out his hands and instantly stirred the kendo vortex around him!

"Exit!" Su Jin shouted!

The vortex of kendo contained countless ruining sword marks, which swept away the surrounding void. Finally, in the abyss of the black void, Su Jin used his pupil technique to see layers of almost transparent'rules of the gods'!

"Broken!" The sword stepped on Su Jin's feet turned directly over, and he fell quickly, spreading his hands, and fiercely smashing the upright sword into the almost transparent rules of God!


Loud noises reverberated in time and space, even the surrounding area of ​​Glazed Glaze, it seemed to circulate the ubiquitous aura of destruction of kendo! The sharpness of that breath makes people seem to be hit in the heart in an instant, with a sense of dying heart and soul!

Zuo Luo Tianwang’s eyes were directly cold--

Was discovered?

This night emperor is really enchanting, in the rules of the king, he can be shaken by those swords, and even some of the rules of the king are broken by that sword!

This human race... is so tyrannical now, and will not go to heaven in the future! The murderous intent in the eyes of Zuo Luo Tianwang was even more serious, completely set the murderous intent!

Although Su Jin's hands did not match the Dao Sword, he had the power to control it completely. Once again, he raised his hands, the Dao Sword that manifested the dragon scales under his feet, raised an angle again, and severely cut it down!

And when this sword is cut down! Zuo Luo Tianwang's left arm sleeve also instantly turned to ashes——

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